Postal History by Communities

Extremadura. Philately

219(9). 1889. 15 cts chestnut, block of nine (some minor minor erosion). Postmark BADAJOZ / CORONADA. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE BLOCK.
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Price: 90€

Galicia. Philately

△ 219(5). 1889. 15 chestnut cts, block of five. Mail postmark CORUÑA / VIMIANZO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Navarra. Philately

△ 219(2). 1889. 15 cts, pair, on fragment. Postmark NAVARRA / VILLAFRANCA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 15€

Navarra. Philately

△ 219(5). 1889. 15 cts, block of five on fragment. Mail postmark NAVARRA / RIBAFORRADA. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

Navarra. Philately

219(9). 1889. 15 chestnut cts, block of nine. Postmark NAVARRA / RIBAFORRADA, in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

Basque Country. Philately

219(2). 1889. 15 cts chestnut, pair. Postmark CARTERIA / DE / ONDARROA, from Vizcaya. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€

Basque Country. Philately

△ 219(2), 40. 1889. 15 cts purple chestnut, pair and 5 cts black, on fragment. Mail postmark GUIPUZCOA / RENTERIA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 20€

Basque Country. Philately

△ 219. 1889. 15 cts chestnut, on fragment. Mail postmark GUIPUZCOA / VILLAFRANCA. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€

Basque Country. Philately

△ 219. 1889. 15 cts chestnut, on fragment. Mail postmark VIZCAYA / ELORRIO. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€

Basque Country. Philately

△ 219. 1889. 15 cts chestnut, on fragment. Mail postmark GUIPUZCOA / AZCOITIA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 10€

Basque Country. Philately

221(2). 1889. 25 cts blue, two stamps (reinforced with fixes). Mail postmark VIZCAYA / SANTURCE, in violet. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€

Galicia. Philately

△ 226(6). 1889. 1 brown pts, six stamps, on fragment. CERTIFIED postmark / SANTIAGO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 25€

Navarra. Philately

244(6). 1889. 15 cts, block of six. Mail postmark NAVARRA / CINTRUENIGO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 35€

Navarra. Philately

245(6). 1889. 15 cts lilac chestnut, block of six. Mail postmark NAVARRA / VILLAFRANCA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

Asturias. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of satchels from the province of OVIEDO, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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Price: 350€

Cantabria. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of SANTANDER, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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Price: 275€

Castile and Leon. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of AVILA, generally good stampings. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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Price: 300€

Castile and Leon. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of BURGOS, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 225€

Castile and Leon. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of satchels from the province of SALAMANCA, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 115€

Castile and Leon. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of SORIA, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 150€

Castile and Leon. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of satchels from the province of VALLADOLID, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 90€

Castile and Leon. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of satchels from the province of ZAMORA, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 135€

Castile-La Mancha. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of ALBACETE, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 180€

Castile-La Mancha. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of CIUDAD REAL, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 275€

Castile-La Mancha. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of satchels from the province of TOLEDO, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 450€

Catalonia. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of BARCELONA, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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Price: 575€

Catalonia. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of satchels from the province of TARRAGONA, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 350€

Valencian Community. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of ALICANTE, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 200€

Valencian Community. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of satchels from the province of CASTELLON, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

Extremadura. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of CACERES, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

Galicia. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of LUGO, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 225€

Galicia. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of ORENSE, generally good stampings. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 90€

Galicia. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of PONTEVEDRA, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 275€

Balearic Islands. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the BALEARIC province, generally good stampings. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 150€

Madrid. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of MADRID, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 525€

Navarra. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of satchels from the province of NAVARRA, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 60€

Basque Country. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of ALAVA, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 150€

Basque Country. Philately

210, 219. (1900ca). Collection of mailbags from the province of GUIPUZCOA, generally good prints. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 350€

Galicia. Philately

△ 242, 253(9). 1901. 5 cts and 1 pts, nine stamps, on fragment. CERTIFIED postmark / SANTIAGO. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

Navarra. Philately

△ 242, 245, 248. 1901. 5 cts green, 15 cts lilac chestnut and 25 cts blue, on fragment. Special postmark "small dater" ELGORRIAGA / NAVARRA, in violet. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

Galicia. Philately

△ 244(3), 248, 253(11). 1901. 15 cts, three stamps, 25 cts and 1 pts eleven stamps, on fragment. CERTIFICADO / BECERREA postmark, repaired break that affects three stamps. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Navarra. Philately

△ 244. 1901. 15 bluish cts. Mail postmark NAVARRA / VILLAFRANCA. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 20€

Navarra. Philately

244(4). 1901. 15 bluish cts, strip of four. Mail postmark NAVARRA / RIBAFORRADA. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

Navarra. Philately

△ 244(8). 1901. 15 cts blue black, block of eight, on fragment. Postmark NAVARRA / RIBAFORRADA, in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

Asturias. Philately

245. 1901. 15 cts violet. Postmark CARTERIA / DE CALDELAS / DE TUY. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€

Castile and Leon. Philately

△ 245(5). 1901. 15 cts lilac chestnut, five stamps on fragment. Postmark SALAMANCA / VILLAR, in violet. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 60€

Catalonia. Philately

245. 1901. 15 cts lilac chestnut. Special postmark GERONA / BORDILS, in blue. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 10€

Galicia. Philately

△ 245(2), 253(12). 1901. 15 cts, pair and 1 pts, twelve stamps, on fragment. Postmark NOYA / CORUÑA. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

Navarra. Philately

△ 245(4). 1901. 15 cts lilac, four stamps on fragment. Mail postmark NAVARRA / CARCASTILLO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€

Navarra. Philately

△ 245(2). 1901. 15 cts violet, two stamps, on fragment. Special letter postmark CORREOS / FALCES / (NAVARRA). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€