The Fournier Universe. Part 2 (From J to Z) #110

Wednesday, 25 October 2023 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

1593 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 871/72. 1981. Red half moon. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1594 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 896/97. 1981. Islamic Pilgrimage. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.

1595 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 896/97. 1981. Islamic Pilgrimage. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1596 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 900/01. 1981. 20 years television. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1597 | Kuwait

★★Yvert . 1981. NOT ISSUED. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.

1598 | Kuwait

★★Yvert . 1981. NOT ISSUED. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1599 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 904/05. 1982. National Day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1600 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 912/13. 1982. Arab postal union. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1601 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 916/17. 1982. 1982 World Cup. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1602 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 922/23. 1982. Palm tree day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1603 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 979/80. 1983. 25th Anniversary of International Maritime Org. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1604 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 980a/c. 1983. 3rd International Conference on the Impact of Viral Diseases. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1605 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 984/86. 1983. World communication year. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1606 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 996/98. 1983. International Palestinian Solidarity Day. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.

1607 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 996/98. 1983. International Palestinian Solidarity Day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1608 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1002/04. 1984. Inauguration of Amiri and Al-Razi Hospitals. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1609 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1030/33. 1984. Science association. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1610 | Kuwait

★★Yvert . 1984. INTELSAT. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. (Michel: 1057/58)

1611 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1050/51. 1985. Social work week. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.

1612 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1050/51. 1985. Social work week. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1613 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1056/57. 1985. World Health Day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1614 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1068/69. 1985. Opec. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1615 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1080/82. 1986. World Health day. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.

1616 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1081/83. 1986. World Health Day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1617 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1095/97. 1986. International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1618 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1105/07. 1987. World health day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1619 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1111/13. 1987. Islamic Pilgrimage. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1620 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1120/22. 1987. Al Qurain Housing Project. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1621 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1129/31. 1988. Womens´s cultural and social society. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1622 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1132/34. 1988. Flags. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1623 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1141/43. 1988. Teachers association. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1624 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1147/48. 1988. Intifada. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1625 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1148A/C. 1988. Arab Housing Day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1626 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1148/50. 1989. World health day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1627 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1148N/Q. 1989. National day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1628 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1152/54. 1989. Environment week. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.

1629 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1152/54. 1989. Environment week. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1630 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1154D/F. 1989. Islamic Pilgrimage. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1631 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1161/63. 1989. Zakat House. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1632 | Kuwait

★★Yvert 1222. 1992. International Literacy Year. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.

1633 | Kuwait

★★Yvert . 1992. Boats. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. (Not listed)

1634 | Liban

★★Yvert . 1983. NOT ISSUED. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. (Not listed)

1635 | Madagascar

★★Yvert 512. 1972. Plowing. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.

1636 | Madagascar

★★Yvert 512. 1972. Plowing. Progressive plate proofs of the set.

1637 | Southeast Arabia Manama

★★ . 1966. J.F. Kennedy. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set. (Michel: 5/9)

1638 | Southeast Arabia Manama

★★ . 1966. J.F. Kennedy. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. (Michel: 5/9)

1639 | Southeast Arabia Manama

★★ . 1969. Goya paintings. Souvenir sheet. Group of IMPERFORATED sheets. (Michel: BA35)

1640 | Southeast Arabia Manama

★★ . 1969. Robert Kennedy death. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet. (Michel: B36)

1641 | Southeast Arabia Manama

★★ . 1970. Renoir paintings. Group of complete set IMPERFORATED on individual sheets. (Michel: 270/75)

1642 | Southeast Arabia Manama

★★ . 1970. Renoir paintings. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. (Michel: 270/75)