Postal History
National Zone. Local
★★1937. 10 cts purple and black on green. CAMPILLO (TERUEL). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 1)
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. 5 cts green and 5 cts pink, block sheet WITHOUT INSCRIPTIONS. EPILA (ZARAGOZA). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Fesofi 7D, Allepuz 6)
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. 5 cts blue and 5 cts chestnut, sheet block WITHOUT INSCRIPTIONS. EPILA (ZARAGOZA). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Fesofi 7C, Allepuz 9)
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. 5 cts blue and 5 cts pink, DOUBLE OVERLOAD block sheet, in black. EPILA (ZARAGOZA). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Fesofi 11sd, Allepuz 27a)
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. 5 cts blue and 5 cts pink, block sheet with in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Fesofi 12, Allepuz 28)
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National Zone. Local
1937. 5 cts blue+5 cts pink and 5 cts green+5 cts chestnut, EPILA block sheets (ZARAGOZA). Certificate from EPILA to BRUSSELS (BELGIUM) (two different letters). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT. (Fesofi 5, 8 and Allepuz 10, 22)
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. 5 cts blue and 5 cts pink, REVERSED PRO PLANE OVERLOAD block sheet. EPILA (ZARAGOZA). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Phesophi 11i)
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. 5 cts blue and 5 cts pink, block sheet with PRO AVION overload. EPILA (ZARAGOZA). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Fesofi 11, Allepuz 27)
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. 5 cts blue and 5 cts pink, DOUBLE AIRCRAFT OVERLOAD block sheet, in blue. EPILA (ZARAGOZA). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Fesofi 12sd, Allepuz 28a)
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National Zone. Local
1937. Complete series AGAINST THE COLD. Philatelic letter from MELILLA to TANGER, forwarded to TETUAN. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 1/6)
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National Zone. Local
1937. 5 purple cts AGAINST UNEMPLOYMENT and 30 orange cts for Telegraphs. MELILLA to GRANADA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 1)
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National Zone. Local
(★)1937. Complete series PINS DEL VALLES (BARCELONA), in vertical pairs. Variety CAPIQUE OVERLOADS. MAGNIFICENT. (Fesofi 38/39pvc, Allepuz 2f, 3g)
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National Zone. Local
★★/★1937. Complete series TORTOSA (TARRAGONA). MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 7/9, Fesofi 7/9)
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. Complete series VINEBRE (TARRAGONA), in capicúa pairs. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 1/4ii, Fesofi 1/4phc)
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. 5 cts black ALFORJA (TARRAGONA), complete sheet of nine stamps, containing the three known varieties. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 1, 1a/c, Fesofi 1, 1a/c)
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. 2 sts green. ROUND. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz, 13)
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. Complete series, in triptychs with the three types of overload. ANTEQUERA (MALAGA). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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National Zone. Local
★★/★1937. Interesting set with more than forty stamps of 5 cts and 10 cts in different colors (all of them undented) from GALAROZA / (HUELVA). MAGNIFICENT.
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. 10 cts blue on cream, sheet of six stamps from the card. TARRAGONA, PRO REFUGIATS. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 28)
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National Zone. Local
|ABOUT|1937. Set of two Bills of Exchange, one stamped with postage stamps and two with local stamps from Seville. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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National Zone. Local
★★1937. 25 cts blue and 50 cts blue, united in pair. TUDELA (NAVARRA). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Allepuz 7 Fesofi 5phm)
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National Zone. Local
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National Zone. Local
★★/★(1937ca). Spectacular collection of Local Epila block sheets with numerous varieties, with displaced legends, double and inverted surcharges, imperforate, etc., includes a sheet with four unguillotined block sheets of 5 cts blue and 5 cts pink, as well as a circulated letter with two imperforate sheets. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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National Zone. Local
★★/★(1937ca). Interesting collection of local issues from Tafalla with numerous varieties of perforations and surcharges, including mini-sheets and complete sheets, some without perforations, as well as block sheets (some canceled). WORTH EXAMINING.
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National Zone. Local
673, 685. 1937. 1 pts slate, 25 cts carmine and local 10 cts black on pink (series B) PRO PARO (Fesofi 23a). SOLLER to FRIBOURG (SWITZERLAND). On the front it marks PAR AVION JUSQU´A ROMA, on the back transit through Rome. MAGNIFICENT.
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National Zone. Local
737. 1937. 45 cts carmine and block sheet 5 cts PI DE LLOBREGAT. SAN JUAN DESPI to BARCELONA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL.
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National Zone. Local
737. 1937. 45 cts pink and block sheet of 5 cts black by PI Y LLOBREGAT. Internal Mail of BARCELONA. Postmark PARLAMENT DE / CATALUNYA and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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National Zone. Local
|ENVELOPE| 820(2), 685. 1937. 15 cts slate, two stamps, 25 cts carmine (from the Republic) and 5 cts green-yellow IBIZA Charity. SAN ANTONIO (BALEARES) to NEURUPPIN (GERMANY). Postmark SAN ANTONIO ABAD / (BALEARES) and on the front mark PAR AVION JUSQU´A ROMA, in carmine and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 7, Fesofi 4b)
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National Zone. Local
823(2). 1937. 30 cts, pair and 5 cts HUELVA local stamp. SANTA BARBARA to BURGOS. MAGNIFICENT.
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National Zone. Local
823. 1937. 30 cts carmine and Charities of 5 cts carmine CAZALLA CITY COUNCIL and 5 cts from the Diputación de Sevilla. CAZALLA DE LA SIERRA to SEVILLE. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz, 9)
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National Zone. Local
★1938. Complete series of block sheets. EGG. MAGNIFICENT. (Fesophi 54/59)
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National Zone. Local
(★)(1938ca). 5 cts vermilion, block blade WITHOUT TOOTHING. ALIÑA PRO WAR (Lleida). MAGNIFICENT. (Phesophi 4a)
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National Zone. Local
★(1938ca). 1 brown sts and 2 green sts PALMA DE MALLORCA. CRUSADE AGAINST UNEMPLOYMENT. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Phesophi 56, 57)
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National Zone. Local
★/(★)1938. Complete series (unserrated), three values, blocks of four. LA CORUÑA (GALICIA) OFFERING TO THE APOSTLE SANTIAGO. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 7/9, Fesofi 13/15)
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National Zone. Local
★★1938. 5 pts blue and 6 pts blue, united in pair. CUENCA. NATIONAL SYNDICALIST CENTER. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE, NOT REVIEWED.
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National Zone. Local
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National Zone. Local
★★(1938ca). 8 pts blue, two stamps and 9 pts blue, two stamps, united in a block of four. CUENCA. NATIONAL SYNDICICALIST CENTER. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE BLOCK, NOT LISTED IN ANY CATALOGUE.
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National Zone. Local
★★1938. 25 cts blue and 50 cts blue, united in pair. ALCALA DE LOS GAZULES (CADIZ). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE IN PAIR.
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National Zone. Local
★1938. Complete series, eleven values. MALLOGoodA. MAGNIFICA. (Fesofi 13, 18, 22/31)
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National Zone. Local
(★)1938. Set of six stamps of 5 cts, 10 cts and 15 cts. IBIZA (BALEARIC ISLANDS). MAGNIFICENT. (Fesofi 4/9)
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National Zone. Local
★/(★)1938. Complete IMPERFECT set, five values. HUEUncirculatedA. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 10/14s, Fesofi 9/13s)
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National Zone. Local
★1938. Complete series, five values. HUEUncirculatedA. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 10/14, Fesofi 9/13)
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National Zone. Local
★/(★)1938. Set of eleven stamps of 5 cts (single) and 10 cts (six) with different types. IBIZA and FORMENTERA. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 17/20, 22, 23/28, Fesofi 18/22, 23/27)
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National Zone. Local
★★/★1938. 5 cts blue, mini-sheet of eight stamps (central stamps with palindromes). OTIVAR (GRANADA). BONITA. (Allepuz 1, 1sii, FEsofi 1, 1 pvc)
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National Zone. Local
(★)1938. Complete set (perforated and imperforate) in minisheets of six stamps. NAVARRA. MAGNIFICENT.
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National Zone. Local
★(1938ca). 10 cts on 5 cts blue-violet IMPERFORATED and with imprint, pair, leaf edge. CANARY ISLANDS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 31, Fesofi 25s)
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National Zone. Local
★★(1938ca). 10 cts on 5 cts blue-violet IMPERFORATED and with imprint, pair, leaf edge. CANARY ISLANDS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 31, Fesofi 25s)
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National Zone. Local
★★(1938ca). 5 cts blue and 15 cts brown, both without imprint, blocks of four. CANARY ISLANDS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 40, 42, Fesofi 2/3)
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National Zone. Local
★1939. 10 cts violet. OLD GUARD / ZARAGOZA. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 41)
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National Zone. Local
★★(1939ca). Complete series (uncut), seven values. SARAGOSSA. PROVINCIAL RATES. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE, NOT REVIEWED.
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