2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
★★ 1135ec. 1954. 30 cts violet. COLOR ERROR. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Cert. EMF. Edifil 2021: 1,200 Euros
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
★★ 1328s. 1961. 1 pts orange red, leaf edge (usual condition). WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1950. Spectacular specialized collection of the Centenary series of the Spanish Stamp, containing numerous circulated letters, many with arrival, First Day Covers, short used Centenary series (some in blocks), portal cards and maxims, various documents, etc. It is ideal as the beginning of a beautiful collection, there is a lot of interesting material. TO EXAMINE.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1070(3), 1034(2). 1950. 1 purple pts, three stamps and 30 red cts, two stamps. Certificate from BARCELONA to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
|ENVELOPE| 1075/76, 1079. 1950. 50 cts violet, 75 cts ultramarine and 1 pts lilac chestnut. Certificate from MADRID to PRAGUE (CZECHOSLOVAKIA). On the back, transit GENEVE. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
|ENVELOPE| 1072, 1045, 1049, 1053. 1951. 10 cts burgundy, 10 cts pink, 30 cts blue and 50 cts grey. Certificate from BAGoodELONA to CANILLO (ANDORRA). Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1089. 1951. 5 cts, pair, 45 cts and 10 cts over 1 sts. LAS PALMAS to BASINGSTOHE (ENGLAND). MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
|ENVELOPE| 1093, 1095, 1028A. 1951. 75 cts blue, 1´50 pts orange and 45 cts pink. Certificate from SITGES (BAGoodELONA) to MONTREAL (CANADA). On the back, Montreal customs mark and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE DESTINATION.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
★★ 1097smd. 1951. 60 green cts. Variety WITHOUT INSERTING THE RIGHT MARGIN. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
|ENVELOPE| 1102, 1021, 1026, 1092. 1951. 50 cts blue, 50 cts brown, 15 cts green and 35 cts green. Certificate from LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA to LAVORGO (SWITZERLAND). Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1050,1106,1116(2),1117(3). 1952. 35 cts, 50 cts, 90 cts, two stamps and 1 pts, three stamps. Certificate from MADRID to NAPLES. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1075, 1097, 1098. 1952. Various values. Certified Letter from MADRID to BARCELONA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1093, 1108. 1952. Various values. Airmail from VITORIA to ISRAEL. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
|ENVELOPE| 1095, 1117, 1028, 1047, 1061. 1952. 1´90 pts orange and various values. Certificate from LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA to LAVORGO (ITALY). Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1097/98, 941, 1024, 1105. 1952. 60 cts green, 90 cts yellow and various values. POLLENSA (BALEARIC ISLANDS) to ABO (FINLAND). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1097(2), 1098. 1952. 60 cts green, two stamps and 90 cts orange. Certificate from LA CORUÑA to AVEIRAS DE CIMA (PORTUGAL). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1111(2), 1113, 1114. 1952. 60 green cts, two stamps, 1.30 pink lilac cts and 1.90 gray brown pts. Certificate from BARCELONA to MARSEILLE. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
(★) 1118P. 1952. 2 pts black. PUNCH TEST, with the name of the engraver printed ALFONSO ST MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1118. 1952. 2pt blue. MADRID to MUNICH. Postmark AIR MAIL / MADRID. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
★★ 1118P(2). 1952. 2 olive green sts, leaf edge and 2 chestnut sts. Variety COLOR CHANGES. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
|ENVELOPE| 1118,1053,1056,1093/95,1117. 1952. 2 pts blue and various values. Certificate from VIGO to HAL (BELGIUM). On the back, warning label applied at destination. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1120. 1952. Various values. Certificate from MADRID to SWITZERLAND. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1108, 1118. 1953. 2 blue pts, accompanied by different values. MADRID to GERMANY. "BY PLANE" on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1110. 1953. Various values. Certificate from MADRID to SWITZERLAND. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
|ENVELOPE| 1118, 1097, 1098, 1117. 1953. 2 pts blue, 60 cts green, 90 cts orange and 1 pts dark green. Certificate from CONSUEGRA (TOLEDO) to SAMPIERDARENA (ITALY). Transits and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL ORIGIN-DESTINATION.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1128. 1953. Various values. Certificate from MADRID to SWITZERLAND. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1119(5), 1132, 1054. 1954. 2 blue pts, five stamps, 10 cts and 60 cts. Certificate from MADRID to LINDI (TANGANICA, now TANZANIA). On the back arrival. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE DESTINATION.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
|ABOUT| 1128. 1954. 2 pts chestnut and various values. Certificate from ALCALA DE GUADAIRA (SEVILLE) to COBURGO (GERMANY). Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1124(11). 1955. 25 green pts, eleven stamps. MADRID to USA. On the back arrival, some usual breakage in pieces of this size. MAGNIFICENT, RARE AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1124, 945. 1956. 25 gray green sts and 2 green sts. LAS PALMAS to SYDNEY. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1079, 1080(2), 1158, 1203,1205. 1957. 1 purple brown pts, 2'50 brown pts, two stamps. Declared Values from MADRID to CASCANTE. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE USE IN A REALLY CIRCULATED LETTER OF THE CENTENARY STAMPS
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
|ENVELOPE| 1076(4), 1080(2). 1958. 75 cts ultramarine, four stamps and 2´50 pts yellow chestnut, two stamps. Certified from MADRID to BONN (GERMANY). Postage of 8 pts according to the rate of September 1953 by certified mail. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1100(3). 1958. 10 cts and 1.90 pts, three stamps. Certificate from BARCELONA to SAN PAULO (BRAZIL). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
1160(2). 1959. 5 brown pts, pair. Certificate from BARCELONA to KAUNIAINEN (FINLAND), and forwarded to HELSINKI, CAMBRIDGE (MASSACHUSETS, USA) and MADISON (WISCONSIN, USA). On the front and on the back various transits and arrivals. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR AND VERY RARE REISSUE.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
|ENVELOPE| 1076, 1080(4), 1146. 1960. 75 cts ultramarine, 2´50 pts brown and yellow, four stamps and 25 cts black violet. Certified from MADRID to BONN (GERMANY). Postage of 11 pts according to the May 1959 rate by certified mail. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
Spain. 2nd Centenary prior to 1960
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Spain. 2nd Centenary before 1960
2nd Centenary before 1960. PROTUBEGoodULOSOS. CERTIFIED / SABADELL, arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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