Spanish State
Spain. Spanish State
(★) 1004P. 1946. 5'50 pts pinkish carmine. PUNCH TEST, in a non-adopted color. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Spanish State
1011. 1947. 5 cts, 50 cts, two stamps, 25 cts and 1 pts. HUELVA to OLTEN (SWITZERLAND). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State
★ 1016s(2). 1947. 50 carmine pts, pair. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, VERY FEW KNOWN PAIRS. Certificate CEM. Building 2021: Edifil Euros
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Spain. Spanish State
916(2), 917s(4). 1948. 5 cts sepia, two stamps and 10 cts UNTOOTHED pink, block of four. BARCELONA to MADRID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State
927. 1948. 50 cts gray. SEVILLE to MADRID. On the front advertising artistic drawing of Valencia Films, made by hand. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR, THE FIRST TIME WE SEE A LETTER OF THESE CHARACTERISTICS.
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Spain. Spanish State
(★) 1002P. 1948. 50 cts light brown. Punch proof. Magnificent and extremely rare.
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Spain. Spanish State
★★ 1026s. 1948. 35 cts green, leaf edge. IMPERFORATED. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2025: +440 Euros
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Spain. Spanish State
★★ 1035s(2). 1948. 35 black cts, pair (a usual conservation stamp). NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Spain. Spanish State
★ 1041eps(2). 1948. 10 cts green, even leaf edge (paper wrinkles). Variety WITHOUT CROSS OF LORRAINE and WITHOUT DENTATION. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2015: +++260 Euros
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Spain. Spanish State
1022(9), 1044, 1046(4). 1949. 5 cts, 15 cts, block of four and 50 cts, nine stamps. Certificate from SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE to MADRID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State
1075, 944ed. 1950. 50 violet cts and 1 overseas pts DOUBLE IMPRESSION. Interior Certificate of MADRID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE CIRCULATED VARIETY.
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Spain. Spanish State
Spanish state. PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA / (CADIZ), arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State
Spanish state. PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA / (CADIZ), arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State
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Spain. Spanish State
Circulated with the stamp of 10 cts Protuberculous, within the period of use, on the back of arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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