Yvert 181, 199, 263. 1930. 1´50 fr blue, 50 cts orange and 50 cts blue and pink. Certificate from PARIS to HELSINKI (FINLAND). MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 192, 244, 263, 278B. 1930. 30 cts blue, 90 cts red, 50 cts blue and 5 cts pink. Certificate from RUEIL MALMAISON to ASNIERES. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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★★Yvert 256(4). 1930. 1.50 f + 3.50 f lilac, mini sheet of four stamps from the carnet. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: +640 Euros
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★★Yvert 270/74. 1930. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 145 Euros
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Yvert 166, 270. 1931. +5 cts out of 35 cts + 25 cts and 15 cts black grey. VAL DE MERCY to SAINT PRIX. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 246, 163(2). 1931. +10 cts out of 40 blue cts and +2 ½ cts out of 5 green cts. VAL DE MERCY to SAINT PRIX. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 246, 163(2). 1931. +10 cts out of 40 blue cts and +2 ½ cts out of 5 green cts. VAL DE MERCY to SAINT PRIX. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 259a, 271, 272. 1931. 3 f slate, 40 cts chestnut and 50 cts red. Certificate from PARIS to ULEABORG (FINLAND). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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★★Yvert 275/77. 1931. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 675 Euros
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Yvert 163, 166, 87, 109, 110. 1932. +2½ cts out of 5 green cts, +5 cts out of 35 cts, 3 cts gray (Sage) and 3 cts orange and 4 cts chestnut (Blanc). VAL DE MERCY to SAINT PRIX. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL POSTAGE.
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Yvert 164, 166. 1932. +5 cts out of 15 cts and +5 cts out of 35 cts. VAL DE MERCY to SAINT PRIX. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 230. 1932. 50 cts + 10 cts (slightly toned). VERSAILLES to SAINT PRIX. On the back arrival. PRETTY.
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Yvert 283. 1933. 50 cts red rose. COME TO SAIGON (CONCHINCHINA). On the front it marks LETTRE TRANSPORTEE / EXCEPTIONELLEMENT PAR AVION / A TITRE DE PROPAGANDE, on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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★Yvert 294. 1934. 1´5 fr blue. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 61 Euros
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★★Yvert 296/97. 1934. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 300 Euros
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★★Yvert 299/00. 1934. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 222 Euros
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Francia. Aéreo
7. 1935. 2'25 f lilac. PARIS to MADRID. Hexagonal postmark PARIS-96-C / AIR FRANCE and on the front it marks PARIS-MADRID / VIA BORDEAUX, in black and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Francia. Aéreo
Yvert 7. 1935. 2´25 fr lilac and 75 cts olive green. Airmail from PARIS to BORDEAUX. On the front mark 1º LIAISON POSTALE AERIENNE / AIR BLEU / LIGNE / PARIS-BORDEAUX. MAGNIFICENT.
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260, 289, Aerial 7. 1935. 1.75 fr pink, 5 fr chestnut and 2.25 fr lilac. Postcard of the 1st NON-STOP POSTAL FLIGHT FRANCE-SOUTH AMERICA. Postmark MARSEILLE, PRAIA-CABO VERDE and mark RAID INTERROMPU LE 17 FEVRIER 1935. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Yvert 284A, Aerial 7. 1935. 75 cts olive and 2´25 lilac fr. Air Mail from PARIS to BORDEAUX. On the front mark 1 EME LIAISON POSTALE AERIENNE / STE.AIR BLEU / LIGNE / PARIS BORDEAUX, in red. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 290. 1935. 90 cts carmine. PARIS to BORDEAUX. Hexagonal postmark PARIS-86-C / AIR FRANCE, on the front mark PARIS-MADRID / VIA BORDEAUX. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 299(2), Aerial 7. 1935. 1'50 f blue, two stamps and 2'25 f lilac. PARIS to ZURICH (SWITZERLAND). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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★★Yvert 299/00. 1935. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 222 Euros
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★★Yvert 301/02. 1935. Complete series (non-original gum). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2009: 175 Euros
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★★Yvert 303. 1935. 75 cts green. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 60 Euros
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Francia. Aéreo
★★Yvert 8/14. 1936. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 2,290 Euros
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Francia. Aéreo
★★Yvert 15. 1936. 50 overseas fr. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 1,500 Euros
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Francia. Aéreo
★★Yvert 15. 1936. 50 f blue. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 1,500 Euros
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Francia. Aéreo
★★Yvert 15. 1936. 50 f overseas. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 1,500 Euros
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★★Yvert 310. 1936. 75 brown cts. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 45 Euros
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★★Yvert 313. 1936. 75 cts blue. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 45 Euros
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★★Yvert 320/21. 1936. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 840 Euros
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★★Yvert 320/21. 1936. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 840 Euros
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★★Yvert 322/27. 1936. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 120 Euros
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★Yvert 1400/01. 1936. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 155 Euros
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Francia. Hoja Bloque
★★Yvert 3. 1937. Block sheet. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 800 Euros
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Francia. Hoja Bloque
★★Yvert 3. 1937. Block sheet. PEXIP. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 800 Euros
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Yvert 328(2), 283. 1937. 1.50 fr blue, two stamps and 50 cts red. Airmail from PARIS to BOBO DIOULASSO (IVORY COAST). On the front brand FRANCE COTE OCCID. D´AFRIQUE / 1º / VOYAGE / AIR FRANCE AEROMARTIME, in red and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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★Yvert 338b. 1937. 3 fr gray violet. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 200 Euros
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★★Yvert 348/51. 1937. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 400 Euros
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★★Yvert 348/51. 1937. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 400 Euros
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Francia. Viñetas
★★1938. No value, three values, in green, blue and carmine. COUPE DU MONDE / 1938, A. Delrieu. MAGNIFICENT.
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Francia. Paquetes Postales
★★Yvert 147/54. 1938. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 53.5 Euros
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Yvert 365. 1938. 65 overseas cts. SAINT FLORENT (CORSICA) to PARIS. On the front it marks LIGNE POSTALE AERIENE / PARIS-NICE, in red and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 365. 1938. 65 overseas cts. MARSEILLE to PARIS. On the front it marks LIGNE POSTALE AERIENNE / PARIS-NICE, in red and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Yvert 365. 1938. 65 overseas cts. OLMI CAPELLA (CORSICA) to PARIS. On the front it marks LIGNE POSTALE AERIENNE / PARIS-NICE, in red and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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★★Yvert 379. 1938. 1.75 cts + 75 blue cts. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 45 Euros
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★★Yvert 380/85. 1938. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 90 Euros
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★★Yvert 388/94. 1938. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 165 Euros
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★★Yvert 395. 1938. 55 cts + 45 cts red. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 25 Euros
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