The Fournier Universe. Part 1 (From A to I) #109
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST
This exceptional set presents a wide offering that includes:
• Imperforated stamps
• Progressive Plate Proofs
• Specimen
• Sealed souvenir sheets
Material from the Fournier spanish security printing company
active in postal stamps from 1960 to 1980.
Starting price for all lots: €5 (no reserve and 100% transparency)
1001 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 409/13. 1975. Discoveries. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1002 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 418/23. 1975. Apollo-Soyuz. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1003 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 418/23. 1975. Apollo-Soyuz. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1004 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 424/26. 1975. Self government. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1005 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 424/26. 1975. Self government. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1006 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 427. 1975. Cook 2nd travel, coin. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1007 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 427. 1975. Cook 2nd travel, coin. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1008 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 428/32. 1975. Christmas. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1009 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 428/32. 1975. Christmas. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1010 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B46. 1975. Apollo-Soyuz. Souvenir sheet. Group of IMPERFORATED sheets.
1011 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B46. 1975. Apollo-Soyuz. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.
1012 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B47. 1975. Christmas. Souvenir sheet. Group of IMPERFORATED sheets.
1013 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B47. 1975. Christmas. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.
1014 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B48/52. 1975. Christmas. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.
1015 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B59. 1975. Olympic Games Montreal 76. Souvenir sheet. Group of IMPERFORATED sheets.
1016 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 433/35. 1976. Easter, El Greco. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1017 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 436/37. 1976. US Bicbi-Centenary. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1018 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 440/47. 1976. Olympic Games Montreal 76. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1019 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 440/47. 1976. Olympic Games Montreal 76. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1020 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 448/52. 1976. Christmas. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1021 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 448/52. 1976. Christmas. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1022 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 453. 1976. Nature conservation, coin. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1023 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 453. 1976. Nature conservation, coin. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1024 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 468. 1976. Nature conservation, coin. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1025 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B53. 1976. Easter. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.
1026 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B54/56. 1976. Easter. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.
1027 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B57. 1976. US Bicentenary. Souvenir sheet. Group of IMPERFORATED sheets.
1028 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B57. 1976. US Bicentenary. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.
1029 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B59. 1976. Olympic Games Montreal 76. Souvenir sheet. Group of IMPERFORATED sheets.
1030 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B59. 1976. Olympic Games Montreal 76. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.
1031 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 454/59. 1977. Silver Jubilee. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1032 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 454/59. 1977. Silver Jubilee. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1033 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 460/62. 1977. Easter, Rubens. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1034 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 463/67. 1977. Christmas. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1035 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B66. 1977. Silver Jubilee. Souvenir sheet. Group of IMPERFORATED sheets.
1036 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B66. 1977. Silver Jubilee. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.
1037 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B67. 1977. Easter, Rubens. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.
1038 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B68/70. 1977. Easter, Rubens. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.
1039 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B71. 1977. Christmas. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.
1040 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 486. 1978. Nature conservation. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1041 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 486. 1978. Nature conservation. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1042 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 469/71. 1978. James Cook. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1043 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 498/00. 1978. Christmas. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1044 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 498/00. 1978. Christmas. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set.
1045 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert . 1978. Easter. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set. (Michel: 550/52)
1046 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert . 1978. Easter. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. (Michel: 550/52)
1047 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert 556/63. 1978. Silver coronation. Group of complete IMPERFORATED set.
1048 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert . 1978. Silver coronation. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. (Michel: 556/63)
1049 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B77. 1978. James Cooká. Souvenir sheet. Group of IMPERFORATED sheets.
1050 | Cook Islands
★★Yvert B78. 1978. Easter. Souvenir sheet. Group of progressive plate proof of the sheet.