Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
Spain. Spanish State Certified Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
319(2). 1924. 40 blue cts, pair. Certificate from MADRID to VILLAFRANCA DEL BIERZO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
316, 320, 321. 1929. 20 cts lilac, 50 cts orange and 1 slate sts. Declared Value from SEVILLE to MUNICH (GERMANY). On the arrival front. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
802/03. 1937. Various values. Certificate from BURGOS to LONDON. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
808(3), 817. 1937. 30 cts pink, three stamps and 10 cts green. Certificate from BURGOS to HEIDENHEIM (GERMANY). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
822(2), 823(14). 1937. 25 cts, pair, 30 cts, fourteen stamps and 5 cts local stamp SEVILLA. SEVILLE to LONDON. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
823. 1937. 30 cts pink, pair. Certificate from VIGO to BRAGA (PORTUGAL). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
833(2). 1937. 15 cts, pair and 30 cts, pair. Certificate from VITORIA to FRANKFURT (GERMANY). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
835, 817(2), 828. 1937. 1 pts blue and orange, 10 cts green, two stamps, 1 pts blue and 5 cts Local from Tafalla. Certificate from TAFALLA to MINUSIO (SWITZERLAND). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
840. 1937. 10 cts, Protuberant. VITORIA to USA. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
812, 802(4), 803(3). 1938. 4pts. Certified Air Letter from SEVILLE to BERLIN. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
812, 813. 1938. 4 lilac sts and 10 chestnut sts. SEVILLE to GIBRALTAR. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE POSTAGE.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
816, 817, 820, 824, 844A. 1938. Various values. Certificate from BURGOS to LONDON (ENGLAND). MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
817, 828(4), 844(2). 1938. 10 cts., 30 cts. pair, 1 pts., four seals. Certificate from SEGOVIA to HOLLAND. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
817(9), 820, 822(3). 1938. 10 cts green, nine stamps, 15 cts slate and 25 cts carmine, three stamps. Certificate from SAN FERNANDO to PISA (ITALY). On the back arrival (unimportant clipping of what could be a Charity stamp). MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
818(2), 828(2), 844(2). 1938. 10 cts, 30 cts and 1 pair pts. Certificate from ZARAGOZA to PARIS. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
|ENVELOPE| 826, 828(2), 829. 1938. 60 cts yellow, 1 pts blue, two stamps and 4 pts lilac pink. Certificate from SAN SEBASTIAN to RIO DE JANEIRO (BRAZIL). On the back, 10 cts stamp of the Crusade Against the Cold and arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
847. 1938. Block sheet. BURGOS to NEW YORK (USA). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
847. 1938. Block sheet. Philatelic Letter from BURGOS to BRUSSELS. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
|ENVELOPE| 847. 1938. Block sheet. Certificate from BURGOS to LAUSANNE (SWITZERLAND), First Day of Circulation. Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
857(3), 860. 1938. 30 cts, strip of three and 1 sts. Certificate from JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA to DUBLIN. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
825(13), 859. 1939. 40 cts lilac, 50 cts blue thirteen stamps. Certificate from PONTEVEDRA to BUENOS AIRES. On the back arrival, a stamp may have come off. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
826(4), 843, 860(2). 1939. Yellow 60 cts, block of four, Barcelona City Council green 5 cts, block of four and various values. Certificate from BARCELONA to GENEVA (SWITZERLAND). MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
843(4). 1939. 25 cts carmine, block of four. Certificate from BILBAO to MAGDEBURG (GERMANY). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
856(2). 1939. 10 cts brown, two MOVIL stamps and 30 cts red two stamps. SAN LUCAR DE BARRAMEDA to SEVILLE. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
857(2), 860(2), 816B. 1939. 30 cts pink, pair, 1 pts blue, pair and 5 cts chestnut. Certificate from BILBAO to MAGDEBURG (GERMANY). On the back German censor band and arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
857(4). 1939. 30 rose cts, block of four. Certificate from BILBAO to MAGDEBURG (GERMANY). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
859(2), 815(4), 817, 843. 1939. 50 slate cts, two stamps and various values. Certificate from BARCELONA to BASEL (SWITZERLAND). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE COMBINATION OF POSTAGE CIRCULATED TWO DAYS AFTER THE END OF THE CIVIL WAR.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
874. 1939. 70 blue cts. Certified "Espasa Calpe" Postcard and Cash on Delivery from MADRID to CUENCA. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
874(4), 818. 1939. 70 cts blue, strip of four and 10 cts red. Certificate from BARCELONA to ZURICH (SWITZERLAND). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
887, 929(2). 1939. 70 overseas cts, two stamps and 10 blue cts. Certificate from MADRID to FRANKFURT (GERMANY). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
889/93, 904. 1940. Various values. Certificate from SAN SEBASTIAN to BILBAO. On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
|ENVELOPE| 893. 1940. 40 cts + 10 cts and various values. Airmail from MADRID to JOHANNESBURG (SOUTH AFRICA). On the back, 1st flight mark, applied in Amsterdam. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
912, 891(2). 1940. 4 pts + 1 green and lilac pts and 20 cts + 10 violet and blue cts, two stamps. Certificate from LAS PALMAS to GOTHA (GERMANY). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE WITH THE 4 PTS TRULY CIRCULATED.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
921(7), 924, 917. 1940. 15 cts green, seven stamps, 30 cts blue and 10 cts pink. Certificate from BARCELONA to VENCE (FRANCE). MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
925(2), 917. 1940. 40 cts greenish gray, two stamps and 10 cts pink. Certificate from ELGOIBAR (GUIPUZCOA) to SAN LUIS DE POTOSI (MEXICO). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
927, 930. 1940. 50 gray cts and 1 black pts. Certificate from SAN SEBASTIAN to LIMOGES (FRANCE). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Spain. Spanish State Registered Mail
938, 922, 925, 916(4), 917(3). 1940. 40 cts + 10 cts blue and various values. Certificate from CEUTA to PALMA DE MALLORCA. On the front franchise mark CEN ARTILLERY REGIMENT Nº49 / COMMAND, in purple and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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