Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #114
1601 | Antilles
(★) 7P(2). 1857. Set of two COLOR PROOFS-ESSAYS of the ½ real blue of 1857 (very clear printing). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE SET.
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1602 | Antilles
(★) 8P(9). 1857. Spectacular set of nine COLOR PROOFS-ESSAYS from the 1st real of 1857, some with different types of paper that include watermarks (very clear printing). MAGNIFICENT AND EXTRAORDINARY RARE SET.
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1603 | Antilles
(★) 10P, 11P. 1862. ½ green real and 1 blue real . COLOR TESTS. MAGNIFICENT.
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1604 | Antilles
★ 10/12. 1864. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 45 Euros
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1605 | Antilles
★ 19/21. 1870. Complete series. Excellent centering. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 350 Euros
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1606 | Antilles
(★) 25P(3). 1878. Set of three COLOR PROOFS of 25 cts, in orange, light brown and green. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL.
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1607 | Antilles
(★) 26P, 27P. 1873. 50 cts blue and 1 pts green. PUNCH TESTS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1608 | Andorra
(★) NE1/12(4). 1896. Serie completa, borde de hoja, bloque de cuatro. NO EMITIDA. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: +280 Euros
1609 | Andorra
★★/★ 6hi, 7hi, 9hi. 1928. 25 cts carmÃn, 30 cts castaño y 50 cts naranja. Variedad SOBRECARGA INVERTIDA. MAGNIFICOS Y RAROS. Edifil 2019: 575 Euros
1610 | Andorra
★★ 10N, 11/12N, 14N. 1928. 1 pts pizarra, 4 pts carmÃn violeta, 10 pts castaño y 20 cts rojo vivo. NºA000.000. MAGNIFICOS Y RARISIMOS. Edifil 2019: +5.680 Euros
1611 | Andorra
★ 15/27. 1929. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2018: 485 Euros
1612 | Andorra
★★ 15/27(4). 1929. Serie completa, bloque de cuatro (todos con numeración A.000.001). MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, PROCEDENTE DEL PRIMER PLIEGO IMPRESO. Edifil 2020: ++2.480 Euros
1613 | Andorra
(★) 15P. 1929. 2 cts verde oliva. PRUEBA DE PUNZON. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA.
1614 | Andorra
(★) 17P. 1929. 10 cts verde. PRUEBA DE PUNZON. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA.
1615 | Andorra
(★) 20P. 1929. 25 cts rosa. PRUEBA DE PUNZON. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA.
1616 | Andorra
★ 25P. 1929. 4 pts rosa lila. PRUEBA DE PUNZON, sobre papel engomado. MAGNIFICA Y RARA.
1617 | Andorra
(★) 26P. 1929. 10 pts azul. PRUEBA DE PUNZON. MAGNIFICA Y RARA.
1618 | Andorra
(★) 26P. 1929. 10 pts chestnut. PUNCH TEST. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1619 | Andorra
(★) 26P. 1929. 10 pts blue. PUNCH TEST. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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1620 | Andorra
★ 15sph(2), 25sph(2), 26sph(2). 1929. 2 cts, 4 pts and 10 pts, pairs. NO TOOTHING BETWEEN THE SEALS. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2018: +1,616 Euros
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1621 | Andorra
★ 16/20d. 1931. 5 cts lilac, 10 cts green, 15 cts blue gray (thinned), 20 cts lilac and 25 cts pink (thinned). NºA000,000. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, NOT REVIEWED IN THE EDIFIL CATALOG. (Maury 30b, 31b, 32c, 33b)
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1622 | Andorra
★★ 15sphi. 1929. 2 cts olive green, leaf edge, pair. NO TOOTH BETWEEN THE SEALS AND THE LEFT MARGIN. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: 400 Euros
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1623 | Andorra
(★) 17cc. 1929. 10 cts greenish blue. COLOR CHANGE. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: 970 Euros
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1624 | Andorra
(★) 18ccs(2). 1929. 15 cts yellow green, pair. COLOR CHANGE and UNTOOTHED. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: 1,210 Euros
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1625 | Andorra
(★) 22dN. 1931. 40 cts blue. NºA000,000. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: 455 Euros
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1626 | Andorra
★★ 26s(2). 1929. 10 pts chestnut, pair. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: +880 Euros
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1627 | Andorra
★ 25/26sph. 1929. 4 sts carmine pink and 10 sts chestnut, pairs. NO TOOTHING BETWEEN THE SEALS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: +1,550 Euros
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1628 | Andorra
15/27. 1930. Serie completa sobre cinco cartas Certificadas de ANDORRA LA VIEJA a NUEVA YORK (U.S.A.) (todas ellas con llegada y la del 10 pts además con viñetas al dorso de la Exposición Internacional de Barcelona). MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO CONJUNTO.
1629 | Andorra
16, 17. 1932. 5 cts lila y 10 cts verde. Tarjeta Postal (sin circular). MAGNIFICA.
1630 | Andorra
16/18. 1929. 5 cts lila, 10 cts verde y 15 cts azul gris. Carta (no circulada) del 1º Vuelo de ANDORRA a BARCELONA. MAGNIFICA.
1631 | Andorra
43. 1961. 10 pts castaño y diversos valores de España. Certificado de ENCAMP a TIMPERLEY (INGLATERRA). Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA Y RARO FRANQUEO.
1632 | Andorra
16, 18(2), 23, 24. 1930. 5 cts lila, 15 cts azul gris, dos sellos, 50 cts naranja y 1 pts pizarra. Tarjeta Postal por Graf Zeppelin de ANDORRA LA VIEJA a BERLIN (ALEMANIA). Anotación manuscrita "Por dirigible Graf Zeppelin entre Sevilla y Friedrichshafen", en el frente doble fechador ANDORRA / ANDORRA / LA / VIEJA, con dos fechas diferentes debido a que se retuvo el correo para enlazar con el vuelo del Zeppelin de Sevilla a Friedrichshafen, tránsitos Sevilla, Friedrichshafen y llegada. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA, SOLO VOLARON DIECISIETE CARTAS DE ANDORRA EN ESTE VUELO.
1633 | Andorra
★★ NE13/24(4). 1932. Serie completa, bloque de cuatro. NO EMITIDA. MAGNIFICO. Edifil 2024: 152 Euros
1634 | Andorra
★★ NE13s(8). 1932. 25 cts carmÃn, bloque de ocho y borde de hoja superior (conservación habitual). NO EMITIDO, SIN DENTAR e INTERPANEL. BONITO Y RARO. Edifil 2019: ++200 Euros
1635 | Andorra
★★ NE14s(4). 1932. 50 cts violeta, bloque de cuatro y borde de hoja (pliegues naturales). NO EMITIDO, SIN DENTAR. BONITO Y RARO. Edifil 2019: +380 Euros
1636 | Andorra
(★) NE22s(4). 1932. 3´25 pts naranja, bloque de cuatro y borde de hoja (pliegues naturales). NO EMITIDO y SIN DENTAR. BONITO Y RARO. Edifil 2019: +280 Euros
1637 | Andorra
★★ NE25/36(4). 1932. Serie completa, borde de hoja, bloque de cuatro. NO EMITIDA. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: +++300 Euros
1638 | Andorra
★★ NE25hi, NE34hi. 1932. 25 cts and 3'25 pts. REVERSED OVERLOAD. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2018: +240 Euros
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1639 | Andorra
★★ NE25hdx(50). 1932. 25 cts carmine NOT ISSUED, complete sheet (usual conservation). DISPLACED ENABLEMENT. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2019: +++2,000 Euros
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1640 | Andorra
★★ NE28hdx(50). 1932. 1 pts brown NOT ISSUED, complete sheet (stains typical of printing, unimportant). DISPLACED ENABLEMENT. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2019: +++4,050 Euros
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1641 | Andorra
★★ NE33hdx(50). 1932. 2.50 pts green NOT ISSUED, complete sheet. DISPLACED ENABLEMENT. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2019: +++1,500 Euros
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1642 | Andorra
★★ NE34hi(4). 1932. 3'25 orange pts NOT ISSUED, block of four. Variety INVERTED OVERLOAD. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: ++560 Euros
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1643 | Andorra
★★ NE34/35hdx(8). 1932. 3'25 orange pts and 4'50 orange pts, NOT ISSUED, in blocks of eight. DISPLACED OVERLOAD. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2019: 480 Euros
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1644 | Andorra
★★/★1932. Impressive set-study of the two UNISSUED issues of 1932, including UNTOOTHED, OFF-TOOTHED, DOUBLE-TOOTHED and OVERLOAD VARIETIES (many of them uncatalogued and most in new condition without hallmarks). MAGNIFICENT AND UNIQUE SET, PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT KNOWN OF THESE SERIES. Edifil 2019: +3,700 Euros
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1645 | Andorra
★/(★) 28/44s. 1935. Complete series (the 10 cts blue green and the 25 cts, both in pairs), missing the 2 cts, 30 cts and 60 cts. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE AND WITH HUGE POSSIBILITIES OF BEING COMPLETED. Edifil 2022: 7,400 Euros
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1646 | Andorra
(★) 29ec, 36ec. 1935. 5 cts lilac carmine and 30 cts chestnut. COLOR CHANGES and UNTOOTHED. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2019: 880 Euros
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1647 | Andorra
★★ 30d. 1935. 10 cts greenish blue (stains of time). TOOTH 10. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE. Edifil 2019: +440 Euros
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1648 | Andorra
(★) 40d(4). 1935. 60 cts azul, bloque de cuatro. DENTADO 10. MAGNIFICO Y RARO. Edifil 2019: 500 Euros
1649 | Andorra
31, 36. 1940. 10 cts verde y 30 cts rosa. ANDORRA LA VIEJA a PUEBLA DE SEGUR (LERIDA). Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.
1650 | Andorra
32, 35. 1939. 15 cts azul verdoso, 25 cts rosa carmÃn y 50 cts de Beneficencia (en el reverso). ANDORRA LA VIEJA a MADRID. MAGNIFICA.