Spain and Colonies
Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP6. 1914. 10 cts orange envelope Postal Entire Card. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2019: 124 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP4. 1914. 5 cts green on Whole Postal Card. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 98 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP6. 1914. 10 cts orange on Whole Postal Card. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 124 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP11. 1915. 10 cts orange Entire Post Card envelope. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2018: 130 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP9, EP10, EP11. 1915. 5 cts green, 5 cts green and 10 cts red orange on Entire Post Cards. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2019: 454 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP10. 1915. 5 cts green Entire Post Card envelope (UNION UNIVERSAL DE CORREOS). MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2018: 162 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP11. 1915. 10 cts red envelope Postal Entire Card. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2018: 130 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP11. 1915. 10 cts orange Entire Post Card envelope. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2019: 130 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP9. 1915. 5 cts green on Whole Postal Card. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 162 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP10. 1915. 5 cts green on Whole Postal Card. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 162 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP11. 1915. 10 cts orange on Whole Postal Card. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 130 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
★ 44/55s. 1915. Complete series, twelve values (the urgent 20 cts does not exist imperforate). WITHOUT DENTARTING. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE COMPLETE SERIES. Cert. EMF. Edifil 2023: 860 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
45(5). 1916. 5 cts green, five stamps. TETUAN to PARIS (FRANCE), forwarded to BLANDY LES TOURS and forwarded from the French Consulate. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
EP9. 1917. 5 cts green on Entire Post Card from LARACHE to BARCELONA, with additional postage of 5 cts green. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE TRULY CIRCULATED.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
7(2). 1917. 25 cts blue, pair. Certificate from TANGIER to BERN (SWITZERLAND). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
1918. TETUAN to BARCELONA. Franchise mark HOSPITAL MILITAR... / ADDRESS, in violet and on the back mark TELEGRAFIA MILITAR / OPTICA / EST. Nº5, in violet and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
11(10), Tangier 3. 1918. 1 pts carmine, ten stamps and 10 cts Tangier red. Declared Values ​​from TANGER to PARIS (FRANCE). Postmark DECLARED VALUES / TANGER and transit on the back. MAGNIFICENT, RARE AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
1920. TETUAN to BARCELONA (complete letter). Franchise mark COMANDANCIA DE ARTILLERIA DE CEUTA / DESTACAMENTO DE TETUAN, in violet and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
|ENVELOPE| 12(6). 1920. 30 cts violet, block of six, corner of sheet. Certificate from TETUAN to CEUTA. Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE POSTAGE, VERY SPECTACULAR.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
45, 50, 66. 1920. 5 cts green, 30 cts green and 10 cts over half of a 20 cts red stamp. Certificate from TETUAN to CEUTA. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
|ENVELOPE| 50, 68. 1920. 30 cts green and half a 5 cts stamp on 5 pts blue. Certificate from TETUAN to TANGER. NICE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
66(2), 70. 1920. 10 cts on 20 cts red, two half stamps and various values. Certificate from TETUAN to TANGER. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
67(2). 1920. Two half stamps of 10 cts on 20 cts rose. Internal Mail of TETUAN. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
69(4), 70(3). 1920. 5 cts over 10 green pts, four half stamps and 10 cts over 25 pts, three half stamps. Certificate from TETUAN to MADRID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL POSTAGE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
7. 1921. 25 cts blue. TANGIER to VIENNA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
Spain 271. 1922. 15 yellow cts from Spain. TETOUAN to BARCELONA. Bilingual roller postmark TETUAN and on the front marks ARMY OF OPERATIONS / IN AFRICA / EXPEDITIONARY BATTALION OF / BADAJOZ NUMº73, in violet and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
|ENVELOPE|1922. Set of four illustrated postcards, franked with various values from 1916 and unused with the CORREOS / ZOCO ABAA DE BENI HASSAN franchise mark. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL SET.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
|ENVELOPE|(1922ca). Set of nine letters and a card originating from various places in Morocco (Tetouan, Dar Rifien-Xaven, etc.) addressed to Barcelona, some stamped with Spanish stamps (Medallion) and five with the letterhead of the Badajoz Expeditionary Battalion No. 73. MAGNIFICENT.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
|ABOUT| 59, 60. 1922. 5 cts green and 10 cts red. TETUAN to BAGoodELONA. On the front it says ARMY OF OPERATIONS / IN AFRICA / BADAJOZ EXPEDITIONARY BATTALION NUMBER 73, in violet, on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
76, 59/61, 63. 1922. 40 cts pink, 5 cts green, 10 cts red, 15 cts yellow and 30 cts green. TETUAN to SAN SEBASTIAN. Postmark CORREOS / TETUAN / CARTERIA DE BENI HASSAN, in violet (it is the same letter that is reproduced in the Edifil catalogue). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
EP2A. 1923. No value, blue on Entire Postal Card of the Army of Africa from TETUAN to GERMANY. On the front mark GUARDIA CIVIL / DETAIL / COMMAND OF MOROCCO, in blue. MAGNIFICENT.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
|ENVELOPE| 59(4). 1923. 5 cts green, four stamps. Envelope with letterhead of the Badajoz Expeditionary Battalion No. 73 from TETUAN to BAGoodELONA. Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP18. (1924ca). 15 cts + 15 cts blue envelope Card Entire Round-trip. Postmarked outward but without text. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2015: 225 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
EP18. 1924. 25 cts+25 cts blue on Entire Post Card, back and forth, one way circulated from TETUAN to BERLIN (GERMANY). MAGNIFICENT. Building 2019: Edifil Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP15/18. 1924. Complete set of four Entire Postal Cards (including round trip cards, one of them on plate). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE SET. Edifil 2019: 735 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP19. 1924. 15 cts + 15 cts yellow on Postal Stationery Card, back and forth (plate). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: 885 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP15/18M. 1924. Complete set of four Postal Entire Cards, two back and forth. No. A000000. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Láiz 2006, 552 Euros) Edifil 2018: 552 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP15/18. 1924. Complete set of four Entero Postal Cards (including the two return cards). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE SET. Edifil 2020: 735 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
(★) EP15/18. 1924. Complete set of four Entero Postcards (including return cards, one of them in sheet form). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE SET. Edifil 2020: 735 Euros
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
62s(2), 292/96. 1924. 25 cts blue WITHOUT TEETH, pair and complete series of Correo Aéreo de España. Airmail from LARACHE to MADRID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE COMBINATION OF POSTAGE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
74, 82, 83, 43. 1924. 1 cts green, block of four, 5 cts lilac, 10 cts green, 4/4 cts green and complete series from Spain. LARACHE to MADRID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
82a(4). 1924. 5 cts vinous carmine, block of four, on the back (a stamp with a small defect, of no importance). Certificate from LARACHE to BURGOS. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE TONALITY ON THE LETTER, NOT CATALOGED IN USED, OBVIOUSLY NOT ON THE LETTER. (as new stamps + 600 Euros)
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
85(4). 1924. 20 violet cts, pair and two stamps. LARACHE (MOROCCO) to HAMBURG (GERMANY). On the back transit and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
|ENVELOPE| 85(2). 1924. 20 cts violet, two stamps. TETUAN to MARSEILLE (FRANCE). Arrival on the front. MAGNIFICENT.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
1925. Airmail from LARACHE to MADRID. Mark HOSPITAL MILITAR / DE / LARACHE / ADDRESS, in violet and mark "Rombo de Puntos" (old postmark), indicating the franchise and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
82(2), 84(2). 1925. 5 cts lilac, two stamps and 15 cts blue green, two stamps. TETOUAN to CHICAGO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Former Spanish colonies. Morocco
84(5). 1925. 15 teal cts, five stamps. Addressed to PARIS (FRANCE). Postmark RGTO. LANCEROS DE VILLAVICIOSA / *6º CAVALRY* / 2º EDRON. EXPEDITIONARY. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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