Emisiones Locales Patrióticas. Cáceres

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flag_en ★★ NE1/2. 1937. 2 cts chestnut, 5 cts black chestnut, 10 cts green, 15 cts grey-green, 20 cts violet, 25 cts carmine, 40 cts blue, 1 pts, 4 pts and 10 pts. COMPLEMENTARY VALUES. MAGNIFICENT AND EXTRAORDINARILY RARE, THE EDIFIL CATALOG INDICATES ONLY THE EXISTENCE OF THE VALUES OF 25 CTS AND 40 CTS, THE REST OF THE VALUES ARE NOT REVIEWED, IN THE NEW REGUANT-VENTOSA WORK THE TEN VALUES ARE CATALOGED. (Reguan-Suction Cup: VC1/10). Certificate CEM.

Price 1.000€

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