
Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea
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Price: 300€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea
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Price: 300€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

1902. Provisional Postal Card with handwritten indication "Enabled for a stamp of 0'10 pts" with SUBGOVERNMENT OF / BATA mark and CORREOS / BATA dater. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 275€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

1902. Provisional Postal Card with handwritten indication "Enabled for a stamp of 0'10 pts" with SUBGOVERNMENT OF / BATA mark and CORREOS / BATA dater. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 250€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

EP2. 1903. 10 cts+10 cts chestnut on Whole Postal Card, round trip. Postmark (please) CORREOS / BATA, in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Laiz 2006: 800 Euros).
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Price: 250€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

EP1. 1903. 10 cts brown on Entire Postal Card, back and forth, one way circulated from BATA to BARCELONA. On the arrival front. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2017: 1,250 Euros
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Price: 375€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

(★) EP3. 1905. 10 cts blue Envelope Postal Card. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2020: 460 Euros
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Price: 180€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

(★) EP3. 1905. 10 cts dark blue Entire Post Card envelope. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2019: 460 Euros
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Price: 180€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

EP4. 1905. 10 cts+10 cts dark blue on Entire Post Card, back and forth (small wrinkles in the center). Postmark ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS / BATA, in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2018: 750 Euros
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Price: 250€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

(★)(1909ca). 25 cts carmine. PROJECT OF AN UNADOPTED DESIGN, made by hand by Bartolomé Coromina for the 1909 series. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Ex-Galvez.
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Price: 750€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

59(3), 60(4), 61(2), 63(2). 1909. 1 cts chestnut, three stamps, 2 cts pink, four stamps, 5 cts green, two stamps, and 15 cts chestnut, two stamps. Certificate from SAN CARLOS (FERNANDO POO) to HONNEF AM RHEIN (GERMANY), forwarded to HOHENZOLLERNRING. Oval postmark ADMON DE CORREO DE SAN CARLOS / FERNANDO POO and transits ILHA DO PRINCE and LISBOA on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR AND RARE POSTAGE.
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Price: 500€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

87. 1914. 5 cts green. Unused and unused postal card with SANTA ISABEL / FERNANDO POO postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 25€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

167(30). 1930. 5 chestnut and blue cts, block of thirty. Certificate from BATA to MAISACH (GERMANY). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Price: 275€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

241. 1933. 1 pts and various values. Certificate from SANTA ISABEL (FERNANDO POO) to MADRID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Price: 130€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

241. 1933. 1 pts and various values. Certificate from SANTA ISABEL (FERNANDO POO) to MADRID. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Price: 140€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

238, 241. 1934. 40 blue cts and 1 slate pts. SANTA ISABEL (FERNANDO POO) to LONDON (ENGLAND). MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

247(2), 249(2), 235. 1935. 10 cts green, two stamps, 30 cts pink, two stamps and 20 cts violet. Certificate from SANTA ISABEL to LONDON (ENGLAND). On the back transit through Madrid. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 100€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

205(2), 238(2). 1937. 10 cts green, two stamps (one stamp minor defect) and 40 cts blue, two stamps. Certificate from SANTA ISABEL to CHICAGO (USA). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 130€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

★★ 257shcc(2). 1939. 15 cts slate, couple. CHANGE OF COLOR OF THE OVERLOAD, in black and IMPERFORATE. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, ONLY ONE HUNDRED STAMPS WERE ISSUED. Edifil 2018: 660 Euros
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Price: 275€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

★★ 265s(2). 1941. 20 cts lilac, pair (insignificant vertical crease in one of the stamps). WITHOUT DENTARTING. MAGNIFICENT AND EXTRAORDINARY RARE IMPERFORATE PAIR, NOT REVIEWED IN ANY CATALOGUE. Cert. COMEX.
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Price: 1.000€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

269. 1947. 1 black pts. Certificate from BATA (GUINEA) to LAS PALMAS, forwarded to PUERTO DE LA LUZ. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

268(4). 1948. 1 pts overseas, block of four. Certificate from SAN CARLOS to MADRID. On the front it marks FIRST MAIL / DIRECT AIR / GUINEA SPAIN / JULY 1948, in green and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

272A. 1948. 4 rose pts, 5 gray chestnut cts, two stamps and 40 greenish gray cts. SANTA ISABEL to MADRID. MINISTERIAL TRIP letterhead on the front and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 75€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

|ENVELOPE| 309, 268, 279, 303. 1952. 50 cts orange, 1 pts blue, 10 cts blue and 5 pts lilac chestnut. SANTA ISABEL to SAO PAULO (BRAZIL). On the back DOVALA (CAMEROUN) transit and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Price: 40€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

354(4), 358, 329. 1958. 10 sts green, four stamps, 5 cts + 5 olive cts and 1´90 slate sts. SANTA ISABEL to DETROIT (USA). MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

383(2). 1966. 3 pts blue, two stamps and 10 pts green by Fernando Poo. Certificate from SANTA ISABEL to CHICAGO (USA). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea
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Price: 40€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea
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Price: 30€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea
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Price: 35€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Guinea. BATA / SPANISH GUINEA, arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea
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Price: 75€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

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Price: 20€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea
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Price: 30€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea
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Price: 40€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea
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Price: 60€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea
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Price: 30€

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea

Former Spanish colonies. Guinea
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Price: 35€