Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #97
Thursday, 28 July 2022 | Madrid, 16:00 CEST
901 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1939. 90 blue cts from France, surcharge F. BEYNAT a GURS, forwarded from the Beynat Provisional Camp to an Italian interned in the Gurs Camp. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE CIRCULATED BETWEEN DIFFERENT FIELDS.
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902 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1940. Blue 90 cts, F surcharge and blue 10 cts, both from France. SOUSTONS to GURS, forwarded by a refugee interned at Chateau Richer and addressed to the Postman at Camp Gurs. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE CIRCULATION BETWEEN DIFFERENT REFUGEE CAMPS.
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903 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1939. 90 blue cts from France, surcharge F. LABENNE to PARIS, sent by a Spanish refugee interned in a Temporary Accommodation Center in Labenne. On the front it marks COMMUNE DE LABENNE / SERVICE / DES / REFUGIES / (LANDES), on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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904 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1939. Blue 90 cts from France, surcharge F. OLORON to GURS, most likely sent by a Spanish refugee in Oloron and addressed to the Special Police Commissariat of Campo de Gurs. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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905 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1939. Blue 90 cts from France, surcharge F. PAVIE to GURS, sent from the "Lacavant de Pavie" Camp, which according to the data consulted, was an accommodation center for Spanish refugee children and addressed to a Spaniard interned in the Camp of Gurs. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, CIRCULATED BETWEEN TWO DIFFERENT REFUGEE CAMPS.
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906 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1939. 70 cts lilac envelope French Post Card from PERPIÑAN to BARCELONA, with additional postage of 5 cts and 50 cts from France, sent by a Spanish refugee who wants to return to Spain. MAGNIFICENT.
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907 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1939. Blue 90 cts from France, surcharge F. CHAUMONT to ARROMANCHES, sent by a Spanish refugee interned in a Temporary Accommodation in Chaumont and addressed to "Camp Bacances" in Arromanches. MAGNIFICENT.
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908 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1940. Blue 90 cts from France, surcharge F. LA CHAMBRE to PARIS, sent by a Spaniard from the 5th Company of Spanish Workers (the return address is missing on the back). Mark 5ª COMPAGNIE DE / TRAVAILLEURS ESPAGNOLES / LE VAGUEMESTRE, in purple. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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909 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1940. Blue 90 cts from France, surcharge F. LA CHAMBRE to SAINT CYPRIEN, forwarded by a Spaniard from the 5th Company of Spanish Workers and addressed to the Saint Cyprien Concentration Camp. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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910 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1939. 90 blue cts from France. ARECHE-BEAUFORT to BOULOGNE, sent by a Spaniard from the 40th Company of Spanish Workers. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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911 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1939. 40 cts purple and 10 cts red, two stamps. MONTCADA (BARCELONA), addressed to a Spaniard from the 88th Company of Spanish Workers, established at that time in Campo de Baratier, near Embrun. Postmark CARTERIA / DE / MONCADA (BARCELONA), in violet. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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912 | Civil War. Refugee Camps
1941. 2´50 f blue from France. Letter (with text) from ORPIERRE to BARCELONA, sent by a Spanish nurse from the 95th Spanish Workers Group, established in this small town in the Altos Alpes department. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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913 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos
★★ 95There. 1938. Sheet block (Type II). REVERSED OVERLOAD. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 185 Euros
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914 | Asturias y León
★★ 1/7. 1937. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE WITHOUT FIXING STAMPS. Edifil 2022: 305 Euros
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915 | Telegraph Stamps
★ 1/4. 1864. Complete series (the 4 reales with a light dot). MAGNIFICENT. Certificate CEM.
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916 | Telegraph Stamps
★ 5/8. 1865. Complete series, in the absence of 4 reales. Diverse qualities. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2022: 1,450 Euros
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917 | Telegraph Stamps
★ 9/12. 1865. Complete series. PRETTY. Edifil 2022: 1,430 Euros
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918 | Telegraph Stamps
★ 13/16. 1866. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Certificate COMEX (10 cts). Edifil 2021: 1,335 Euros
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919 | Telegraph Stamps
(★) 17. 1867. 10 cts Violet. Very well focused. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2022: 1,600 Euros
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920 | Telegraph Stamps
(★) 20. 1867. 2 rose shields. Very well focused. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2022: 925 Euros
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921 | Telegraph Stamps
(★) 25. 1868. 2 rose shields. Emission centering. NICE. Edifil 2022: 500 Euros
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922 | Telegraph Stamps
★ 26. 1868. 100 mils chestnut. Well centered. MAGNIFICENT. Building 2022: Edifil Euros
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923 | Telegraph Stamps
★ 26, 27, 28. 1868. 100 mils, 800 mils and 1600 mils. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2022: 275 Euros
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924 | Charity Stamps
★★ 21/26s(2). 1938. Complete series, in pairs with INTERPANEL. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE, VERY SPECTACULAR. Edifil 2022: ++360 Euros
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925 | Charity Stamps
★★ NE34. 1939. Block sheet (presents an exceptional quality). NOT ISSUED and NUTS. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, ONLY ONE HUNDRED SHEETS WERE ISSUED. Certificate CEM. Building 2022: Edifil Euros
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926 | Charity Stamps. Telegraph
★★ 16/20. 1938. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2022: 245 Euros
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927 | Charity Stamps. Telegraph
★★ 16/20s. 1938. Complete series. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2022: 440 Euros
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928 | Revenue Stamps
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929 | Revenue Stamps
1928. 15 cts green INVOICES, printed on a receipt from SOCIEDAD DE AGUAS DE ALICANTE (appears photographed in Alemany's work). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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930 | Revenue Stamps
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931 | Revenue Stamps
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932 | Revenue Stamps
★★(1940ca). 40 cts to 100 pts, nine values. BADAJOZ. MUNICIPAL ARBITRATION. MAGNIFICENT.
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933 | Revenue Stamps
★★(1939ca). 20 cts blue and 30 cts blue, joined in pairs. MUNICIPAL STAMP-ZAFRA (BADAJOZ). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE UNITED.
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934 | Revenue Stamps
★★(1939ca). 1 rose sts, two stamps and 2´50 rose sts, two stamps, joined in a block of four. MUNICIPAL STAMP-JEREZ DE LOS CABALLEROS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE IN BLOCK.
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935 | Revenue Stamps
★★(1939ca). 5 rose red sts, two stamps and 1 rose red sts, two stamps, joined as a block of four. MUNICIPAL STAMP-JEREZ DE LOS CABALLEROS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE IN BLOCK.
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936 | Revenue Stamps
★★(1939ca). 25 rose red sts, two stamps and 5 rose red sts, two stamps, joined in a block of four. MUNICIPAL STAMP-JEREZ DE LOS CABALLEROS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE IN BLOCK.
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937 | Revenue Stamps
★(1890ca). Interesting set of municipal prosecutors from Madrid, again, most of the announcements, some very unusual and most outlined in Barata's work. TO EXAMINE.
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938 | Revenue Stamps
★★(1939ca). 2 sts red, two stamps and 5 sts red, two stamps, united in a block of four. MUNICIPAL STAMP-ZAFRA (BADAJOZ). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE IN BLOCK.
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939 | Revenue Stamps
★★(1940ca). 1 orange sts and 5 orange sts, joined in pairs. CEHEGIN (MURCIA). MUNICIPAL EXACTIONS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE UNITED.
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940 | Spanish West Africa. Postal Fiscal Stamp
(★)1911. 4 pink pts, complete sheet (without left margin) of twenty-five stamps (framed). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Barata, Guinea 57).
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941 | Andorra
★ 1/14. 1928. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2022: 645 Euros
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942 | Andorra
★ 3/6N, 8/12N, 14N. 1928. Complete series, in the absence of the 5 cts, 30 cts and 20 light red cts. No. A000,000. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: 8,150 Euros
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943 | Andorra
★ 15/27. 1929. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2022: 485 Euros
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944 | Andorra
★ 15/27s. 1929. Complete series, thirteen values, sheet borders (to the right or left of the stamp). NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE Edifil 2021: 1,270 Euros
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945 | Andorra
(★) 15ts. 1929. 2 cts olive green. WITHOUT INSERTING and WITHOUT IMPRINTING. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2019: 160 Euros
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946 | Andorra
★★ 15sphi. 1929. 2 cts green, horizontal pair. NO NOTCHING BETWEEN THE SEALS and the LEFT MARGIN. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2019: 400 Euros
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947 | Andorra
(★) 17P. 1929. Worthless, reddish brown. PUNCH TEST, without number or value or imprint. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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948 | Andorra
★★ 17cc. 1929. 10 greenish blue cts. COLOR CHANGE. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: +970 Euros
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949 | Andorra
(★) 18P. 1929. No value, yellow green. PUNCH TEST, without figure or value. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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950 | Andorra
(★) 18ccs(2). 1929. 15 cts yellow green, pair, leaf edge. CHANGE OF COLOR and WITHOUT DENTATION. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: 1,210 Euros
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