Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #116
1551 | Guinea
★★/★ 98/10. 1914. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: +45 Euros
1552 | Guinea
124/25, 128, Guinea 12/13(2). 1905. 2 cts y 3 cts de Guinea, dos sellos de cada valor, 5 cts, 10 cts y 50 cts. Certificado de FERNANDO POO a BARCELONA. Matasello CORREOS / FERNANDO POO, en azul. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA VERDADERAMENTE CIRCULADA.
1553 | Guinea
159(2). 1924. 20 cts lila, pareja. SANTA ISABEL a KIEL (ALEMANIA). Matasello SANTA ISABEL / (FERNANDO POO), en azul y al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.
1555 | Guinea
★★ 230/43. 1932. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 360 Euros
1556 | Guinea
★★ 259A/L. . Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 510 Euros
1557 | Ifni
★★ 1/15. 1941. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. Cert. CEM (4 pts y 10 pts). Edifil 2024: 2.635 Euros
1558 | Ifni
★ 15A/G, 15H/P. 1941. Dos series completas. MAGNIFICAS. Edifil 2018: 146 Euros
1559 | Ifni
(★) 31s. 1943. 1 pts violet and blue. IMPERFORATED and security mark on the back AGoodHIVO RIEUSSET SL SAMPLE. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2019: 48 Euros
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1560 | Ifni
★★ 36s. 1947. 50 cts chestnut and grey. IMPERFORATE. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: +49 Euros
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1561 | Mariana Islands
★ 1/6. 1899. Complete series (normal conservation). MAGNIFICENT AND EXTRAORDINARILY RARE. Cert. CEM. Edifil 2024: 9,900 Euros
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1562 | Mariana Islands
★★ 5. 1899. 8 cents dark brown. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Cert. CEM. Edifil 2024: +450 Euros
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1563 | Spanish Marocco
★★ 14/22. 1903. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Cert. CEM (does not include the 40 cts). Edifil 2024: 2,100 Euros
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1564 | Spanish Marocco
|ENVELOPE| 3(4), 4(3). 1903. 5 cts green, four stamps and 10 cts red, three stamps. Certificate from TANGER to MARSEILLE (FRANCE). On the back transit through Barcelona and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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1565 | Spanish Marocco
★ NE1/2. 1903. 15 cts blackish blue and 15 cts lilac. NOT ISSUED. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Cert. CEM Edifil 2024: 900 Euros
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1566 | Spanish Marocco
|ENVELOPE| 3/7. 1910. 5 cts green, 10 cts red, 15 cts violet, 20 cts black and 25 cts blue. Envelope from the Orient Line of Royal Mail Steamers from TANGER to GIBRALTAR. Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT, RARE DESTINATION AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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1567 | Spanish Marocco
★★ 14/22. 1908. Complete set (25 cts with slight trace of postage stamp). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Cert. GRAUS. Edifil 2024: 2,100 Euros
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1568 | Spanish Marocco
★★ 23/28. 1908. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Cert. CEM. Edifil 2024: 2,000 Euros
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1569 | Spanish Marocco
25, 26, 28. 1909. 5 cts verde, 10 cts rojo y 25 cts azul. Certificado de TETUAN a TANGER. Matasello CERTIFICADO / TETUAN / (MARRUECOS) y al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMAS LAS CARTAS VERDADERAMENTE CIRCULADAS CON SELLOS SOBRECARGADOS TETUAN.
1570 | Spanish Marocco
62. 1922. 25 cts azul y 50 cts azul verde de España (Correo Aéreo). LARACHE a HUDDERSFIELD (GRAN BRETAÑA). MAGNIFICA Y RARA.
1571 | Spanish Marocco
63. 1921. 30 cts verde BISECTADO. LARACHE a BEN TIEB. Matasello bilingüe CORREOS / LARACHE. MAGNIFICA.
1572 | Spanish Marocco
★ 64/67. 1916. Serie completa (conservación habitual). MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 300 Euros
1573 | Spanish Marocco
★ NE3/4. 1916. 15 cts violeta y 25 cts verde oscuro. NO EMITIDOS. MAGNIFICOS Y RAROS. Edifil 2024: 510 Euros
1574 | Spanish Marocco
★ 74/80. 1921. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 390 Euros
1575 | Spanish Marocco
1921. 15 cts amarillo de España. TETUAN a MURCIA. Matasello TETUAN / MARRUECOS. MAGNIFICA.
1576 | Spanish Marocco
★ 81/90. 1923. Serie completa. Excelentes centrajes. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 260 Euros
1577 | Spanish Marocco
82, 84, España 292/96. 1926. 5 cts lila, 15 cts verde azul y serie completa de España. Correo Aéreo de LARACHE a MADRID. Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA E INUSUAL COMBINACION DE FRANQUEO.
1578 | Spanish Marocco
★★ 133/47Hcc. 1933. Serie completa (a falta del 15 cts castaño y 1 pts azul). CAMBIO DE COLOR, WATERLOW AND SONS LTD. / SPECIMEN y TALADRADOS. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2018: 1.100 Euros
1579 | Spanish Marocco
★★ 186/95Mts. 1938. Complete series. UNDIERED and DRILLED. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2018: 330 Euros
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1580 | Spanish Marocco
★★ 343/56s. 1952. Complete set. IMPERFORATED. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 400 Euros
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1581 | Spanish Marocco
|ENVELOPE| 384/93. 1956. Complete set. Certificate from TETUAN to BANGOR (USA). Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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1582 | Spanish Marocco. Local Stamps
(1936ca). 5 pts overseas, block of ten. PRO MOBILIZED. DAR-DRIUS / MOROCCO postmark, in black and oval in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE BLOCK.
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1583 | Puerto Rico
★ 18/22. 1878. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 500 Euros
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1584 | Puerto Rico
★ 71/85. 1890. Complete set (80 cts. very slight green horizontal fold). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Cert. COMEX (80 cts). Edifil 2024: 1,410 Euros
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1585 | Puerto Rico
130, 133, 135, 138, 146. 1903. 1 mils, 4 mils, 1 ctvo, 4 ctvos and 60 ctvos. Certified from SAN JUAN to RIO PIEDRAS. On the front, date stamp CERTIFIED / S.JUAN / FROM PTO RICO, in violet and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1586 | RÃo de Oro
★ 1/16. 1905. Complete series. Very well centered. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, ESPECIALLY IN THIS QUALITY. Edifil 2024: 1,200 Euros
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1587 | RÃo de Oro
|ENVELOPE| 1/7. 1905. 1 cts to 15 cts. Certificate from RIO DE ORO to MADRID. Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1588 | RÃo de Oro
★ 17. 1907. 15 cts on 25 cts blue. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. GRAUS. Edifil 2024: 340 Euros
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1589 | RÃo de Oro
★ 18/33. 1907. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 210 Euros
1590 | RÃo de Oro
★ 34/36. 1907. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 435 Euros
1591 | RÃo de Oro
★ 37/40. 1908. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 200 Euros
1592 | RÃo de Oro
★ 59/64. 1911. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. Edifil 2024: 685 Euros
1593 | Sahara
1/9. 1925. 5 cts a 60 cts (algún sello tonalizado). Certificado de RIO DE ORO a LA HAYA (PAISES BAJOS). Al dorso tránsito. BONITA Y MUY RARA.
1594 | Sahara
★ 36/47. 1931. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 260 Euros
1595 | Sahara. Vignette
1959. Sin cifra del valor, multicolor. EXPOSITION NOTRE SAHARA 59. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA.
1596 | Tangier
1(2), 7(2). 1905. 25 cts azul, dos sellos. Certificado de TANGER (MARRUECOS) a LONDRES. Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR.
1597 | Tangier
★ NE1/3. 1909. Serie completa (excelentes centrajes). NO EMITIDOS. MAGNIFICA Y RARA, ESPECIALMENTE EN ESTA CALIDAD. Edifil 2024: 315 Euros
1598 | Tangier
3, 4(2), 7(2). 1906. 5 cts verde, 10 cts rojo, pareja y 25 cts azul, dos sellos. Certificado de TANGER a FRANKFURT. Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR.
1599 | Tangier
|ENVELOPE| 139. 1938. 4 pts pink, various values. Airmail from TANGER (MOROCCO) to LONDON (ENGLAND). MAGNIFICENT.
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