Auction lots and collections #95

Thursday, 12 May 2022 | Madrid, 16:00 CEST

301 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1919ca). Spectacular collection of German Empire between 1919 and 1945, in new and most without affixmarks (there are some used Zeppelin block sheet and aerial series), includes series of Characters (**), Wagner (**), Sudamerika Fahrt (*) , Polar Fahrf (*), Chicago Fahrt (**) and block sheets of Iposta (**), Ostropa (*) and Nothilfe (*) (generally very good qualities). ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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302 | Lots and Collections

(1923ca). Set of several hundred letters and postcards from Germany circulated between 1923 and 2000, including commemorative sheets, First Day covers, some Postal Stationery and some documents from the 19th and early 20th centuries related to religious centers. TO EXAMINE.
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303 | Lots and Collections

(1923ca). Interesting set of more than forty-five letters from German Empire, circulated during the Inflation period, most of them in 1923, including certified letters. TO EXAMINE.
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304 | Lots and Collections

(1930ca). Interesting set of approximately thirty-six pieces including letters, commemorative cards and uncirculated covers from Empire Germany between 1930 and 1943, some with unusual postmarks, including two "Druckproben" cards from Goebel AG of Darmstadt. TO EXAMINE.
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305 | Lots and Collections

★(1928ca). Spectacular collection of German Empire card sheets (H.Blatt) between 1928 and 1939, most of them new and including pairs and strips with various combinations and capicúas, some used. (Michel 2012: +7000 Euros). TO EXAMINE.
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306 | Lots and Collections

★★1920. Interesting set including most of the complete German Empire Service series, in new condition and without stamps (excellent qualities). (Michel 2012: 900 Euros). TO EXAMINE.
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307 | Lots and Collections

|*/th|(1897ca). Spectacular and very complete collection of German Colonies between 1897 and 1919, in new (most) and used, includes China, Morocco, Levant, New Guinea, South and West Africa, Cameroon, Carolinas, Kiaotcheu, Marianas, Marshall, Samoa and Togo (very good qualities and mounted on old Lindner blades). TO EXAMINE. (Michel +12700 Euros)
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308 | Lots and Collections

|*/th|(1914ca). Spectacular collection of German Occupations of World War 1 and 2, in new and used (mounted on Lindner sheets), includes Belgium, Espen and Malmedy, Allenstein, Marienwerder, Upper Silesia, Slesvig, Memel and Danzing of the first period and French Occupation, Bohemia and Moravia, Luxembourg, Alsace and Lorraine, Albania, Lubiana, Montenegro, Zara, Macedonia, Zante, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Guernsey and Jersey and Serbia from the second period (virtually complete and generally good quality with numerous series without stamps, some of the important signed series). ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE. (Michel 2018: +26300 Euros)
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309 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1939ca). Interesting and complete set of the German Occupations of Serbia, Croatia, Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia, in new and most without affix, including block sheets (very good quality in general). (Michel 2012: +1800 Euros). TO EXAMINE.
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310 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1945ca). Interesting collection of the Inter-Allied Occupations of 1945, in new and including AAS Zones and Anglo-American Occupation Zone, very complete including block sheets, most of them without affixes (very good quality in general). (Michel 2012: +1500 Euros). TO EXAMINE.
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311 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1948ca). Spectacular collection from West Germany (FRG) between 1948 and 1990, in new condition and without affixes (some lack or some stamp, always of little value with affixstamps) practically complete, highlighting all the first series in great quality and including Bugles and some series of Interallied occupation. VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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312 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1949ca). Interesting collection from West Germany (FRG) between 1949 and 2012, practically complete in new (Cornets postmarked), with affixes until 1972 and including block sheets and most of the carnets issued, especially after 2000. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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313 | Lots and Collections

|**/th|(1949ca). Interesting rest of the West German collection between 1949 and 1984, in new and used, and highlighting some new series without affixmarks such as Yvert 1/2 and Yvert 62A/72B (Heuss), including the rest of the Berlin collection between 1949 and 1980, in new and used. TO EXAMINE.
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314 | Lots and Collections

★/(1949ca). Interesting complete collection of West Germany (FRG) between 1949 and 1988, in new and used, most without affixes from 1960 (mounted in Lindner albums), includes complete Berlin between 1948 and 1990, in new and used with a block sheet Additional Monetary Reform with First Day postmark. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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315 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1955ca). Set of hundreds of complete series and a few loose stamps from West Germany (FRG) and East Germany (DDR), in new condition and most without hallmarks, mounted on tokens. TO EXAMINE.
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316 | Lots and Collections

★★(1960ca). Set-stock of West Germany (FRG) between 1960 and 2002 of stamps and complete series, new without hallmarks, with quantities between one and eight units of each. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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317 | Lots and Collections

★★(1979ca). West German (FRG) complete series set between 1979 and 2001, in new and some stamps on German Post covers, includes a complete year of Switzerland from 1999 in new. TO EXAMINE.
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318 | Lots and Collections

★★(1980ca). West Germany (FRG) collection between 1980 and 2003 practically complete, in new (mounted on Lindner albums), includes Berlin collection between 1980 and 1990, in new and practically complete. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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319 | Lots and Collections

★★(1996ca). Virtually complete collection from West Germany (FRG) between 1996 and 2012, in new. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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320 | Lots and Collections

★★(1998ca). Set of stamps and complete series of West Germany (FRG) between 1998 and 2013, in new and some years in duplicate. HIGH VALUE OF FACIAL. TO EXAMINE.
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321 | Lots and Collections

★★/★1948. Interesting Berlin collection between 1948 and 1990, most of them new with some series used until 1954 and from 1955 without affixes, highlighting the series with BERLIN surcharge, in black and red without affixes (Schlegel label) and "La Reforma" block sheet Monetary", without stamps. VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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322 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1948ca). Interesting collection of Germany Berlin between 1948 and 1990, in new condition and most of them without stamps from 1952, including all the important series (some without stamps) and the Monetary Reform block sheet. VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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323 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1949ca). Interesting collection of Germany Berlin between 1949 and 1990, in new and used and East Germany between 1919 and 1990, in new, Berlin in the absence of the important series (some used) and most without stamps from 1970, the part of East Germany practically complete (time stains in the first series) and without affixes from 1972. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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324 | Lots and Collections

★/(1949ca). Interesting collection of East Germany (DDR) between 1949 and 1990, in new and used (mounted in Lindner albums), includes block sheets, service and Soviet Occupation zones practically complete with block sheets, plus combinations and some variety, very good quality in general with numerous series without fixes before 1960 (after 1960 most without fixes). VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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325 | Lots and Collections

★★1961. East German collection between 1950 and 1990, in new and without stamps, practically complete (mounted in Lindner albums)(between 1950 and 1960 most without stamps and with good quality, some repeated in used, this part +4200 euros in Yvert) . HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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326 | Lots and Collections

★★(1980ca). Complete collection of East Germany between 1980 and 1990, in new, with mini sheets and special sheets in black, includes West Germany from 1980 to 1988 and Berlin from 1982 to 1990, in new. TO EXAMINE.
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327 | Lots and Collections

★★(1970ca). Spectacular set of complete series, block sheets and some mini-sheets from various countries of Southeast Arabia WITHOUT INSERTS, mounted on cards and most of them numbered according to the Michel catalogue. VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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328 | Lots and Collections

|*/th|(1850ca). Interesting set of stamps and complete series from Austria between 1850 and 2000, in new and used (most), with numerous series of medium and high value and good looking classics, mounted on tokens. VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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329 | Lots and Collections

★★(1936ca). Set of stamps and complete series of Austria between 1936 and 1998, new and without affixes (there are some used, not counted), mounted on tokens. TO EXAMINE. Yvert 2022: +1,280 Euros
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330 | Lots and Collections

|*/th|(1858ca). Interesting collection from Argentina (majority) between 1858 and 1949, in new and used, the classic part of various qualities and includes air, service, telegraphs and some stamp of Corrientes (mounted in Lindner album). TO EXAMINE. Yvert 2014: +3,000 Euros
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331 | Lots and Collections

(1920ca). Interesting set of more than two hundred letters and postcards from Argentina circulated between 1920 and 1975, many addressed to Switzerland. TO EXAMINE.
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332 | Lots and Collections

|(*)/th|(1849ca). Spectacular set of thousands of vintage stamps and later issues of Belgium between 1849 and 1930, in new and used (most) and including postage stamps, many with special postmarks (mounted on old sheets with indication of the Yvert catalog number and price in French francs, ideal for selling online). VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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333 | Lots and Collections

|*/th|(1900ca). Set of stamps from Belgium between 1900 and 1985 (mounted in file), in new and used, includes circulated letters, parcel post documents, postcards, some First Day cover and numerous Parcel Post stamps. TO EXAMINE.
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334 | Lots and Collections

★★(1970ca). Set of hundreds of complete series, stamps and block sheets from Belgium and Japan, in new and most modern and without stamps. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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335 | Lots and Collections

(1930ca). Interesting set of more than one hundred and twenty letters circulated from Bolivia, Chile and Peru between 1930 and 1965, with some interesting pieces of air mail, most via Panagra and Air France, including some Postal Stationery Cards from the beginning of the 20th century. TO EXAMINE.
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336 | Lots and Collections

★/1859. Interesting collection from Colombia between 1859 and 1959, in new and used, the classical part moderately represented with some variety and two unstamped letters, from 1900 the majority in new with numerous complete series of average value and including airmail series, block sheets and certificate labels. VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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337 | Lots and Collections

(1920ca). Interesting set of more than one hundred and fifty letters and postcards from Cuba, circulated between 1920 and 1985, including some First Day envelopes and some new and used Postal Stationery Cards. TO EXAMINE.
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338 | Lots and Collections

|*/th|(1851ca). Interesting collection from Denmark between 1851 and 1955, in new and used, the classic part of various qualities and includes air, service and taxes (mounted in Lindner album). TO EXAMINE. Yvert 2020: +9,000 Euros
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339 | Lots and Collections

|(*)/th|(1890ca). Set of more than fifty new Entero Postales cards and envelopes from Ecuador (two used) and ten new Entero Postales cuttings, most from the end of the 19th century. TO EXAMINE.
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340 | Lots and Collections

|*/th|(1870ca). Interesting collection from Egypt between 1872 and 1998, new and used, very complete and including block sheets and some series from Syria and Palestine (weather stains on some stamps and block sheets). HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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341 | Lots and Collections

(1851ca). Interesting set of hundreds of classic stamps and subsequent issues of the United States between 1851 and 1925, in new and used (most) (mounted on old sheets with an indication of the Yvert catalog number and price in French francs, ideal for selling online). VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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342 | Lots and Collections

|*/th|(1851ca). Collection of the United States between 1851 and 1993, in new and used, the classic part in new and used with some stamp of average value and from 1900, the majority in new, without affixes from 1950 including airmail (with a series of Colombia consular EU), newspapers, urgent and block sheets. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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343 | Lots and Collections

|**/th|(1855ca). United States merchant set-stock between 1855 and 1990, most in new without affixes (until 1900 most used) with variable quantities, between one and ten stamps, includes a collection remnant in new and used between 1900 and 1975. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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344 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1893ca). Interesting United States collection from 1893 to 1966 and 1975 to 1995, most of them in new and very complete from 1930, including the two basic series up to 5 dollars in new without stamps, as well as numerous carnets (mounted in Lindner albums). VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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345 | Lots and Collections

(1914ca). Interesting set of more than four hundred United States letters and postcards circulated between 1914 and 1980, some with unusual postage, includes First Day and Maximum Cards envelopes. TO EXAMINE.
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346 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1926ca). Set of stamps and complete series of the United States between 1953 and 1966, the majority without hallmarks and in blocks of four, includes airmail between 1926 and 1960, also in new and in blocks of four. TO EXAMINE. Yvert 2018: +1,750 Euros
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347 | Lots and Collections

★★(1975ca). Collection of the United States (in new) between 1975 and 2012, until 1995 mounted in the annual books and the rest, most of them in envelopes or mail folders, includes Entire Postal covers of various years (Approximate Face: + 1200 U$). TO EXAMINE.
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348 | Lots and Collections

|**/th|(1978ca). Interesting collection (in new) of the United States in blocks of four (mounted in American Commemoratives albums) with explanations of each issue between 1978 and 1981, 1983, 1984, 1988 to 1990 and 1993 to 1998, includes collection of presentation sheets with postmark of First Day between 1989 and 1994. TO EXAMINE.
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349 | Lots and Collections

(1885ca). Interesting set of over three hundred and fifty circulated letters, postcards and stationery postcards (some new) and First Day covers from Finland between 1885 and 1990, includes cards and covers from Aland. TO EXAMINE.
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350 | Lots and Collections

|(*)/th|(1850ca). Interesting set of thousands of classic stamps from France and French Colonies between 1850 and 1935, new and used (most) (mounted on old sheets with the Yvert catalog number and price in French francs, ideal for selling online). VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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