
Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 1340/43. 1988. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 70 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 1340/43. 1988. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 70 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert C1367. 1989. Card of 1'90 pounds. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 90 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert C1494a. 1990. Card of 3'40 pounds. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 18 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€

Gran Bretaña

★★1990. Full year 1990 (without basic series). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 107.5 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 50€

Gran Bretaña

★★1991. Full year 1991 (without basic series). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 114.5 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 50€

Gran Bretaña

★★1992. Full year 1992 (without basic series). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 86.25 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 1615/18. 1992. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 60 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

Gran Bretaña

★★1993. Full year 1993 (without basic series). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 93 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

Gran Bretaña

★★1994. Full year 1994 (without basic series). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 91.75 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

Gran Bretaña. Tasas

★★Yvert 98/06. 1994. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 65 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

Gran Bretaña

★★1995. Full year 1995 (without basic series and the Yvert 11799/08 congratulations series on the card). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 87 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert C1851a. 1996. Complete series. TWO PHOSPHORUS BANDS, on card. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 40 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 1876/82, 1883/84. 1996. Two complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 25 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€

Gran Bretaña

★★1997. Full year 1997 (without basic series and the Yvert 1925/34 congratulations series on the card). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 102.75 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 1893/04. 1997. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 47 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 25€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 1976/87. 1997. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 40 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 1998/01. 1997. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 120 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 50€

Gran Bretaña

★★1998. Full year 1998 (without basic series). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 95.25 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

Gran Bretaña

★★1999. Complete year 1999 (without basic series or block sheets). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 118.1 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 50€

Gran Bretaña. Hoja Bloque

★★Yvert 8. 1999. Block sheet. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 40 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 2065Ac, 2076/78. 1999. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 16 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 2083/86. 1999. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 55 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 25€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 2091/95. 1999. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 20 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 2104/05, 2120. 1999. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 30 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€

Gran Bretaña

★★Yvert 2106/09, 2110/13. 1999. Two complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 35 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€

Gran Líbano

Yvert 57, 59(2). 1925. 2 fr sepia and 3 fr chestnut, two stamps (all stamps franked on the back). Certificate from BEIRUTH to MOUNT KISCO (USA), forwarded to NEWPORT. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

Gran Líbano. Aéreo

★Yvert 17/20. 1926. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2017: 44 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€


1867. SYROS to TRIESTE. Dater SYROS / (67) and corrected handwriting. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€


★Yvert 348/61. 1924. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2012: 247.5 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 80€

Grecia. Aéreo

★Yvert 1/4. 1926. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2019: 50 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€


★Yvert 366/68. 1927. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2012: 25 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


★Yvert 369/74. 1928. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2012: 100 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€


Yvert 386(2). (1930ca). 4 cl blue, two stamps (franked on the back). Certificate from ATHENS to LEEDS. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€


★Yvert 575/80. 1951. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 125 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€


Yvert 575/80. 1951. Complete series. First Day Cover. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 100€


★Yvert 66/68. 1954. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2012: 80 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 25€

Grecia. Aéreo

★★Yvert 66/68. 1954. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2012: 120 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€


★★Yvert 592/03. 1954. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Yvert 2012: 297 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 140€


★Yvert 604/09. 1954. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2012: 80 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 25€


★Yvert 610/17. 1955. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2012: 120 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

Grecia. Bibliografía

1961. POSTES HELLENIQUES: SERIES OF STAMPS-POSTE TOURISTIQUES, the original stamps attached to each of the pages dedicated to each of them are included. Greece, 1961.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


★Yvert 142/54. 1951. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (SG172/84 £35) Yvert 2013: €42.5
Automatically generated translation

Price: 25€


Yvert 151, 159, 160. 1951. 25 cts, 5 cts violet and 12 cts lilac. GRENADA to ROME. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€

Guatemala. Prefilatelia

(1820ca). Escuintla Judicial Escrow Front to GUATEMALA. ESCUINTA brand, in writing ink (same as that used during the Colonial Period). MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 75€

Guatemala. Prefilatelia

1820. GUATEMALA to SAN SALVADOR. GUATEMALA brand, in black (PE2) 2004 edition. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

Guatemala. Prefilatelia

Automatically generated translation

Price: 120€

Guatemala. Prefilatelia

1835. IZABAL to GUATEMALA. YZAVAL brand (same as the one cataloged during the colonial period PE2 2004 edition) and porterage "2". MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 90€


Yvert 130a. 1903. 25 cents on 1 green cent. REVERSED OVERLOAD. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2020: 80 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€


Yvert 132a. 1903. 25 cents on 6 yellow green cents. REVERSED OVERLOAD. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2020: 80 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€