Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Madrid

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English ★1939. Commemorative book of the MADRID LIBERADO / MARCH 28, 1939 issue, including the distribution of fifty-nine stamps (and three outside the "official" slots), with most of the values of the first and second series (both extremely rare, the values that are missing Edifil: 10 and 22, are attached separately), a Defense stamp and Red Cross stamps with blue and green overload, in addition to some varieties. MAGNIFICENT AND EXTRAORDINARILY RARE, ONLY ABOUT FORTY BOOKS WERE PREPARED WITH THE THREE DIFFERENT LAYOUTS.

Price 2.750€

Illustrative price in other currencies
  • USD $ 3.004
  • GBP £ 2.312
  • CHF CHF 2.647
Updated 2025-03-18 00:00:02
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