Spain and Colonies
Murcia. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark YECLA / MURCIA (Type I).
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Murcia. Philately
52, 58, 64. (1860ca). Set of three 4- cuartos yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with the YECLA / MURCIA postmark (Type I). MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
48(2), 52, 64. (1855ca). Set of four 4- cuartos red, yellow and pink stamps, unused with CAPARROSO / NAVARRA postmark (including Type I on the 4- cuartos red). MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
48, 52(2), 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of five 4- cuartos stamps red, yellow (in a pair), brown and pink, unused with ESPAÑA / ELIZONDO postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
48, 52, 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of four 4- cuartos red, yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with ESTELLA / NAVARRA postmark (Type I in the 4- cuartos red). MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. Postmark LOS ARCOS / NAVARRA (Type I). MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. Postmark SANTESTEBAN / NAVARRA (Type I). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Navarra. Philately
48(2), 52(2), 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of six 4- cuartos red, yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with the TAFALLA / NAVARRA postmark (including Type I on the 4- cuartos red and 4- cuartos yellow). MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
48(2), 52, 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of five 4- cuartos red, yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with the TUDELA / NAVARRA postmark (including Type I on the 4- cuartos red). MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. VIANA / NAVARRA postmark (Type I). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Navarra. Philately
48. 1856. 4 red cuartos . Postmark CAPARROSO / NAVARRA (Type I).
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Navarra. Philately
48. 1856. 4 red cuartos . Postmark VIANA / NAVARRA (Type I).
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Navarra. Philately
52. 1860. 4 orange cuartos . Postmark TUDELA / NAVARRA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark AOIZ / NAVARRA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark CAPARROSO / NAVARRA.
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Navarra. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark ESTELLA / NAVARRA.
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Navarra. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark LOS ARCOS / NAVARRA.
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Navarra. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark SANGUESA / NAVARRA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark ESTELLA / NAVARRA.
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Navarra. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark ELIZONDO / SPAIN.
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Navarra. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark TAFALLA / NAVARRE. MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark TUDELA / NAVARRA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
52(9). 1860. Set of nine unused yellow 4- cuartos stamps with the daters of the province of Navarra: AOIZ, CAPARROSO, CORELLA, ELIZONDO, ESTELLA, LOS ARCOS, PUENTE DE LA REINA, TAFALLA and TUDELA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
52, 58. (1860ca). Set of two stamps of 4 cuartos yellow and 4 cuartos brown, unused with LOS ARCOS / NAVARRA postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
52, 58, 64. (1860ca). Set of three 4- cuartos yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with the SANGUESA / NAVARRA postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Navarra. Philately
64. 1864. 4 pink cuartos . Postmark CINTRUENIGO / PAMPLONA. BEAUTIFUL AND VERY RARE.
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Isabella II. Undated Period
Isabel II. Toothless Period
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Isabella II. Undated Period
Isabel II. Toothless Period
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Isabella II. Undated Period
Isabel II. Toothless Period
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Isabella II. Undated Period
Isabel II. Undentated Period. Leaf edge. MAGNIFICENT.
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Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
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Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
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Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
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Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
Automatically generated translation
Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
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Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
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Postal Service. Official
Postal stationery. Regular
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