★★Yvert 231/43. 1948. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi239/51 45 Euros)
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Sarre. Servicio
★★Yvert 27/38. 1949. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi33/44 150 Euro)
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★★Yvert 263/67. 1949. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 130 Euros
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★Yvert 263/67. 1949. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi267/71 110 Euros)
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Sarre. Aéreo
★Yvert 13. 1950. 200 f chestnut. MAGNIFICENT. (Michel 298) Yvert 2016: 230 Euros
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Sarre. Aéreo
★★Yvert 13. 1950. 200 f chestnut. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi298 180 Euros)
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★★Yvert 273/75. 1950. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi293/95 20 Euros)
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Yvert 277, Aerial 13. 1950. Complete series. Certified First Day Cover. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Michel 297/98, 1,900 Euros)
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Yvert 277, Aerial 13. 1950. 25 f blue and 200 f chestnut red. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi297/98 320 Euro)
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★★Yvert 278/82. 1950. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi299/03 75 Euros)
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Yvert 278/82. 1950. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi299/03 380 Euros)
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★★Yvert 292. 1951. 25 + 10 f green and pink. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi304 24 Euros)
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Yvert 296/00. 1951. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi309/13 200 Euro)
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Yvert 306/15, 322, 328, 337/38. 1952. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi319/37 85 Euros)
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★★Yvert 362/81. 1957. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi380/99 25 Euros)
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Yvert 72, 82(5). 1926. 5 cts black and carmine and 50 cts orange and green, five stamps. Certificate from THIES to CASABLANCA. Postmark THIES / SENEGAL, in blue and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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1930. 5 cts black and carmine, 50 cts, 75 cts, 3 f over 5 fr and 20 cts. DAKAR to VIENNA (AUSTRIA). Postmark DAKAR-AVION / SENEGAL. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 82, 109. 1931. 50 cts orange and green and 3 fr lilac. Airmail from DAKAR to MARSEILLE (FRANCE). Submitted by a mechanic from Compania Aeropostale 1, arrival back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Senegal. Tasas
★★Yvert 26(4), 28(4). 1935. 30 cts purple and 60 cts orange, blocks of four, sheet corner. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 168 Euros
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Yvert 128, Aerial 4. 1938. 90 cts carmine and 1´25 fr light green. Airmail from DAKAR to CASABLANCA (MOROCCO). On the front brand AIR FRANCE / PREMIERE LIAISON / BI-HEBDOMADAIRE / AOF-EUROPE, in lilac and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Serbia. Ocupación Alemana Aéreo
★★Yvert 1/10. 1941. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi16/25 300 Euros)
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Serbia. Ocupación Alemana
★★Yvert 3/4. 1943. Block sheets. MAGNIFICENT. (MiB3/4 500 Euros)
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★/Yvert 96/01. 1910. Complete series (the 12 s slight defect and used). PRETTY.
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Siam. BibliografÃa
1979. THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF SIAM TO 1940, A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG. Richard Fragola. Postilion Publications. Danbury, 1979.
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Sicilia. Prefilatelia
1850. CASTELVETRANO to SANTA NINFA. MAZARA and REAL SERVIZIO marks, both in red and rectangular SOTTINTENDENZA / DI MAZARA mark, in black. MAGNIFICENT.
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Sierra Leona
Yvert 125/30. 1937. ½ p, 1 p, 1 ½ p (back), 2 p, 3 p and 4 p. FREETOWN to LONDON (ENGLAND). Postmark POSTED ON STEAMER on the front and FREETOWN / SIERRA LEONE on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Sierra Leona
Yvert 129. 1937. 3 p overseas. CAPE PALMAS (LIBERIA) to DARBY (USA). Postmark POSTED ON STEAMER. MAGNIFICENT.
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Sierra Leona
Yvert 158, 162. 1938. ½ p green and black and 3 p ultramarine and black. FREETOWN to BATHURST (GAMBIA). On the front it marks FIRST AIR MAIL FROM / SIERRA LEONE, on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Sierra Leona
Yvert 162(5). 1938. 3 p ultramarine and black, five stamps (three on the back). FREETOWN to EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. Postmark POSTED ON STEAMER. MAGNIFICENT.
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Sierra Leona
Yvert 160(2). 1940. 1 ½ p red, two stamps. Cover of the LIBERIAN MISSION OF THE HOLY CROSS from KAILAHUN to MALVERN (ENGLAND). On the back transits. MAGNIFICENT.
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Sierra Leona
Yvert 163(2). 1954. 4 p chestnut red and black, three stamps. FREETOWN to HARROW (ENGLAND). On the front mark POSTED ON STEAMER. MAGNIFICENT.
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Singapur. Hoja Bloque
★★Yvert 5. 1973. Block sheet (rest of annotations). NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, FROM THE FINAL APPROVAL SHEET.
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Singapur. Hoja Bloque
★★ 5. 1973. Block sheet. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2015: 45 Euros
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Singapur. Hoja Bloque
★★Yvert 6. 1974. Block sheet. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Siria Francesa
★Yvert 122/25. 1924. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 168 Euros
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Siria Francesa
★Yvert 149/52. 1924. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 168 Euros
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Siria Francesa
★★Yvert 237(4). 1934. 25 pi red, block of four. OMITTED VALUE. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Maury 2009: 244a, €1,060)
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Siria Francesa
★★Yvert 237. 1934. 25 red pi. OMITTED VALUE. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Maury 2009: 244a, €265)
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Siria Francesa
★★Yvert 237. 1934. 25 red pi. OMITTED VALUE. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Maury 2009: 244a, €265)
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Siria Francesa
Yvert 53. 1938. 3 pi blue green. LADIES Air Mail to PARIS. On the front brand PREMIER VOL AERO-POSTAL / LADIES-MARSEILLE / VIA TUNIS. MAGNIFICENT.
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Siria Francesa. Aéreo
★Yvert 107/11. 1944. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2015: 40 Euros
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Siria Francesa. Aéreo
★Yvert 112/14. 1944. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2015: 40.5 Euros
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Yvert 23. 1920. 5 m rose on Certified Postal Stationery from BERBER to KHARTOUM, with complementary postage of 5 m black and carmine. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Suecia. Servicio
Yvert 1. 1856. 1s black. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Yvert 2013: 500 Euros
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Yvert 9(3). 1858. 24 ore orange, three stamps. Front from STOCKHOLM to MALAGA (circulated prior to the Sweden-Spain agreement). On the French itinerant front SUEDE-QUIEVRAIN / AMB.A and porter "4 R" (reales), upon arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE POSTAGE. Certificate OBERMÃœLLER.
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Yvert 45(2). 1892. 20 ore blue, two stamps. Certificate from STOCKHOLM to PITHIVIERS (FRANCE). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 43(4). 1899. 10 ore carmine, four stamps. Certificate from STOCKHOLM to PITHOVIERS (FRANCE). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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★★Yvert 50. 1903. 5k blue. Well centered. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 675 Euros
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★★Yvert 50. 1903. 5k blue. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 675 Euros
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Yvert 51(2). 1906. 1 chestnut and blue ore, two stamps (one on verso). Illustrated Postcard with stamps of Germany Empire from STOCKHOLM to PARIS (FRANCE). MAGNIFICENT.
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