Lots and Collections Online Auction #112

Tuesday, 28 November 2023 | Madrid, 16:00 CET

101 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1401/05(50). 1961. Fifty complete series. SPANISH AVIATION (good quality in general). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 275 Euros
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102 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1418/27(100). 1962. One hundred complete series in sheets. ZURBARAN (generally good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 1,500 Euros
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103 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1418/27(30). 1962. Thirty complete series (generally good quality). ZURBARAN. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 450 Euros
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104 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1434/37(88). 1962. Eighty-eight complete series (good quality). RUBENS. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2021: 1,232 Euros
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105 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1438/43(150). 1962. One hundred and fifty complete series (generally good quality). BERRUGUETE. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 825 Euros
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106 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1444/47(50). 1962. Fifty complete series (generally good quality). EL CID. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 350 Euros
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107 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1463/77(25). 1962. Twenty-five complete series in sheets. ROSARY (generally good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 250 Euros
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108 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1463/77(80). 1962. Eighty complete series (generally good quality). ROSARY BEADS. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 800 Euros
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109 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1498/07(100). 1963. One hundred complete series in sheets. RIBERA (good quality in general). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 2,200 Euros
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110 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1498/07(25). 1963. Twenty-five complete series (generally good quality). RIVERBANK. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 550 Euros
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111 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1526/33(60). 1963. Sixty complete series (generally good quality). FORGERS. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2022: 480 Euros
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112 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1576/89(31). 1964. Thirty-one complete series XXV YEARS OF PEACE. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 93 Euros
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113 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1657/66(81). 1965. Eighty-one complete series. ROMERO DE TORRES. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 162 Euros
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114 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★(1966ca). Fifty series in sheets. SHIELDS (generally good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 1,250 Euros
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115 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 1710/19(100). 1966. One hundred complete series in sheets. JOSE MARIA SERT. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 150 Euros
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116 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 2599/07(100). 1981. One hundred complete series in sheets JUAN CARLOS I. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 1,675 Euros
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117 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 3403(5), 2605/07(8). 1995. Five 1000 pt violet stamps from JUAN CARLOS I, includes 100 pt, 200 pt and 500 pt stamps from the eighties and nineties series in blocks of eight. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 369 Euros
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118 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 3403(9), 3461/64. 1995. 1000 pts violet, a loose stamp and mini sheet of eight stamps, also includes the complete series of 1996. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 605 Euros
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119 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 3403(12), 3461/64(12). 1995. Twelve complete series of JUAN CARLOS I, including the value of 1000 pts. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 1,260 Euros
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120 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 3544C(3). 1998. Set of three cards of KING DON JUAN CARLOS I. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 450 Euros
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121 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 3544C(2). 1998. Two cards of King Don Juan Carlos I. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 300 Euros
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122 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 3756/66s(13). 2000. Thirteen complete series of block sheets from SPAIN 2000 (without teeth), in their folders. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 858 Euros
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123 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 3756/66s(4). 2000. Four sets of UNTOOTHED block blades. SPAIN 2000. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 264 Euros
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124 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 3817/19(2), 4087A(2). (2001ca). Set of two complete folders from Santo Domingo de Silos and two special sheets from ESPAÑA 2004 VALENCIA. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2010: 300 Euros
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125 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

(★) EP90(5). 1962. Set of five Franco Postal Cards of 70 cts (four with worthless 15 ct stamps attached). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2023: 255 Euros
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126 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

(★) 12s(26). 1937. 1 pts violet (undented), twenty-six stamps. TELEGRAPH ORPHANS. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 1,066 Euros
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127 | Spanish Collection. Sets and stamps stock

★★ 15(78). 1938. 1 pink pts, seventy-eight stamps on a sheet. TELEGRAPH ORPHANS. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 780 Euros
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128 | Spanish Collection

★★/(1840ca). Spectacular thematic collection with Journalism as the main theme, covering the period between 1840 and 2000 with numerous stamps and series from Spain and abroad, circulated letters (with letterheads, newspaper strips, newspaper stamps, special postmarks, First Day Covers, etc. ), Entero Postal Cards, complete newspapers, postcards, etc., made over a lifetime by the journalist Alejandro Fernández Pombo, includes varieties of Spanish series from the press issue and some sketches of stamps made in pencil. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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129 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1850ca). Spectacular collection between 1850 and 2013, in new and used, the classic part in used with some intermediate pieces and some new stamps highlighting some 19 cuartos, Not Issued from 1879 new, 10 cts Pelón vermilion, etc., from 1901 practically complete in new condition and missing the Defense, Constitution, Toledo and Lepanto Sheets (the latter undented), very good quality highlighting Cadet, Quixote, UPU, Red Cross (all), Railways, Montserrat, Not Issued Figures 1938, Submarine, Militias , Granada and Not Issued, Fernando (Not Issued), Sánchez Toda, Pilar (both), Franco, from the 2nd Centenary "Caudillos" and Legazpi and Sorolla are missing used (many series without stamp holders, some with certificate), and without undented stamps . TO EXAMINE.
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130 | Spanish Collection

★/(1850ca). Spectacular complete collection of the classic Spanish stamp 1850-1900, including all the original stamps (except the 2 reales of 1852, which is a fake Sperati), there are some new stamps in a collection mostly used and with varying qualities, not some repaired stamp or some washed ink may be discarded (many of the important stamps with certificate). IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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131 | Spanish Collection

(★)/(1850ca). Set of classic stamps in new and used (most), some with special postmarks, highlighting a block of fifty-six barred 50 mils from 1868, complete series of Alfonso XII from 1876 (new and used), several stamps with overload ENABLED BY LA NACION and some seal of Alfonso XIII. TO EXAMINE.
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132 | Spanish Collection

(1850ca). Rest of the collection used between 1850 and 1949 (1st Centennial) with some classic stamps of medium value as well as some complete series or those lacking some value. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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133 | Spanish Collection

(1850ca). Stock set of loose stamps used between 1850 and 1949, organized in order of the Edifil catalog and with repetitions of up to fifteen units of each stamp represented, includes a small set of false classic stamps in blocks of four. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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134 | Spanish Collection

1, 1A. 1850. Set of thirty cards and four fronts of the 6 cuartos black, of both plates, unused with SPIDER postmark, in black and accompanied by baezas from different locations. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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135 | Spanish Collection

(1850ca). Interesting set of used classic stamps (some new) and some issues from the beginning of the 20th century, including some blocks. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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136 | Spanish Collection

(★)/(1850ca). Interesting set of hundreds of stamps between 1850 and 1899, new and used, as well as new and used Cadet stamps, includes some unusual postmarks and varieties, many of good quality. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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137 | Spanish Collection

(★)/ 1F(200). 1850. Set of two complete sheets of one hundred 6- cuartos black stamps, new and used (the latter without margins) from the fake Seguí. TO EXAMINE.
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138 | Spanish Collection

(1851ca). Interesting set of more than three thousand five hundred stamps used between 1851 and 1953, most of them repeated. TO EXAMINE.
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139 | Spanish Collection

★★/(1852ca). Interesting set of loose classic and 2nd Centenary stamps (mounted in a mammoth type classifier), the classic part in used with several hundred stamps, including some essays by Amadeo and varieties, the 2nd Centenary part between 1950 and 1965, in new and most without fixing seals. TO EXAMINE.
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140 | Spanish Collection

★/(1853ca). Interesting set of loose stamps from the 1st and 2nd Centenary, in new and used, between 1853 and 1900, most of them used and from 1905, most of them in new and some complete series, as well as varieties and blocks. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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141 | Spanish Collection

(1855ca). Set of six cards and a front also including a block of four of the 4- cuartos yellow, a block of eight of the 4- cuartos red and a stamp of the 2- cuartos blue (dated in red), all related to the Valencian Community. TO EXAMINE.
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142 | Spanish Collection

(1855ca). Interesting set of more than eighty stamps from the 4 cuartos of the issues of 1855, 1860, 1862 and 1864, as well as fifteen letters (some front) from the same issues (some from Matrona). TO EXAMINE.
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143 | Spanish Collection

(1855ca). Interesting set of one hundred and ninety used classic stamps from the issues of 1855, 1860, 1862, 1864 and 1865 with various postmarks, some with spectacular stampings, pen strokes, daters and cart wheels, includes a block of four of the 1 real of 1862 and some couples. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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144 | Spanish Collection

(1860ca). Interesting set of more than two hundred and forty stamps between 1860 and 1945 with special postmarks such as postmarks, street vendors, "clover" type date stamps, foreigners, etc., including some prosecutors. TO EXAMINE.
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145 | Spanish Collection

★★(1874ca). Set of several dozen unused War Tax stamps between 1874 and 1896, some new, several with special postmarks or pen unusability and some blocks of different sizes, includes ten bills of exchange with War Tax figure stamps. TO EXAMINE.
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146 | Spanish Collection

★/(1876ca). Set of thousands of stamps from Spain and Germany between 1876 and 1976, in used condition and including numerous new complete series, generally from 1960, as well as block sheets and cards from Germany and some varieties. TO EXAMINE.
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147 | Spanish Collection

(★)/(1882ca). Interesting set of varieties between 1882 and 1947, new and used and with double and inverted overloads, blemishes, displaced teeth, cliché varieties, untoothed, etc., some very unusual. TO EXAMINE.
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148 | Spanish Collection

★/(1889ca). Interesting set of stamps, blocks, letters and postcards between 1889 and 1924 (Alfonso XIII Period), includes complete new and used series, certified correspondence, large blocks and varieties, special postmarks and fragments, as well as loose stamps and some letters of Goya's broadcast. TO EXAMINE.
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149 | Spanish Collection

(1889ca). Interesting set of more than two hundred and twenty stamps from different issues between 1889 and 1924 (Alfonso TO EXAMINE.
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150 | Spanish Collection

(1889ca). Interesting set of hundreds of complete series and loose stamps from the 1st and 2nd Centennial, in used condition and highlighting the complete series of Cruz Roja 1926 (aerial), Sevilla-Barcelona (aerial), Ferrocarriles (aerial and excellent centering) and a series by Alfonso XIII "Pelón". HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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