National Zone

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

819,823(3). 1937. 15 cts, 30 cts strip of three and 5 cts violet. SEVILLE to BERLIN. CERTIFICATE / SEVILLA postmark and mark SEVILLA / MILITARY CENSOR. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 70€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

823(2). 1937. 30 carmine cts, two stamps and 5 cts (worker strike vignette). Certified letter from PUENTE DEL ARCO to BURGOS. Postmark PUENTE DEL ARCO / (BADAJOZ), on the front mark CENSURA MILITAR DE BURGOS / VISA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

816A,821,822,825. 1938. 5 cts, 20 cts, 25 cts and 50 cts., several vignettes on the back. SAN FERNANDO to ROME. CERTIFIED postmark / SAN FERNANDO / CADIZ, on the front mark CENSURA MILITAR / SAN FERNANDO / CADIZ.
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Price: 80€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

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Price: 50€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

847. 1938. Block sheet. SAN SEBASTIAN to GERMANY. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 120€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

847. 1938. Block sheet. BURGOS to PARIS. On the back various transit and arrival marks. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 90€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

857(9), 816, 817(3), 841, 846. 1938. 30 cts pink, nine stamps (one on the back) and various values. Certificate from GIJON to HAVANA (CUBA). On the back transit. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Price: 50€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

818(3), 859. 1939. 10 cts., strip of three and 50 cts. REUS to JACA. REUS / CERTIFICATE postmark, MILITARY CENSURE mark on the front, arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 35€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

818, 858(2), 860(2). 1939. 10 cts, 40 cts, pair and 1 pts, pair. Certificate from BARCELONA to CAPRI. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

842,858(2). 1939. 20 cts, 40 cts, pair. VALLADOLID to BRUSSELS. CERTIFIED postmark / VALLADOLID. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

857(3), 870. 1939. 30 cts., strip of three, 70 cts. and 5 cts., vignette. Certificate from MELILLA to BOLULLOS DEL CONDADO. Postmark MELILLA / 66, on the front MILITARY CENSOR / MELILLA, transported "BY PLANE", arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

857(3), 817(2), 840. 1939. 30 cts pink, three stamps, 10 cts green, two stamps and 10 cts black, blue and red. Certificate from VIGO to HAVANA (CUBA). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

858(2). 1939. 40 violet cts, two stamps. CADIZ to SANTIAGO DE CUBA. CERTIFIED postmark / CADIZ. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

923, 929, 930, 829, 916, 918. 1941. 25 cts lilac, 70 cts blue, 1 pts black, 4 pts carmine, 5 cts sepia and 15 cts green. VALENCIA to HAVANA (CUBA). On the back, transit through Madrid. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

806(2), 816B, 826(2), 925. 1942. 15 green cts, two stamps and various values. Certificate from MADRID to STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN). On the back label of the Philatelic Export Office. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

817, 822(4), 825. 1937. 10 cts, 25 cts four stamps and 50 cts. CADIZ to VIENNA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 70€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
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Price: 65€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 50€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 100€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 55€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 50€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 70€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 160€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 50€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 90€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 100€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 50€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 75€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 40€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 25€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

National Zone. Bando Nacional Registered Mail

National Zone. National Bank Certified Mail
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

National Zone. Conception Camp

|ENVELOPE|1938. 15 cts green. Postcard of Interior Mail from SAN SEBASTIAN. On the front marks PRISION PROVINCIAL-SAN SEBASTIAN / CENSURA, in violet. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

National Zone. Conception Camp

844. 1938. 30 cts red. SANTANDER to SAN SEBASTIAN. On the front it marks CAMPO DE CONCENTRACIÓN DE LA MADALENA / SANTANDER, in blue (this concentration camp was located in the stables of the Palacio de la Magdalena). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Price: 90€

National Zone. Conception Camp

(1939ca). ZARAGOZA to LERIDA, sent by an escort from the Battalion. Franchise brand BATTALION DE TRABAJADORES Nº108 / 2ª COMPAÑIA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

National Zone. Conception Camp

1939. 30 cts pink, 10 cts chestnut Special Mobile and Charity 5 cts blue. PUERTO REAL to LA UNION (MURCIA) (referred by an inmate from the Puerto Real Concentration Camp), this camp located next to the Shipyard operated between March and August 1939, with more than five thousand prisoners. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 70€