Extremadura. Postal History
Estremadura. Postal History
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Extremadura. Postal History
Estremadura. Postal History
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ENVELOPE| 1A. 1850. 6 black quarters. BADAJOZ to MERIDA. SPIDER postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ENVELOPE| 1A. 1850. 6 black quarters. LLERENA (BADAJOZ) to MERIDA. Mixed postmark ARAÑA and baeza LLERENA / ESTREM. B. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ENVELOPE| 1. 1850. 6 black quarters. Front from ALCANTARA (BADAJOZ) to MADRID. On the front Baeza ALCANTARA / ESTREM.B., in writing ink. MAGNIFICENT.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ENVELOPE| 1A. 1850. 6 black quarters. DON BENITO in MERIDA. On the front Baeza DON BENITO / ESTREM.B., in red. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 1. 1850. 6 black quarters. BADAJOZ to MADRID. On the front Baeza BADAJOZ / ESTREM.B., in red. MAGNIFICENT.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 1A. 1850. 6 black quarters. Front from VILLANUEVA DE LA SERENA to TRUJILLO. On the front Baeza VILLVª DLSNA. / ESTREM.B. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Extremadura. Postal History
△ 1A. 1850. 6 black cuartos, on fragment. Pre-philatelic "O" postmark, in black from Cáceres. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE, ESPECIALLY ON PLATE II.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 6. 1851. 6 black quarters. LLERENA (BADAJOZ) to MERIDA. On the front Baeza LLERENA / ESTREM.B., in rusty red. MAGNIFICENT.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ENVELOPE| 6. 1851. 6 black quarters (archive fold). PLASENCIA to MADRID. On the front Baeza PLASENCIA / ESTREM.B., in red. NICE.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 6. 1851. 6 black quarters. Front from VILLANUEVA DE LA SERENA to TRUJILLO. On the front Baeza VILLVª DLSNA. / ESTREM. B. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 6. 1851. 6 black quarters. Front from ZAFRA to TRUJILLO. On the front Baeza ZAFRA / ESTREM.B., in rusty red. MAGNIFICENT.
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Extremadura. Postal History
1852. Postal Administration from LLERENA to AHILLONES. On the front stamped four GRILL marks, in the corners indicating that the letter circulated free of porte. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, TRULY SPECTACULAR.
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Extremadura. Postal History
12. 1852. 6 cuartos pink. CACERES to TRUJILLO. Rated "1 RL", in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 12. 1852. 6 pink quarters. ARROYO DEL PUEGoodO (BADAJOZ) to VILLANUEVA DE LA SERENA. On the front Baeza ARROYO DEL P. / ESTREM.B., in red. MAGNIFICENT PRINTING.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 12. 1852. 6 pink quarters. LLERENA (BADAJOZ) to MERIDA. On the front Baeza WELCOME / ESTREM.B. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 12. 1852. 6 pink quarters. LLERENA (BADAJOZ) to MERIDA. On the Baeza front LLERENA / ESTREM.B. MAGNIFICENT.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 12. 1852. 6 pink quarters. Front from DON BENITO (BADAJOZ) to TRUJILLO. PARRILLA postmark, in blue and on the front Baeza DON BENITO / ESTREM.B., in red. MAGNIFICENT.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 12. 1852. 6 pink quarters. TRUJILLO to MERIDA. On the front Baeza TRUJILLO / ESTREM.B. MAGNIFICENT.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 12. 1852. 6 pink quarters. Front from ZAFRA to TRUJILLO. On the front Baeza ZAFRA / ESTREM.B. MAGNIFICENT.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 12. 1852. 6 pink quarters. Front from ZAFRA to TRUJILLO. On the front Baeza ZAFRA / ESTREM.B., in red. MAGNIFICENT.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 12. 1852. 6 pink quarters. Front (with flap and ending on the back) from ZALAMEA DE LA SERENA to MADRID. On the front Baeza ZALAMEA / ESTREM.B. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 17. 1853. 6 carmine quarters. Front (with a flap on the back) from GARROVILLAS (BADAJOZ) to BURGOS. On the front baeza GARROVILLAS / ESTREM.B. MAGNIFICENT.
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Extremadura. Postal History
|ABOUT| 17. 1853. 6 carmine quarters (archival fold). Front from ARROYO DEL PUEGoodO (BADAJOZ) to MADRID. On the front Baeza ARROYO DEL P. / ESTREM.B., in red. NICE.
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