★★Yvert 874Aa. 1957. 10s dark blue green. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 32 Euros
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Yvert 1814. 1990. 7s multicolored. First Day Cover from LEONDING (AUSTRIA) to MADRID. Special postmark SUNDERPOST BEFÖRDERUNG MIT HUBSCHRAUBER (special transport by helicopter) and on the arrival front. MAGNIFICENT.
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Azores. Entero Postal
Yvert 164, 183, 187. 1925. 2 cts orange on Entire Post Card from PUNTA DELGADA to LEIPZIG (GERMANY), with complementary postage of 4 green cts, 30 brown cts and 60 blue cts. On the front special dater type "Clock" POPPER AND Cº, in violet. MAGNIFICENT.
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Baden. Hoja Bloque
(★)Yvert 1. 1949. Block sheet. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 170 Euros
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Baden. Hoja Bloque
★★Yvert 2B. 1949. Block sheet. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 110 Euros
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Baden. Hoja Bloque
★★Yvert 2A. 1949. Block sheet. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 110 Euros
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★Yvert 101/09, 114/18, 143/45. 1938. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (SG149/57a £150) Yvert 2011: €149.25
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★Yvert 34/46. 1943. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (SG38/50 £130) Yvert 2011: €70
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★Yvert 47/57. 1948. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (SG51/60 £100) Yvert 2011: €87.5
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★Yvert 68/76. 1950. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (SG71/79 £110) Yvert 2011: €110
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Barbados. Tasas
★★Yvert 1/3. 1950. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (SGD4/6 £29) Yvert 2011: €28
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Yvert 24, 25. 1872. 3k pink and 6k bistre. Certificate from MUNICH to LYON (FRANCE) (minor minor wear on the envelope). On the front marks RECOMANDIRT, in red, CHARGE in blue and RECOMMANDE, in red. PRETTY.
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Yvert 68. 1901. 40p yellow. Certificate from BAYREUTH to LYON (FRANCE). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 152/70A. 1919. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi152/70A 250 Euros)
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★Yvert 171/73. 1919. Complete series. REVERSED OVERLOAD. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi171/73AK 80 Euros)
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Baviera. Entero Postal
1921. 15 p brown (Bavaria) and 30 p blue (Germania) on Postal Whole Card from POTSDAM to BAD WORISHOFEN, with additional 10 p yellow postage. Postmark POTSDAM / KUNSTSOMMER, in blue. MAGNIFICENT.
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★Yvert 82/85. 1947. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (SG132/35 £35)
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Yvert 1a. 1849. 10 cts red chestnut, leaf edge. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Yvert 2011: 520 Euros
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Yvert 5. 1850. 40 cts red THIN PAPER (fair margin). BRUSSELS to PARIS (written in Spanish). Postmark numeral "24". PRETTY.
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Yvert 6(4). 1855. 10 chestnut cts, two vertical pairs. BRUSSELS to AMSTERDAM (NETHERLANDS). Postmark numeral "24". MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL COMBINATION OF POSTAGE, VERY SPECTACULAR.
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Yvert 12. 1863. 40 cts red. ANTWERP to PARIS (FRANCE). Postmark BAR NUMERAL Nº4. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 13/16C. 1863. Complete series (12 ½ x 13 ½ teeth). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 78 Euros
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Yvert 16A. 1864. 40 cts red DENTATED 12 ½. SERAING to NAMUR. RHOMBUS OF DOTS postmark Nº332. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 17/21. 1865. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 146 Euros
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Bélgica. Telégrafos
Yvert 1/2. 1866. 50 cts gray and 1 fr green. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Yvert 2011: 395 Euros
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Yvert 23/25. 1866. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 195 Euros
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Yvert 17(2). 1867. 10 gray cts, pair. BRUSSELS to NAMUR. Postmark BAR NUMERAL Nº65. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 20. 1867. 40 cts rose. ANTWERP to NAMUR. Double bearing. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 32(2). 1869. 25 cts olive, two stamps. Certificate from ANTWERP to PARIS. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 35, 35a. 1869. 50 cts gray and 50 cts dark gray. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 285 Euros
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Yvert 37. 1869. 5 f chestnut (slight defects). PRETTY. Yvert 2018: 1,500 Euros
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Yvert 37a. 1869. 5 pale chestnut fr. Postmark ANVERS. MAGNIFICENT. Certificate KAISER. Yvert 2011: 1,600 Euros
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Bélgica. Tasas
Yvert 1. 1870. 10 cts green, bisected. Newspaper strip addressed to BRUSSELS (the letter circulated without postage, so bisected rate stamps are applied). MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 32. 1879. 25 cts olive. ANTWERP to HAMBURG. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 32. 1881. 25 cts olive. ANTWERP to SEVILLE. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 38/41. 1883. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 82.5 Euros
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Bélgica. Entero Postal
(★)1884. 10 cts pink Envelope Post Card. MAGNIFICENT.
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Bélgica. Entero Postal
(★)1884. 25 cts blue on pink Envelope Post Card. MAGNIFICENT.
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Bélgica. Entero Postal
(★)1893. 25 cts blue on pink Envelope Post Card. MAGNIFICENT.
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Bélgica. Entero Postal
(★)1893. 10 cts chestnut orange Envelope Post Card. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 74, 83. 1908. 10 cts rose red Entire Postal from BASTOGNE to SEDAN (FRANCE), with additional postage of 5 cts green and 10 cts pink. MAGNIFICENT.
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★★Yvert 84/91. 1910. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 110 Euros
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★★Yvert 84/91. 1910. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 110 Euros
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★★Yvert 84/91. 1910. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 110 Euros
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★★Yvert 84/91. 1910. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 110 Euros
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★★/★Yvert 84/91(4). 1910. Complete series, block of four. A series with fixators. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 370 Euros
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Yvert 92/99. 1911. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 200 Euros
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Bélgica. Ocupación Alemana
Yvert 1/9. 1914. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi1/9 45 Euros)
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△ Yvert 164. 1919. 25 cts blue, on fragment. FIRST ROLL. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Bélgica. Hoja Bloque
★★Yvert 1. 1924. Block sheet. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Yvert 2011: 500 Euros
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