Spain and Colonies

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Huévar

△ 1/14h. 1937. Complete series, on a fragment. DOUBLE OVERLOAD. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 115€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Avila

1/5. 1937. Complete series. AVILA to AVILA SHIP. On the back, local 5 cts and arrival Pro-Avila. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 75€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Jerez

1/3, 5, 8, 10/11. 1937. Various values and tax of 5 violet cts ENABLED FOR POST OFFICE. Certificate from JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA to LA CORUÑA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Vitoria

1, 5(2), 7, 10. 1937. 1 cts green, 2 cts chestnut, two stamps, 10 cts green and 25 cts carmine. BURGOS to GERMANY. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Zaragoza

1(2), 2(4). 1937. 1 cts, pair and 2 cts, strip of four. ZARAGOZA to LEIPZIG. MAGNIFICENT
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Price: 30€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Orense

1, 4/6, 8/11, 13/15, 17. 1937. Various values. Certificate from ORENSE to IPSWICH (ENGLAND). On the back vignette of 10 cts rosa de Orense and transit. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Zaragoza

1/2. 1937. Complete series and various values. BORJA to ZARAGOZA. MILITARY CENSORY / BORJA postmark and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 45€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Jerez

|ENVELOPE| 1/3, 5/12, 14. 1937. Complete set, except for the 2 cents red chestnut and 40 cents blue. Certificate from JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA to SEVILLE. Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Pontevedra

2hi, 3hi, 5hi, 6hi. 1937. 1 cts, 2 cts light chestnut, 2 cts red chestnut, 5 cts black chestnut REVERSED OVERLOADS and 50 cts blue. Certificate from PONTEVEDRA to BURGOS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 90€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Manzanilla

★ 3/9 hc. 1937. Complete series, four values. COLOR CHANGE ON OVERLOAD. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Certificate COMEX.
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Price: 400€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Vitoria

5(7), 7, 10. 1937. 1 cts green, 2 cts red chestnut, seven stamps (two Type II), 10 cts green and 25 cts carmine. VITORIA to BURGOS. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Vitoria

7(3), 7hea, 10(3), 10hea. 1937. 10 cts green and 25 cts carmine, blocks of four, variety one stamp WITHOUT "36" ON THE DATE. Certificate from BURGOS to PAMPLONA. On the back arrival. BEAUTIFUL AND VERY RARE.
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Price: 75€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Cádiz

11/16. 1937. Complete series. CADIZ to SEVILLE. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 75€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Baena

12h, 14h, 14h. 1937. 2 cts, block of four ONE REVERSED SEAL, 15 cts DOUBLE SURCHARGE and 15 cts DOUBLE and REVERSED SURCHARGE and 5 cts local BAENA REVERSED SURCHARGE. BAENA to SEVILLE. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 115€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

12, 14/15, 17/18, 20/24. 1937. Various values, some with the SMALL "Ñ" variety. MALAGA to IBIZA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

15, 16, 17. 1937. 20 cts violet, 25 cts carmine, 25 cts carmine, various values from Sevilla and 5 cts from Cádiz. Certificate from MALAGA to VIGO. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Price: 60€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Huelva

19, 20. 1937. Complete series (Canary Islands) and 30 cts and 50 cts PATRIOTICAL LOCAL ISSUES HUELVA. Certificate from PUERTO DE LA LUZ to HAMBURG (GERMANY). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 110€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Orense

19, 21/28. 1937. 1 cts, 2 cts, 2 cts, 5 cts, 10 cts, 15 cts, 20 cts, 25 cts, 30 cts. Certificate from LA LINEA DE LA CONCEPCION to BRUSSELS (BELGIUM). On the back transit. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

20, 21, 41, 42. 1937. Various values, Local Patriotic Issues of MALAGA. Certificate from MALAGA to CORUÑA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

21(2). 1937. 5 cts, 10 cts and 50 cts, pair. Business Papers from MALAGA to LONDON. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Burgos

23. 1937. 5 cts black (block of four ELP Burgos), 30 cts pink and Beneficial 10 cts red. PRAY TO VALLADOLID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 90€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

23. 1937. 1 pts and various values. Certificate from SAN SEBASTIAN to HAMBURG (GERMANY). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

25, 27/28. 1937. 15 cts, 50 cts and 60 cts, 5 cts MALAGA local stamp. MALAGA to BURGOS. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Sevilla

30. 1937. Various values. SEVILLE to CASABLANCA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 85€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Sevilla

30/35, 37/41, 43/46, 48, 52. 1937. Complete series, with six values missing. SEVILLE to GIBRALTAR. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY SPECTACULAR.
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Price: 65€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. La Linea de la Concepción

31/35. 1937. Complete series (2 cts in pair, an inverted overload stamp) and 5 cts green Charity. THE CONCEPCION LINE to PUENTE MAYORGA (CADIZ). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 35€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Burgos

32(4), 35. 1937. 15 cts green, strip of four, 40 cts green and Benéfico de Orense of 10 cts over 1 cts. Certificate from ORENSE to LORCH (GERMANY). MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 75€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. La Linea de la Concepción

36/43. 1937. Complete series, in the absence of one of the values of 30 cts carmine and charity of 5 cts lilac. THE LINE FROM LA CONCEPCION to CADIZ. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 90€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Santa Cruz de Tenerife

36, 39. 1937. 1 cts, 2 cts and various values. Certificate from SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE to QUILMES (ARGENTINA). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Price: 40€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Zaragoza

36, 2, 15, Teruel 1/2. 1937. 40 cts blue, 2 cts chestnut red, 15 cts greenish gray, complete series of Teruel and Charity of 10 cts pink. Certificate from BORJA (ZARAGOZA) to ZARAGOZA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 100€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Sevilla

40(2), 44. 1937. Various values. Certificate from SEVILLA to JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. San Sebastián

41/43, 46. 1937. 5 cts, 10 cts, 15 cts and 30 cts. Certificate from SAN SEBASTIAN to ALAVA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 75€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

41/43. 1937. 5 cts chestnut, 10 cts green, 15 cts slate and local 5 cts PRO-MALAGA. MALAGA to TANGIER. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

41, 41hcc, 42hcc. 1937. 5 cts brown, 5 cts brown CHANGE OF COLOR IN THE OVERLOAD, in black and 10 cts green CHANGE OF COLOR IN THE OVERLOAD and local 5 cts PRO-MALAGA. MALAGA to TANGIER. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

41. 1937. 25 cts, 5 cts Patriotic Local Issue of MALAGA and 5 cts, MALAGA local stamp. MALAGA to VIGO. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

42. 1937. 10 green cts and various values. MALAGA to IBIZA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 25€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Huévar

44, 47, 48, 49. 1937. 1 cts green, 2 cts red chestnut, 15 cts slate and 30 cts carmine, triptychs with the three legends and charity 5 cts red with the same surcharge. EGG to SEVILLE. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

45(4). 1937. 50 cts blue, 15 cts and 5 cts, in blocks of four. MALAGA to IBIZA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

48(2), 820(2). 1937. 10 cts green, pair with URGENT overload (ELP de Málaga), 15 cts slate, pair and Local 5 cts Pro Málaga. Urgent Mail from MALAGA to BURGOS. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 65€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Burgos

50. 1937. Green 20 cts, pink 30 cts, two stamps, Charity 5 cts and Crusade Against the Cold 10 cts. Certificate from BURGOS to VALLADOLID. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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Price: 75€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Cádiz

53. 1937. 20 cts out of 20 cts, pair, one bisected. CADIZ to CACERES. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 100€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Sevilla

53/56. 1937. Complete series. Certificate from SEVILLA to BURGOS. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Sevilla

57/68. 1937. Complete series except the 5 cts and 5 cts black TETE-BECHE. SEVILLE to GERMANY. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 150€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Zaragoza

57, 833(2). 1937. 10 cts green URGENT overload, pair and 15 cts brown, two stamps. CASCANTE to CADIZ. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Burgos

68/69. 1937. 40 cts, 50 cts and 10 cts CROSSED AGAINST THE COLD. Certificate from BURGOS to HUELVA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Sevilla

69/79hphi. 1937. Complete series (eleven values), in pairs with ONE REVERSED OVERLOAD STAMP on two philatelic letters addressed to SEVILLE. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 75€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Sevilla

1, 3(3), 10, 17, 25, 27. 1938. 1 cts, 5 cts, three stamps, 40 cts, 20 cts, 30 cts and 40 cts. SEVILLE to CADIZ. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Price: 45€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Santa Cruz de Tenerife

6, NE5. 1938. 20 cts violet NOT ISSUED, 25 cts carmine and various values. Certificate from LAS PALMAS to PARIS (FRANCE). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE THE 20 CTS NOT ISSUED IN A CARD.
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Price: 200€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Málaga

43(10). 1938. 15 blue cts, two blocks of four and a pair. Certificate from MALAGA to SEVILLE. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 115€

Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Sevilla

69/79, 74/75hx. 1938. Complete series and 5 cts and 10 cts, HORIZONTAL OVERLOAD FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. Certificate from SEVILLE to LISBON (PORTUGAL). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 135€