
Galicia. Philately

△ 1. 1850. 6 cuartos black, on fragment. Postmark baeza VIGO / GALICIA. MAGNIFICENT
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Price: 100€

Galicia. Philately

△ 1. 1850. 6 cuartos black, on fragment. Postmark VIGO / GALICIA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 160€

Galicia. Philately

1. 1850. 6 black quarters. Baeza postmark RIVADEO / GALICIA. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Price: 75€

Galicia. Philately

52(12). 1852. 4 orange cuartos , block of twelve. Postmark CHANTADA / LUGO. NICE.
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Price: 75€

Galicia. Philately

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Price: 60€

Galicia. Philately

50(6). 1855. 2 reales chestnut violet, block of six. Postmark R.CARRETA Nº56, from Santiago de Compostela. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Galicia. Philately

44(2). 1856. 4 cuartos red, pair. Pre-philatelic postmark GUDIÑA / GALICIA, in red. MAGNIFICENT AND EXTRAORDINARILY RARE. Certificate GRAUS.
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Price: 350€

Galicia. Philately

48(3). 1856. 4 red cuartos , strip of three. Postmark CELANOVA / ORENSE (Type I). MAGNIFICENT STAMPING AND VERY RARE.
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Price: 120€

Galicia. Philately

48(4). 1856. 4 red cuartos , block of four. Postmark NEGREIRA / LA CORUÑA. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Price: 50€

Galicia. Philately

△ 48. 1856. 4 red cuartos , on fragment. Postmark PUENTEAREAS / GALICIA, in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, ESPECIALLY IN THIS QUALITY.
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Price: 225€

Galicia. Philately

52(4). 1860. 4 yellow cuartos , block of four. Pre-philatelic postmark R. CARRETA DE ARZUA (CORUÑA). MAGNIFICENT AND EXTRAORDINARY RARE, VERY PROBABLY ONLY KNOWN BLOCK.
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Price: 175€

Galicia. Philately

52(4). 1860. 4 orange cuartos , block of four. Postmark CHANTADA / LUGO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

Galicia. Philately

52(6). 1860. 4 orange cuartos , block of six. Postmark ALLARIZ / ORENSE. MAGNIFICENT AND EXTRAORDINARILY RARE, ESPECIALLY IN BLOCK.
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Price: 120€

Galicia. Philately

52. 1860. 4 orange cuartos (a fair margin). Postmark PONTEVEDRA / (39). BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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Price: 25€

Galicia. Philately

|fragment| 52. 1860. 4 yellow quarters, on fragment. Pre-philatelic postmark PUENTEAREAS / GALICIA, in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE, SPECTACULAR PRINTING. Cert. CEM.
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Price: 240€

Galicia. Philately

52. 1860. 4 orange quarters (lower corner just right, unimportant). Pre-philatelic postmark GALICIA / MELLID. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. GRAUS opinion.
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Price: 70€

Galicia. Philately

56(2). 1860. 2 lilac reales , vertical pair. Postmark NEGREIRA / CORUÑA. RARE AND PRETTY.
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Price: 60€

Galicia. Philately

56(2). 1860. 2 lilac reales , pair. Pre-philatelic postmark Vª Gª / GALICIA, in blue. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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Price: 30€

Galicia. Philately

|fragment| 52. 1861. 4 orange quarters. Pre-philatelic postmark VªGª / GALICIA, in blue. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

Galicia. Philately

58(14). 1862. 4 chestnut cuartos , block of fourteen. Postmark BCO / FRANCO, Barco de Valdeorras. MAGNIFICENT AND EXTREMELY RARE BLOCK OF FOURTEEN, WITHOUT DOUBT THE LARGEST KNOWN BLOCK.
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Price: 250€

Galicia. Philately

58. 1862. 4- cuartos chestnut. Postmark BCº / FRANCO, Barco de Valdeorras. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 35€

Galicia. Philately

58(10). 1862. 4 chestnut cuartos , block of ten. Pre-philatelic postmark BCO. / FRANCO, from Barco de Valdeorras. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Certificate COMEX.
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Price: 375€

Galicia. Philately

58(11). 1862. 4 chestnut cuartos , irregular block of eleven stamps (one with defect). Postmark R. CARRETA, from Arzua. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Price: 225€

Galicia. Philately

58. 1862. 4- cuartos chestnut. Postmark RIVADEO / LUGO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 10€

Galicia. Philately

58. 1862. 4- cuartos chestnut. Postmark RIVADAVIA / ORENSE. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 10€

Galicia. Philately

58. 1862. 4- cuartos chestnut. Postmark FERROL / CORUÑA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 5€

Galicia. Philately

62. 1862. 2 reales green (fair margin). Postmark RUA DE VALDEORRAS / ORENSE, in blue. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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Price: 40€

Galicia. Philately

64. 1864. 4 red cuartos . Postmark CAMBADOS / PONTEVEDRA. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 10€

Galicia. Philately

64. 1864. 4 cuartos red. Postmark VILLALBA / LUGO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 20€

Galicia. Philately

67. 1864. 1 real chestnut. Postmark PUENTEDEUME / CORUÑA. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 20€

Galicia. Philately

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Price: 375€

Galicia. Philately

173. 1876. 4/4 cts green, on fragment. Mail postmark PONTEVEDRA / SALCEDO, in red. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Price: 25€

Galicia. Philately

△ 204. 1879. 25 cts gray (slight fold of no importance), on fragment. MASIDE / GALICIA pre-philatelic postmark, in blue. BEAUTIFUL AND VERY RARE.
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Price: 60€

Galicia. Philately

210(2). 1882. 15 cts orange, pair. Postmark CARTERIA / RIANJO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 15€

Galicia. Philately

△ 219(5). 1889. 15 chestnut cts, block of five. Mail postmark CORUÑA / VIMIANZO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Galicia. Philately

△ 226(6). 1889. 1 brown pts, six stamps, on fragment. CERTIFIED postmark / SANTIAGO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 25€

Galicia. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of LUGO, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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Price: 225€

Galicia. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of ORENSE, generally good stampings. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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Price: 90€

Galicia. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of PONTEVEDRA, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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Price: 275€

Galicia. Philately

△ 242, 253(9). 1901. 5 cts and 1 pts, nine stamps, on fragment. CERTIFIED postmark / SANTIAGO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Galicia. Philately

△ 244(3), 248, 253(11). 1901. 15 cts, three stamps, 25 cts and 1 pts eleven stamps, on fragment. CERTIFICADO / BECERREA postmark, repaired break that affects three stamps. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Galicia. Philately

△ 245(2), 253(12). 1901. 15 cts, pair and 1 pts, twelve stamps, on fragment. Postmark NOYA / CORUÑA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Galicia. Philately

248(2). 1901. 25 cts blue, two stamps, on fragment. Postmark CARTERIA / DE / TRABADA, from Lugo. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Price: 30€

Galicia. Philately

△ 248(8), 253(2). 1901. 25 blue cts, eight stamps and 1 carmine pts, two stamps, on fragment. Special postmark CARTERIA / DE TRABADA, from Lugo. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, TRULY SPECTACULAR.
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Price: 75€

Galicia. Philately

△ 252(12). 1901. 50 cts blue, twelve stamps on fragment. Postmark CERTIFIED / CALDAS, in blue. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Galicia. Philately

48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. Postmark CARVALLO / CORUÑA. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 30€

Galicia. Philately

48, 52, 58. (1855ca). Set of three 4- cuartos red, yellow and brown stamps, unused with FERROL / LA CORUÑA postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 25€

Galicia. Philately

48, 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of three 4- cuartos stamps red, brown and pink, unused with NOYA / CORUÑA postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Galicia. Philately

48(2), 52, 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of five 4- cuartos red, yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with the PADRON / CORUÑA postmark (including Type I on the 4- cuartos red). MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 35€

Galicia. Philately

48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. Postmark CARVALLO / CORUÑA. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 15€