Postal History
Spain. Alfonso XIII
491, 593(5), 598. 1931. 5 cts, 2 cts, five seals and 25 cts carmine. SEVILLE to SOLINGEN (GERMANY). MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII
669(2). 1932. Two letters from SAN SEBASTIAN TO VILLA CISNEROS (SAHARA) and to CARTAGENA, respectively, addressed to two deportees, one in Villa Cisneros and the other in the Cartagena prison. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII
215(2), 219. 1890. 5 cts blue, two stamps and 15 cts chestnut. BARCELONA to MILLAU (FRANCE). DOTTED RHOMBUS postmark. VERY LATE USE AND UNUSUAL COMBINATION.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII
Yvert 132. 1928. 25 cts blue. Addressed to MUNICH (GERMANY), sent by the Infante Luis Fernando de Baviera (Prince of Bavaria and Infante of Spain) to his daughter, Princess Pilar of Bavaria. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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