
Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 55/56(2). 1936. Complete series, in pairs and various values (toned). Certificate from HAMBURGO to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). On the back arrival. PRETTY.
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Price: 50€


★★Yvert 565/72. 1936. Complete series, from block sheets. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi624/31 260 Euro)
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Price: 110€


★★Yvert 582/90. 1936. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi634/42y 80 Euros)
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Price: 35€

Alemania. Hoja Bloque

★★Yvert 8. 1937. Block sheet. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2018: 75 Euros
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Price: 40€

Alemania. Hoja Bloque

★★Yvert 8. 1937. Block sheet. MAGNIFICENT. (MiB7 70 Euros)
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Price: 40€

Alemania. Hoja Bloque

★Yvert 11. 1937. Block sheet (overhead Nurnberg 1937). MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2018: 90 Euros
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Price: 30€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 56(2). 1937. 75 p green, two stamps. Certificate from BERLIN to SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 57/58, 50. 1938. Complete series, 25p blue and 80p orange. Airmail CATAPULTED FROM THE GERMAN SHIP EUROPE from COLOGNE to SAINT PETERSBURG (USA). On the front it marks MIT LUFPOST / ZUM D. "EUROPA" / BEFÖRDERT and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 75€


Yvert 453, 458, 461(2). 1938. 25p overseas, 50p green and 100p yellow and black, two stamps. Air Mail from COLONIA to RIO DE JANEIRO (BRAZIL). On the front mark DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / EUROPA-SODAMERIKA, in red. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€


★★Yvert 616/24. 1938. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2018: 103 Euros
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Price: 50€


★★Yvert 616/24. 1938. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi675/83 100 Euro)
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Price: 45€


Yvert 627/29. 1939. Complete series, on advertising fragments (Deutsche Bank). Postmark BERLIN-CHARLOTTENBURG / INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBIL. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi686/88)
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Price: 10€


Yvert 627/29, 630/31, Aereos 48, 57/. 1939. Complete series and various values. Air Mail from POTSDAM to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). On the front handwritten notation "Mit Air France über Postamt Berlin SW11 am 8 / 439". MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Price: 30€


★Yvert 629A/C. 1939. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 120 Euros
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Price: 35€


Yvert 629A/C. 1939. Complete series. First Day Cover. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi695/97 250 Euros)
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Price: 90€


★Yvert 629A/C. 1939. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 120 Euros
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Price: 35€


★Yvert 629A/C. 1939. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi695/97 70 Euros)
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Price: 30€


Yvert 629A/C. 1939. Complete series. Postmark NURBURGRING (EIFEL). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 135 Euros
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Price: 50€


Yvert 629A/C. 1939. Complete series, on card. Postmark NURBURGRING (EIFEL). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 135 Euros
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Price: 60€


★Yvert 629A/C. 1939. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 120 Euros
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Price: 40€


★★Yvert 637. 1939. 25p+50p overseas, leaf edge. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi698 80 Euros)
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Price: 40€


★★Yvert 654/62. 1939. Complete series (the 3 p without gum). MAGNIFICENT. (Mi730/38 58´80 Euros)
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Price: 20€


Yvert 663/66. 1940. Complete series and various values of Dantzig. Certificate from BREMEN to SALAMANCA. On the back, itinerant traffic. MAGNIFICENT. (Michel 719/22, 724, 727, 728, 739/42)
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Price: 75€


Yvert 667, 668. 1940. 24p + 76p green, 12p + 38p red, and various Dantzig values. Certificate from HAMBURG to SALAMANCA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 90€

Alemania. Correo de Campaña / Militar

1943. Feldpost 21058-C (German Post) to BARCELONA. Mark FELDPOST-NR-21058A, in violet and dater FELDPOS / P, in black (corresponding to Artillery Unit Nº633, Battery column 1 to 3). MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 90€

Alemania. Correo de Campaña / Militar

★★1944. No value, overseas INSELPOST (CRETE). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Signed BPP. (Mi7A 400 Euro)
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Price: 180€

Alemania. Correo de Campaña / Militar

1944. Addressed to BEBRA (forwarded by Feldpost 11B). RGT brand. LEGION CONDOR NR... MAGNIFICA.
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Price: 60€


Yvert 713. 1944. 12p red. SANKT GEORGEN to BENDSBURG. (pre-printed envelope with text inside the Gusen Concentration Camp, including transcription of the French text). MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 70€


Yvert 713. 1944. 12p red. ORANIENBURG to RAWITSCH (written in the Sachsenhausen camp in full text, French transcript included). MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 90€


★★Yvert 791/03. 1944. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2018: 21 Euros
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Price: 10€


★★Yvert 791/03. 1944. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 22.5 Euros
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Price: 10€

Alemania. Locales

1946. Finsterwalde. Complete series. FINSTERWALDE Internal Mail Philatelic Letter. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi1/12 245 Euros)
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Price: 75€

Alemania. Locales

1946. Private. Rosswein. Complete series and 12 p red. Certificate from ROSSWEIN to TAUCHA (LEIPZIG). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Mi1/2 +260 Euros)
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Price: 120€

Alemania. Locales

1946. Private. Sotorkow. 12 p+38 p carmine red on greenish paper. Watermark from top to bottom. Postmark STORKOW (MARK). MAGNIFICENT. (MiBl2AX 200 Euros)
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Price: 75€


★Yvert 15/24. 1950. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 55 Euros
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Price: 15€

Alemania. Bibliografía

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Price: 75€

Alemania. Bibliografía

(1985ca). THE JOHN R. BOKER, JR. COLLECTION OF GERMAN STATES. (complete collection of eighteen catalogs of the Kolher Auction, plus the presentation catalogue, in perfect state of conservation "as new"). Wiesbaden, 1985ca.
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Price: 600€

Alemania. Bibliografía

1985. Catalog of the collection GERMANIA THE "BASEL" COLLECTION, held on April 16, 1985. Christie's and Robson Lowe. Zürich, 1985.
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Price: 25€

Alemania Occidental

★Yvert 1/2. 1949. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 55 Euros
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Price: 15€

Alemania Occidental

★Yvert 1/2. 1949. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 55 Euros
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Price: 15€

Alemania Occidental

★Yvert 3/6. 1949. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 80 Euros
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Price: 25€

Alemania Occidental

★★Yvert 3/6. 1949. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 160 Euros
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Price: 60€

Alemania Occidental

★★Yvert 7/8. 1950. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 160 Euros
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Price: 60€

Alemania Occidental

★Yvert 9/24. 1951. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 900 Euros
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Price: 275€

Alemania Occidental

★★Yvert 9/24. 1951. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. SCHLEGEL label. Yvert 2014: 2,500 Euros
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Price: 675€

Alemania Occidental

★Yvert 9/24. 1951. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 925 Euros
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Price: 275€

Alemania Occidental

Yvert 25/26. 1951. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2018: 190 Euros
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Price: 60€

Alemania Occidental

★★Yvert 25/26. 1951. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 250 Euros
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Price: 75€

Alemania Occidental

★★Yvert 25/26. 1951. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 250 Euros
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Price: 100€

Alemania Occidental

★★Yvert 27/28. 1951. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 120 Euros
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Price: 45€