Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #114

Thursday, 9 May 2024 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

Lots not sold available
Auction info Sale Condition

1651 | Andorra

33. 1941. 10 cts verde amarillento y diversos valores. ANDORRA a REUS (TARRAGONA). Matasello ANDORRA / ANDORRA / LA / VIEJA, al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA E INUSUAL USO MIXTO DE SELLOS DE ESPAÑA Y ANDORRA.

Starting price: 65€
Price realised: 110€

1652 | Andorra

35. 1941. 25 cts rosa carmín y diversos valores. ANDORRA a REUS (TARRAGONA). Matasello ANDORRA / ANDORRA / LA / VIEJA, al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA E INUSUAL USO MIXTO DE SELLOS DE ESPAÑA Y ANDORRA.

Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 45€

1653 | Andorra


Starting price: 90€
Price realised: 220€

1654 | Andorra

38. 1947. 45 cts rosa y 50 cts azul gris de España. Certificado de ANDORRA LA VIEJA a MADRID. Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA Y RARO FRANQUEO MIXTO.

Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 75€

1655 | Andorra

38, 40. 1849. 45 cts rosa y 60 cts azul. Tarjeta Postal ilustrada. Sin circular. MAGNIFICA.

Starting price: 10€
Price realised: 10€

1656 | Andorra


Starting price: 450€
Price realised: 800€

1657 | Andorra

38, 56, 57. 1954. 45 cts, 4 pts y 10 pts. Certificado de NUEVA YORK a ANDORRA, reexpedida a NUEVA YORK con un bloque de cuatro de 3 ctvos. MAGNIFICA Y RARO FRANQUEO MIXTO.

Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 75€

1658 | Andorra

38. 1946. 45 cts pink and 5 cts sepia from Spain. LAS ESCALDES to BILBAO. The Spanish stamp is not postmarked and arrives on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 25€
Price realised: 25€

1659 | Andorra

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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 50€

1660 | Andorra

1939. Various values ​​of Spain. Philatelic Letter (the first dates of use of Spanish stamps in Andorra are from 1942) Certified from ANDORRA LA VIEJA to MADRID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 50€

1661 | Andorra

1946. Stamps from Spain of 40 cts green gray and 10 cts carmine, in pairs. Certificate from SANTA COLOMA to VALENCIA DEL VENTOSO (BADAJOZ). Postmark ANDORRA / POST OFFICE / SANTA COLOMA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 170€

1662 | Andorra

1943. 20 cts violet, 40 cts gray green, 2 cts chestnut and 15 cts green, all from Spain. Certificate from ANDORRA LA VIEJA to WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF (SWITZERLAND), reissued to ZURICH and deposited in the Barcelona post office. Arrivals on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 120€

1663 | Andorra

★★ 45/58, 59. 1948. Complete series, including the 1 aerial pts. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 242 Euros
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 40€

1664 | Andorra

★★ 45/58(4), 59(4). 1848. Complete series, including the 1 aerial pts. Exceptional centering. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: ++968 Euros
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Price: 175€

1665 | Andorra

★ 51sph. 1948. 50 cts green, pair. NO TOOTHING BETWEEN THE SEALS. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2018: 600 Euros
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Price: 120€

1666 | Andorra

(★) 52s. 1948. 75 cts blue. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2023: -225 Euros
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Price: 120€

1667 | Andorra

★★ 54s(2). 1948. 1 pts vermilion, pair. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2019: +650 Euros
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Price: 75€

1668 | Andorra

★★ 57smz. 1948. 10 pts castaño, borde de hoja. SIN DENTAR MARGEN IZQUIERDO. MAGNIFICO Y RARO, NO CATALOGADO.

Price: 175€

1669 | Andorra

★★ 57. 1948. 10 pts castaño lila, pareja vertical, esquina de pliego. SIN DENTAR EL MARGEN INFERIOR. MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA, NO RESEÑADA.

Starting price: 275€
Not available

1670 | Andorra

53. 1948. 90 cts lila rosáceo. Certificado de ANDORRA a BARCELONA. Matasello CERTIFICADO / ANDORRA LA VIEJA, al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.

Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 45€

1671 | Andorra

48, 54(2), 38(4), 63. 1964. 20 cts lila, 1 pts bermellón, dos sellos y 45 cts rojo, bloque de cuatro y 2 pts lila y castaño. ANDORRA LA VIEJA a OSKHOSH (U.S.A.). MAGNIFICA.

Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 6€

1672 | Andorra

43, 38, 46, 62/63, 68/69. 1968. 10 pts castaño y diversos valores de diferentes emisiones. Certificado de ENCAMP a HOLESOV (CHECOSLOVAQUIA). Al dorso tránsito. MAGNIFICA Y RARA COMBINACION DE FRANQUEO Y USO TARDIO DEL 10 PTS DE 1935.

Price: 30€

1673 | Andorra

42/43, 38, 40, 50/55, 58. 1950. 4 pts carmín, 10 pts castaño y diversos valores. Certificado de ANDORRA LA VIEJA a MAPLEWOOD (U.S.A.). Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA Y RARO FRANQUEO.

Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 40€

1674 | Andorra

48(2), 50, 53/55, 38. 1953. 25 cts, dos sellos, 30 cts, 90 cts, 1 pts, 1´35 pts y 45 cts rosa. Certificado de ANDORRA LA VIEJA a WINTERTHUR (SUIZA). Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.

Price: 35€

1675 | Andorra

48(2), 51(2). 1953. 20 cts lila, dos sellos, 50 cts verde oliva, dos sellos y 10 cts verde de España. Certificado de ANDORRA LA VIEJA a MADRID. Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.

Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 20€

1676 | Andorra

42, 54(2). 1949. 4 pts carmín, 1 pts bermellón, pareja y sello de 15 cts verde de España. ANDORRA LA VIEJA a NUEVA YORK (U.S.A.). Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA Y RARO FRANQUEO.

Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 30€

1677 | Andorra

56. 1961. 4 pts ultramar. Tarjeta Postal de ANDORRA LA VIEJA a NORTHFIELD (U.S.A.). MAGNIFICA.

Starting price: 10€
Price realised: 10€

1678 | Andorra

56(3), 38. 1962. 4 overseas pts, three stamps, 45 pink cts and various values ​​from Spain. Certificate from ENCAMP to TIMPERLEY (ENGLAND). On the back transit. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE POSTAGE.
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Starting price: 35€
Price realised: 55€

1679 | Andorra

57. 1967. 10 pts brown. Certificate from LAS ESCALDES to GERONA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 20€

1680 | Andorra

58(7). 1958. Seven letters circulated with the 25 cts red and addressed to LES ESCALDES U ORDINO, with origin and corresponding postmarks of the six Andorran parishes (regions) (ANDORRA LA VIEJA, CANILLO, ENCAMP, LA MASSANA, ORDINO, SAN JULIA DE LORIA) and the town of SANTA COLOMA. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE SET.
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Starting price: 175€
Price realised: 175€

1681 | Andorra

59(2), 52, 55. 1951. 1 pt dark violet, two stamps, 75 cts blue and 1.35 pts violet. Certificate from ANDORRA LA VIEJA to COQUIMBO (CHILE)(file drills). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL DESTINATION.
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Starting price: 25€
Price realised: 30€

1682 | Andorra

1949. ANDORRA LA VIEJA to LES ESCALDES, without postage since it was not mandatory since letters circulated within the Andorran territory were franchised. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 65€

1683 | Andorra. Charity Stamp

★★ 1/6. 1938. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 485 Euros
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Starting price: 80€
Price realised: 80€

1684 | Andorra. Charity Stamp

★★ 1/6s. 1938. Complete series. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Cert. EMF. Edifil 2023: 785 Euros
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Starting price: 140€
Price realised: 140€

1685 | Andorra. Charity Stamp

★★ 7/12. 1943. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2021: 355 Euros
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 55€

1686 | Andorra. Charity Stamp

★★ 7/12. 1938. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 355 Euros
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Price: 70€

1687 | Andorra. Charity Stamp

★★ 7/12(2). 1943. Complete series, pair with interpanel. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2022: +710 Euros
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Starting price: 120€
Price realised: 120€

1688 | Andorra. Charity Stamp

★★ 7/12(4). 1938. Serie completa, borde de hoja, bloque de cuatro. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: +++1.940 Euros

Starting price: 375€
Price realised: 375€

1689 | Andorra. Postal Fiscal Stamp

★★1954. Serie completa, bloque de cuatro (15 cts, 25 cts, 50 cts y 1 pts). CONSELL GENERAL DE LES VALLS. MAGNIFICA.

Starting price: 200€
Price realised: 200€

1690 | Cabo Juby

1/4. 1916. Serie completa (excepto Edifil Nº3A y 4A). MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 200 Euros

Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 50€

1691 | Cabo Juby

1/4A. 1916. Serie completa, seis valores. Carta Filatélica de CABO JUBY a SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE. Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.

Price: 75€

1692 | Cabo Juby

★ 5/18. 1919. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 250 Euros

Starting price: 70€
Price realised: 81€

1693 | Cabo Juby

(★) 6s(2). 1919. 2 cts castaño, pareja. SIN DENTAR y un sello variedad "CARO" EN LUGAR DE "CABO". MAGNIFICA Y RARA.

Price: 60€

1694 | Cabo Juby

★★ 19/20. 1922. Serie completa. Bonitos centrajes. MAGNIFICA. Cert. COMEX (2 cts y 20 cts). Edifil 2024: 1.000 Euros

Starting price: 425€
Price realised: 425€

1695 | Cabo Juby

★★ 26/39. 1926. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 100 Euros

Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 20€

1696 | Cabo Juby

(★) 26/39MTs(2). 1926. Serie completa, en pareja. SIN DENTAR y con TALADRADOS. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. Edifil 2018: 710 Euros

Starting price: 100€
Price realised: 100€

1697 | Cabo Juby

67/84. 1935. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. Edifil 2024: 620 Euros

Starting price: 90€
Price realised: 95€

1698 | Cabo Juby

★★ 67/84s. 1935. Complete series, ten values. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2024: +630 Euros
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Price: 240€

1699 | Cabo Juby

★★ 85/01s. 1937. Complete series. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2024: 865 Euros
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Starting price: 325€
Price realised: 325€

1700 | Cabo Juby

85/01. 1937. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2024: 500 Euros
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Starting price: 90€
Price realised: 120€