Lots and Collections Online Auction #112

Tuesday, 28 November 2023 | Madrid, 16:00 CET

51 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1097/01(4). 1951. Four complete series. ISABEL (air). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 140 Euros
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52 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1097/01(9). 1951. Nine complete series (generally good quality). ISABEL AIR. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 315 Euros
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53 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1097/01(10). 1951. Ten complete series. ISABEL (airy and good quality in general). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 350 Euros
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54 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1102(80). 1951. Eighty stamps (five or six with time spots). CLARET. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 480 Euros
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55 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1106/10(4). 1952. Four complete series. FERNANDO (terrestrial). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 232 Euros
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56 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1106/10(13). 1952. Thirteen complete series. FERNANDO THE CATHOLIC (terrestrial) (five with spots from time, rest good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 754 Euros
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57 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1106/10(8). 1952. Eight complete series. FERNANDO (terrestrial and good quality in general). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 464 Euros
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58 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★/★ 1111/15. 1952. Eight complete series. FERNANDO (air, two with stamp fixers). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 174 Euros
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59 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1111/15(10). 1952. Ten complete series. FERNANDO (aerial and good quality in general). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 240 Euros
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60 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1118(6). 1952. 2 pts blue, two stamps and a block of four. SAN FRANCISCO JAVIER (very well focused and good quality in general). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: +360 Euros
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61 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

1118(38). 1952. Thirty-eight stamps, used. SAN FRANCISCO JAVIER. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 760 Euros
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62 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1119/20(8). 1952. Eight complete series in blocks of four. CAJAL Y FERRAN (good quality in general). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 264 Euros
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63 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1119/20(4). 1952. Four complete series. CAJAL AND FERRAN. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 132 Euros
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64 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

1124/25(4). 1953. Four complete series. LEGAZPI AND SOROLLA. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 240 Euros
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65 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

1124/25(7). 1953. Seven complete series. LEGAZPI AND SOROLLA (also includes a new stamp with stamp holder and an extra used one from Legazpi). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 495 Euros
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66 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

1124/25(8). 1953. Eight complete series in two blocks of four, in used condition. LEGAZPI AND SOROLLA (spectacular ensemble). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 480 Euros
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67 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

1124/25(12). 1953. Twelve complete series, in used condition. LEGAZPI AND SOROLLA. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 720 Euros
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68 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1130/31(5). 1954. Five complete series. HOLY YEAR. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 365 Euros
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69 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1143/63(20). 1955. Twenty complete series (generally good quality). FRANK. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 420 Euros
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70 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1157(25). 1955. 2 pts red FRANCO, twenty-five stamps in blocks. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 450 Euros
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71 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1164/65(16). 1955. Sixteen complete series (generally good quality). FORTUNY AND TORRES QUEVEDO. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 608 Euros
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72 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1164/65(6). 1955. Six complete FORTUNY AND TORRES QUEVEDO series (very well centered). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 228 Euros
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73 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1180/82(4), 1280/89(5). 1955. Four complete TELEGRAPH series and five complete CIF series (two with time spots). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 232 Euros
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74 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1184(100). 1955. Set of one hundred stamps (generally good quality). CHRISTMAS 55. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 500 Euros
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75 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1187/90(35). 1956. Thirty-five complete series (generally good quality). LIFT. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2023: 630 Euros
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76 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1191(91). 1956. Set of ninety-one stamps (generally good quality). CITY OF TOLEDO. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 455 Euros
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77 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1222/23(5). 1958. Five sets of block sheets (generally good quality). BRUSSELS. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 300 Euros
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78 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1224/31(114). 1959. One hundred and fourteen complete series. CARLOS I. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 342 Euros
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79 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1232/37(75). 1958. Seventy-five complete series. RAILWAYS. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 262.5 Euros
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80 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1238/47(100). 1959. One hundred complete series in sheets. VELAZQUEZ (generally good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 250 Euros
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81 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★(1958ca). Set of five years each between 1958 and 1963 inclusive (generally good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2023: 1,682.5 Euros
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82 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★(1959ca). Set of five years each between 1959 and 1963 inclusive (generally good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 1,330 Euros
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83 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★(1959ca). Set of four years from each between 1959 and 1963 inclusive (generally good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2023: 1,064 Euros
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84 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1270/79(260). 1960. Two hundred and sixty complete series (generally good quality). MURILLO. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 780 Euros
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85 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1270/79(115). 1960. One hundred and fifteen complete series. MURILLO (good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 345 Euros
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86 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1280/89(75). 1960. Seventy-five complete series in sheets. CIF (general good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 1,800 Euros
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87 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1280/89(43). 1960. Forty-three complete series. CIF. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 1,032 Euros
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88 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1298/05(15). 1960. Fifteen complete series (good quality). FORGERS. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2021: 90 Euros
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89 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1298/05(60). 1960. Sixty complete series (generally good quality). FORGERS. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 360 Euros
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90 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1306/15(100). 1960. One hundred complete series. SPORTS (good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 700 Euros
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91 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1330/39(100). 1961. One hundred complete series (generally good quality). EL GRECO. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 900 Euros
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92 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1340/43(25). 1961. Twenty-five complete series (good quality). VELAZQUEZ. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 375 Euros
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93 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1340/43(50). 1961. Fifty complete series (generally good quality). VELAZQUEZ. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 750 Euros
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94 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1340/43(48), 1418/27(8). 1961. Forty-eight complete series by VELAZQUEZ and eight complete series by ZURBARAN (generally good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 840 Euros
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95 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1344/47(15). 1961. Fifteen complete sets of VELAZQUEZ block sheets (good quality in general). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 0 Euros
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96 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1344/47(11). 1961. Eleven complete sets of VELAZQUEZ block sheets, ten sets with the same numbering (one with spots) and including two cut series of the block sheets. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 304 Euros
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97 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1344/47(9). 1961. Nine complete sets of VELAZQUEZ block sheets, with the same numbering (generally good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 216 Euros
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98 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1353/64(100). 1961. One hundred complete series (generally good quality). LIFT. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 600 Euros
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99 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1374/81(100). 1961. One hundred complete series (generally good quality). FORGERS. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 800 Euros
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100 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1394/99(50), 1388/93(50). 1961. Fifty complete series of each, in blocks. CAPITALITY OF MADRID and FOUNDATION OF OVIEDO. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 275 Euros
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