

★★Yvert 1994a. 1978. 3 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 77 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€


★★Yvert 2005a. 1978. 1´25 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 27 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€

Francia. Bibliografía

1979. THE REGULAR ISSUES OF FRANCE, ACCORDING TO THEIR NORMAL POSTAL USAGE. VOLUME II: 1944-1959, supplement to the France and Colonies Philatelist. Stanley J. Luft. New York, 1979.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€

Francia. Bibliografía

1981. HISTOIRE DE L'AEROSTATION ET DE L'AVIATION FRANÇAISE FROM 1783 TO 1930. Jean Silombra. Amiens, 1981.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 60€


(★)Yvert 2125. 1981. 1´40 fr multicolored. LUXURY TEST. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 35 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


(★)Yvert 2126/30. 1981. Complete series. LUXURY TEST. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 180 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 70€


(★)Yvert 2131. 1981. 1.50 fr multicolored. LUXURY TEST. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 35 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


(★)Yvert 2133. 1981. 1´70 fr multicolored. LUXURY TEST. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 35 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


(★)Yvert 2135. 1981. 2.50 fr multicolored. LUXURY TEST. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 35 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


(★)Yvert 2150. 1981. 1´40 fr + 30 cts brown and green. LUXURY TEST. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 35 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


(★) 2151. 1981. 1.40 fr + 30 cts black and blue. LUXURY TEST. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2014: 50 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€


★★Yvert 2207/08. 1982. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 110 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 50€


★★Yvert 2314a. 1984. 4 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 70 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€


(★)Yvert 2409. 1986. 3´90 fr multicolored. LUXURY TEST. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 50 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€


(★)Yvert 2414. 1986. 5 fr multicolored. LUXURY TEST. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 100 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

Francia. Hoja Bloque

★★Yvert 11b. 1989. Block sheet. WITHOUT TEETH, in black. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 150 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 65€


(★)Yvert 2609P. 1989. 2'20 fr black. ARTIST'S PROOF, signed by the engraver. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

Francia. Servicio

★★Yvert 106/07. 1991. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 61 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

Francia. Servicio

★★Yvert 108/09. 1991. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 61 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€


★★Yvert 2727a. 1991. 2.50 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 54 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 25€


★★Yvert 2728. 1991. 3´40 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 28 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€


★★Yvert 2731a. 1991. 5 multicolored fr. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 61 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€


★★Yvert 2734a. 1991. 2´50 fr dark blue and light blue. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 40 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€


★★Yvert 2733b. 1992. 2.50 fr + 60 multicolored cts. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 30 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€


★★Yvert 2736a. 1992. 2.50 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 30 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€


★★Yvert 2738a. 1992. 2´50 fr + 60 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 35 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€


★★Yvert 2745a. 1992. 2.50 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 42 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€


★★Yvert 2746a. 1992. 3´40 multicolored fr. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 20 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


★★Yvert 2747/52. 1992. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 110 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 50€


★★Yvert 2754a. 1992. 4 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 23 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


★★Yvert 2758a. 1992. 2.50 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 28 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€


★★Yvert 2761a. 1992. 5 fr black and cream. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 61 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€


★★Yvert 2762a. 1992. 3´40 multicolored fr. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 23 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


★★Yvert 2766/69. 1992. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 92 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€


★★Yvert 2771a. 1992. 2.50 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 42 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€


★★Yvert 2776b. 1992. 2'50 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 46 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€


★★Yvert 2777a. 1992. 4´20 fr lilac and blue. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 23 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


★★Yvert 2778a. 1992. 2.50 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 23 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


★★Yvert 2779/82. 1992. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 230 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 110€


★★Yvert 2784a. 1992. 2'50 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 28 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€


★★Yvert BC2848b. 1993. Complete series, in full card band. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 275 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 125€

Francia. Hoja Bloque

★★Yvert 15. 1993. Block sheet. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 200 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 90€

Francia. Servicio

★★Yvert 110/11. 1993. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 61 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

Francia. Preobliterados

★★Yvert 228/31. 1993. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 45.75 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€


★★Yvert 2785/88. 1993. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 92 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€


★★Yvert 2789a. 1993. 2.50 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 35 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€


★★Yvert 2791a. 1993. 4 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 23 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


★★Yvert 2792a. 1993. 2´50 fr + 60 multicolored cts. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 23 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€


★★Yvert 2795a. 1993. 2´50 fr multicolored. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 35 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€


★★Yvert 2797/98. 1993. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 110 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 50€