Spain and Colonies
Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
1914. Worthless, red RALLY AERIEN. Postcard of the Monaco International Air Rally. Postmark RALLY AERIEN / MONACO and on the front RALLY AERIEN / MADRID. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
Behind the 280. 1914. Worthless, red RALLY AERIEN. Postcard of the Monaco International Air Rally. Postmark RALLY AERIEN / MADRID and on the front RALLY AERIEN / MONACO. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
292, 293, 295. 1920. 5 cts green, 10 cts pink and 50 cts teal. Air Mail from MADRID to ROTTERDAM (HOLLAND). 1st Flight of the MADRID-PARIS line, on the front KNLM mark, in purple and on the back transit through Biarritz (which is where the flight arrived) and arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
292/96. 1920. Complete series. Airmail from LARACHE to MADRID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
292(3), 293, 294hi, Mar 83(4). 1924. 5 cts three stamps, 10 cts, 50 cts, 25 cts REVERSED OVERLOAD, 10 cts block of four from Morocco. LARACHE to MADRID. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE NO MORE THAN TWO OR THREE LETTERS KNOWN WITH THIS VARIETY.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
292(4). 1924. 5 cts green, block of four. Airmail from MADRID to LARACHE (MOROCCO). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
293(2), 292. 1925. 5 cts green and 10 cts pink, two stamps. Airmail from GRANADA to MALAGA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE NON-PHILATELIC LETTER.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
|ENVELOPE| 313(8), 292(2). 1925. 10 cts carmine, eight stamps and 5 cts green. Certificate from MADRID to BERLIN (GERMANY). Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
317, 319. 1925. 25 cts carmine and 40 cts blue. Postal Card of the TransPolar flight-expedition from MADRID to CHRISTIANIA (NORWAY), forwarded from the destination to the origin with Norwegian stamps (on the back). In 1925 Roal Admunsen and Lincoln Ellsworth flew in two flying boats and reached the highest latitude to date at the North Pole. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, ESPECIALLY FRANKED WITH SPANISH STAMPS, MOST ARE FRANKED WITH AMERICAN OR NORWEGIAN STAMPS.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
1926. 12 cents and 4 cents. FIRST AIR MAIL from MADRID to MANILA. On the back arrival and signature of the pilots. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
1926. 2 ctv on postal stationery with complementary postage of 6 ctvs and 8 ctvs. First mail MADRID-MANILA. On the back the two commemorative marks of the event. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
317. 1926. 25 cts carmine. Postcard from Gran Canaria of the FRANCE-MADAGASCAR air raid, in the LAS PALMAS-PORT ETIENNE stage. Flight mark VOYAGE AERIEN / FRANCE-MADAGASCAR, in purple and linear NOTICE "LA SUIPPE" / COMMANDE PAR M VASSAL, CAPITAINE DE CORVETTE, in blue, of the ship that supported the Raid aircraft. MAGNIFICENT AND EXTREMELY RARE, NO MORE THAN TWO OR THREE CARDS KNOWN WITH THE MARK OF THE SHIP "LA SUIPPE".
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
339/48. 1926. Complete series. LARACHE to MADRID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
339/48. 1926. Complete series. MADRID to LARACHE. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
1930. 1 pts, 4 pts, 10 pts, 50 cts, eight stamps and 1 carmine pts. Graf Zeppelin from SEVILLE to SPRINGFIELD (USA). On the front it marks FIRST VOYAGE / GRAF ZEPPELIN / TO SOUTH AMERICA / SEVILLE 1930, in red and on the back it marks the Zeppelin in green applied in transit through Lakehurst. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
292, 296. 1930. 5 green cts and 1 carmine sts. Certified Mail from MADRID to LONDON. On the front marks FIRST FLIGHT / MADRID LONDON / 5 JULY 7 AM and POSTED OUT / OF COURSE. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
292, 293, 295. 1930. 5 cts green, 10 cts pink and 50 cts teal. Air Mail from MADRID to ROTTERDAM (HOLLAND). On the front it marks FIRST FLIGHT / MADRID-LONDRES / JULY 7, 1930, on the back transit and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
292, 295. 1930. 5 cts green and 50 cts greenish blue. Air Mail from MADRID to ROTTERDAM (HOLLAND). On the front it marks FIRST FLIGHT / MADRID-LONDRES / 7-JULIO-1930, on the back transit and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
292, 295. 1930. 5 cts green and 50 cts greenish blue. MADRID to ROTTERDAM (HOLLAND). On the front it says FIRST FLIGHT / MADRID-LONDON / JULY 7, 1930 and on the back it says arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
293, 294(2), 296(3). 1930. 10 cts rose, 25 cts blue, two hallmarks and 1 carmine pts, strip of three. Graf Zeppelin from SEVILLE to FRIEDRICHSHAFEN (GERMANY), circulated without special Graf Zeppelin markings. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR AND UNUSUAL POSTAGE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
295(3). 1930. 10 cts red, 25 cts blue and 50 cts green, three stamps. Illustrated Postcard of Graf Zeppelin from SEVILLE to ZURICH. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
317, 323, 320(2). 1930. 1 pts, 50 pair cts and 25 cts. Airmail from MADRID to RIO DE JANEIRO (BRAZIL). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
321(3), 322, 295(2). 1930. 1 slate pts, three stamps, 4 lilac carmine pts and 50 teal blue cts, two stamps. Graf Zeppelin from SEVILLE to PERNAMBUCO (BRAZIL). On the front it marks PRIMER VIAJE / GRAF ZEPPELIN / A SUDAMERICA, in red and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
321(11), 322, 323. 1930. 1 pts slate, eleven stamps, 4 pts violet carmine and 10 pts chestnut. Graf Zeppelin circular flight from SEVILLE to SEVILLE. On the front marks PRIMER VIAJE / GRAF ZEPPELIN / A SUDAMERICA / SEVILLA 1930, in carmine and EUROPE PAN-AMERICA / ROUND FLIGHT, in violet and on the back marks of the Router Agent of the Zeppelin BAQUERA, KUSCHE AND MARTIN SA, in violet, transit through New York, in green and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE WITH THE AGENT'S BRAND ON THE BACK.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
321(6), 322, 295(14), 296(3). 1930. 1 pts slate, strip of six, 4 pts violet carmine, 50 cts blue green, fourteen stamps (ten on the back) and 1 pts carmine, three stamps. Graf Zeppelin from SEVILLE to WILMETTE (USA). Marks FIRST FLIGHT / GRAF ZEPPELIN / TO SOUTH AMERICA / SEVILLE 1930, in red and on the back marks arrival to LAKEHURST, in green. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
323, 322(2), 296. 1930. 10 pts, 4 pts two stamps and 1 sts two stamps. GRAF ZEPPELIN from SEVILLE to OHIO (USA). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
488, 432. 1930. 4 sts lilac and 4 sts grey. Graf Zeppelin from SEVILLE to DOWNINGTOWN (USA), via Rio de Janeiro. Flight and arrival marks. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
|ENVELOPE| 293(5), 600. 1931. 10 cts carmine, strip of four and one stamp and 40 cts blue. BAGoodELONA to VIENNA. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE POSTAGE ALFONSO XIII-REPUBLIC.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
594, 598(2), 602. 1931. 5 cts chestnut, 25 cts carmine, two stamps and 1 pts slate. Airmail from MADRID to HAVANA (CUBA). Postmark AIR SERVICE / CENTRAL MAIL. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Alfonso XIII Air Mail
594, 601, 602. 1932. 5 cts chestnut, 50 cts orange and 1 pts slate. Airmail from MADRID to HAVANA (CUBA). Postmark AIR SERVICE / CENTRAL MAIL. MAGNIFICENT.
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
948. 1941. Mechanical postage of 2'75 pts and 10 cts black PROTUBERCULOSOS. BARCELONA to HEIDENHEIM (GERMANY). On the German censorship front. MAGNIFICENT.
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) 11. 1949. 1'50 pts on aerogram. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2009: 170 Euros
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) 21. 1949. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2009: 17 Euros
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★)1956. 16 pts on airgram (Type II). MAGNIFICENT.
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
|ENVELOPE| AE10. 1948. 1´30 pts red on grey, postage stamp Type I. MADRID to NEW YORK (USA) MAGNIFICENT.
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) AE2ccb. 1947. 1´30 pts on aerogram. COLOR TEST, in yellow. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Laiz 2006, 100 Euros)
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
AE2cch. 1947. 1´30 pts on aerogram (Type II). COLOR TRIAL, in pink. Postmark INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS / OF / CONGREGATIONS / MARIAN. MAGNIFICENT. (Laiz 2006, 90 Euros)
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) AE2cch. 1947. 1´30 pts on aerogram (Type II). COLOR TEST, on pink. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) SA6. 1947. 1´30 pts + 2´70 pts on airgram with double postage, one horizontal, on light grey. MAGNIFICENT. (Laiz 2006, 150 Euros)
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
AE44G. 1948. 4 pts on greenish gray aerogram (Type I). Favor postmark. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 187 Euros
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) AE27C. 1948. 1.55 pts + 2.45 pts on airgram, brown, with double postage. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2017: 186 Euros
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) SA27. 1948. 1.55 pts + 2.45 pts on airgram with double postage. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2017: 227 Euros
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) SA27. 1948. 1.55 pts + 2.45 pts on airgram with double postage. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2017: 227 Euros
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) SA25. 1948. 1´30 pts + 2´70 pts on airgram with double postage. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2017: 207 Euros
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) SA23. 1948. 0.90 pts + 3.10 pts on airgram with double postage. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2017: 238 Euros
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) AE49. 1948. 0.90 pts + 3.10 pts on airgram with double postage. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2017: 248 Euros
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) AE11b. 1948. 1´50 pts on aerogram (Type aa+e), on dark grey. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Laiz 2006, 200 Euros)
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Other sections. Roller Postmark / Mechanical Franking
(★) SA31. 1948. 2.50 pts + 1.50 pts on airgram with double postage, one horizontal, on dark gray. MAGNIFICENT. (Laiz 2006, 240 Euros)
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