Spain. Carlist Mail

Automatically generated translation

flag_en 125. 1873. 40 chestnut cts. BILBAO to LA ROCHELLE (FRANCE), circulated by land on March 5, 1873, two days before the Carlist siege in Bilbao, this day 5 to 30 km from Bilbao at the Inoso station they cut the railway line, it can therefore be assured that we are before the last train and possibly before one of the last letters that were freed from the Carlist siege, and without a doubt the last to go abroad. AMBULANTE / NORTH date stamp on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND EXTREMELY RARE, WE ARE WITHOUT A DOUBT BEFORE THE LAST LETTER ADDRESSED ABROAD BEFORE THE SIEGE OF BILBAO, ANOTHER LETTER IS KNOWN OF DAY 5 FRANCHED WITH A BLUE 10 CTS AND ADDRESSED TO MADRID IN THE COLLECTION OF DON JULIO PEÑAS, TO WHICH WE GREATLY THANK THE INFORMATION PROVIDED FOR THIS DESCRIPTION.

Price 1.200€