Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #114

Thursday, 9 May 2024 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

Lots not sold available
Auction info Sale Condition

951 | Spain

★★ 883/84cc 880/86ccs. 1939. 50 cts azul y 1 pts castaño, COLORES CAMBIADOS, 20 cts ocre, 50 cts azul y 4 pts azul ultramar, COLORES CAMBIADOS y SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICO Y MUY INTERESANTE CONJUNTO INCLUYENDO TODAS LAS VARIEDADES CONOCIDAS. Edifil 2020: 1.970 Euros

Starting price: 325€
Price realised: 325€

952 | Spain


Price: 25€

953 | Spain

(1939ca). Conjunto de seis cartas certificadas circuladas en 1939 y franqueadas con sellos de la Cierva, algunas con franqueos poco usuales y todas dirigidas al extranjero. A EXAMINAR.

Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 10€

954 | Spain

★★ 887s(2). 1939. 10 cts azul, pareja, borde de hoja. SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2021: 130 Euros

Price: 40€

955 | Spain

(★) 887pas(2). 1939. 10 cts azul, pareja. PAPEL CEBOLLA y SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. Edifil 2020: 220 Euros

Price: 45€

956 | Spain

★★/★ 888dx(8). 1939. 10 cts castaño, bloque de ocho. DENTADO DESPLAZADO. MAGNIFICO Y MUY RARO. Edifil 2021: +400 Euros

Starting price: 90€
Not available

957 | Spain

(1939ca). Conjunto de cinco cartas certificadas circuladas entre 1939 y 1941, dirigidas al extranjero, una con matasello especial CALDETAS / BARCELONA, en violeta. A EXAMINAR.

Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 15€

958 | Spain

★★ 889/03. 1940. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 475 Euros
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Starting price: 175€
Price realised: 200€

959 | Spain

★ 889/03N. 1940. Complete series. NºA000,000. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 330 Euros
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Price: 130€

960 | Spain

★ 889/03s. 1940. Complete series. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 495 Euros
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Price: 90€

961 | Spain

★★ 901/02cc. 1940. 4 pts and 10 pts. COLOR CHANGES. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2021: 166 Euros
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Price: 50€

962 | Spain

(★) 889/03P. 1940. Set of seven NOT ADOPTED FRAME AND CENTER PROJECTS, for the broadcast of the Virgen del Pilar, made in pencil and watercolor with annotations, signature on the back of JL Sánchez Toda. MAGNIFICENT AND ONLY KNOWN COMPLEX.
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Price: 500€

963 | Spain

909. 1944. 1.20 pts + 30 cts violet, various values. Air Mail PUERTO DE LA LUZ (LAS PALMAS) to PASING-OBERMENZING (GERMANY). On the front and on the back arrivals. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Price: 75€

964 | Spain

909. 1944. 1.20 pts + 30 cts violet, various values. Airmail LAS PALMAS to PASING-OBERMENZING (GERMANY). On the front and on the back arrivals. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 50€

965 | Spain

902. 1944. 4 sts + 1 sts lilac and green. Air Mail PUERTO DE LA LUZ (LAS PALMAS) to PASING-OBERMENZING (GERMANY). At the front arrivals. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 140€

966 | Spain

902. 1944. 4 sts + 1 sts lilac and green. Air Mail LAS PALMAS to PASING-OBERMENZING (GERMANY). At the front arrivals. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Starting price: 140€
Price realised: 140€

967 | Spain

★★ 904/13. 1940. Complete series. Excellent centering. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 600 Euros
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Starting price: 175€
Price realised: 180€

968 | Spain

★ 904/13. 1940. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 325 Euros

Starting price: 110€
Price realised: 110€

969 | Spain

904/13. 1940. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 325 Euros

Starting price: 120€
Price realised: 120€

970 | Spain

★ 904/13s. 1940. Serie completa. SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 495 Euros

Price: 90€

971 | Spain

★ 904/13s(4). 1940. Serie completa, bloque de cuatro. SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 1.980 Euros

Price: 300€

972 | Spain

★ 912/13ccs(4). 1940. 4 pts+1 pts violeta y verde y 10 pts+4 pts azul y violeta, en bloques de cuatro. CAMBIOS DE COLOR y SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICOS. Edifil 2021: 704 Euros

Starting price: 80€
Price realised: 80€

973 | Spain

902. 1944. 4 pts + 1 pts lila y verde. Correo Aéreo PUERTO DE LA LUZ (LAS PALMAS) a PASING-OBERMENZING (ALEMANIA). En el frente llegadas. MAGNIFICA Y RARA.

Starting price: 150€
Price realised: 150€

974 | Spain

★★ 915/18s(2). 1948. Serie completa, pareja, cuatro valores. SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 114 Euros

Starting price: 65€
Price realised: 65€

975 | Spain

★★/★ 914/18N. 1948. Serie completa. NºA000000. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2021: +75 Euros

Price: 35€

976 | Spain

★★ 914/18ed. 1948. Serie completa (2 cts y 15 cts conservación habitual indicado sólo a título informativo). DOBLE IMPRESION. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 68,25 Euros

Price: 25€

977 | Spain

★★ 914/18ic. 1948. Serie completa. CALCADA AL DORSO. MAGNIFCA. Edifil 2021: 29 Euros

Price: 15€

978 | Spain

★★ 914, 914t, 914ta. 1948. 1 green cts, three stamps. "S" FOR SPANISH DEFORMED AND POINT BETWEEN "N" AND "T" FOR CENTIMO. GORGEOUS (a type stamp is included for comparison). Edifil 2021: +6.25 Euros
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Starting price: 5€
Price realised: 15€

979 | Spain

★★ 916/17eg. 1948. 5 cts sepia and 10 cts pink. PRINTED ON THE RUBBER SIDE. MAGNIFICENT, THE 10 CTS NOT CATALOGED.
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Starting price: 15€
Price realised: 15€

980 | Spain

★★ 917dm(2). 1948. 10 cts pink. TOOTHED ON ONE SIDE ONLY. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2021: +48 Euros
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Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 20€

981 | Spain

★★ 917tb, 917. 1948. 10 cts, pair. One of them FIGURES "1" and "0" UNITED. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: +11.5 Euros
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Price: 5€

982 | Spain

★★ 917(4). 1948. 10 cts pink, block of four and sheet corner. FULL COMB JUMP (in the top pair). MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Price: 45€

983 | Spain

★★ 917(20). 1940. 10 cts red, block of twenty with full top leaf border. DISPLACED TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND PIECE OF ENORMOUS SPECTACULARITY.
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Price: 75€

984 | Spain

★★1939. Set of different blocks from the Cifras and El Cid issue of 1940, all of them present some variety. TO EXAMINE.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 45€

985 | Spain

★★ 919/35. 1940. Complete series. Excellent centering. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2022: 420 Euros
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Starting price: 140€
Price realised: 150€

986 | Spain

★ 919/35. 1939. Complete series. PRETTY. Edifil 2023: 275 Euros
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Starting price: 75€
Not available

987 | Spain

★1939. Without value figure, dark green, block of four. LITHOGRAPHIC REPORT BLOCK TEST. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Gálvez 3615)
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Starting price: 250€
Price realised: 250€

988 | Spain

★1939. Sin cifra del valor, negro pizarra, bloque de cuatro. PRUEBA DEL BLOQUE REPORTE LITOGRAFICO. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. (Gálvez 3611)

Starting price: 250€
Price realised: 250€

989 | Spain

★1939. Sin cifra del valor, azul, bloque de cuatro (márgenes medianos). PRUEBA DEL BLOQUE REPORTE LITOGRAFICO. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. (Gálvez 3616)

Starting price: 200€
Not available

990 | Spain

★★1939. Sin cifra del valor, pizarra, bloque de cuatro (márgenes medianos). PRUEBA DEL BLOQUE REPORTE LITOGRAFICO. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. (Gálvez 3611)

Starting price: 200€
Not available

991 | Spain

★ 920/29dp, 935dp. 1939. 10 cts, 15 cts, 20 cts, 25 cts castaño, 25 cts lila, 30 cts, 70 cts y 10 pts. DENTADO 14 (de iniciativa privada). MAGNIFICOS.

Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 45€

992 | Spain

★★/★ 922/25ic, 927ic, 929/33ic. 1939. 5 cts (sin catalogar), 20 cts, 25 cts, 30 cts, 40 cts, 50 cts, 70 cts, 1 pts y 2 pts (sin catalogar). CALCADO AL DORSO. MAGNIFICO E INUSUAL. Edifil 2021: ++84 Euros

Starting price: 15€
Price realised: 15€

993 | Spain

★★/★ 920(3). 1939. 10 cts castaño naranja, tira de tres sellos. DENTADO VERTICAL DOBLE. MAGNIFICO.

Starting price: 20€
Not available

994 | Spain

(★) 920ccs. 1940. 10 cts gris, borde de hoja. CAMBIO DE COLOR y SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICO. Edifil 2021: +525 Euros

Starting price: 100€
Not available

995 | Spain

★★ 922s(100). 1940. 20 cts violeta, hoja completa de cien sellos. MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA Y ESPECTACULAR, PROBABLEMENTE UNICA CONOCIDA. Edifil 2024: 2.300 Euros

Price: 450€

996 | Spain

★★1939. Precioso conjunto de cinco sellos, una pareja y un bloque de cuatro del 20 cts violeta de la emisión del General Franco dentado grueso, todos ellos presentan diferentes variedades. MAGNIFICO.

Price: 50€

997 | Spain

★★/★ 922ic(15). 1939. 20 cts violeta, bloque de quince, borde de hoja. CALCADO AL REVERSO. MAGNIFICO Y ESPECTACULAR. Edifil 2021: 180 Euros

Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 40€

998 | Spain

★★ 922dv. 1939. 20 cts violet, block of nine. DISPLACED VERTICAL TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2021: +193.5 Euros
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Starting price: 40€
Not available

999 | Spain

★★/★ 922(4). 1939. 20 cts violet, block of four. DISPLACED TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 20€
Not available

1000 | Spain

★★ 922eg(2). 1939. 20 cts violet, pair. PRINTED ON THE RUBBER SIDE. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2021: +50 Euros
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Starting price: 15€
Price realised: 15€