Spain and Colonies
La Rioja. Philately
52, 58, 64. (1860ca). Set of three 4- cuartos yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with the STº DOMINGO DE LA CALZ postmark. / LOGROÑO. MAGNIFICENT.
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La Rioja. Philately
58. 1862. 4 cuartos chestnut. Postmarked ARNEDO / LOGROÑO, in blue. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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Isabella II. Undated Period
|ENVELOPE| 48. (1856ca). Set of eight cards, seven fronts and a fragment franked with the red 4-quarters stamp, all of them with pre-philatelic marks on the front (accompanying), some very interesting. TO BE EXAMINED.
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Galicia. Philately
48. 1855. 4 red cuartos (fair margins). Postmark MONDOÑEDO / LUGO (Type I). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Galicia. Philately
48(2), 52, 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of five 4- cuartos red, yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with the RIVADEO / LUGO postmark (including Type I on the 4- cuartos red). MAGNIFICENT.
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Galicia. Philately
48, 52, 58. (1855ca). Set of three 4 cuartos red, yellow and brown stamps, unused with VIVERO / LUGO postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Galicia. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark RIVADEO / LUGO.
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Galicia. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. CORCUBION postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Galicia. Philately
52(7). 1860. Set of seven unused yellow 4- cuartos stamps with the dates of the province of Lugo: CHANTADA, MONDOÑEDO, MONFORTE, RIVADEO, SARRIA, VILLALBA and VIVERO. MAGNIFICENT.
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Galicia. Philately
52, 58, 64. (1860ca). Set of three 4- cuartos yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with the CHANTADA / LUGO postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Galicia. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. CHANTADA / LUGO postmark. PRETTY.
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Galicia. Philately
52, 58, 64. (1860ca). Set of three 4- cuartos yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with the MONDOÑEDO / LUGO postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Madrid. Philately
48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. Postmark MADRID / (1). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
48, 52, 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of four 4- cuartos stamps red, yellow, brown and pink, unused with ALCALA / MADRID postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Madrid. Philately
48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. Postmark ARGANDA / MADRID. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. Postmark CADALSO / MADRID. BEAUTIFUL AND VERY RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
48, 52. 1855. Set of two stamps of 4 cuartos red and 4 cuartos yellow, unused with BUITRAGO / MADRID postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Madrid. Philately
48, 52, 58. (1855ca). Set of three 4- cuartos red, yellow and brown stamps, unused with COLMENAR / MADRID postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Madrid. Philately
48, 52, 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of four 4- cuartos stamps red, yellow, brown and pink, unused with ESCORIAL / MADRID postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Madrid. Philately
48, 52, 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of four 4- cuartos stamps red, yellow, brown and pink, unused with GETAFE / MADRID postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Madrid. Philately
48, 52, 58. (1855ca). Set of three 4- cuartos red, yellow and brown stamps, unused with NAVALCARNERO / MADRID postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Madrid. Philately
48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. PERALES / MADRID postmark, in bluing. BEAUTIFUL AND VERY RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
48, 52, 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of four 4- cuartos stamps red, yellow, brown and pink, unused with TORRELAGUNA / MADRID postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Madrid. Philately
48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. Postmark VILLAREJO / MADRID. BEAUTIFUL AND VERY RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark MADRID (1) and R. CARRETA Nº 1.
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Madrid. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark ARGANDA / MADRID.
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Madrid. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark CHINCHON / MADRID. POORLY READABLE.
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Madrid. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. ESCORIAL / MADRID postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Madrid. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark GUADARRAMA / MADRID.
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Madrid. Philately
△ 52. 1860. 4 yellow cuartos , on fragment. ESCORIAL / MADRID postmark. LUXURY.
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Madrid. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark BUITRAGO / MADRID.
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Madrid. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark MADRID / (1). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
52, 58, 64. (1860ca). Set of three 4- cuartos yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with the ARANJUEZ / MADRID postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Madrid. Philately
52, 58, 64. (1860ca). Set of three 4- cuartos yellow, brown and pink stamps, unused with the ARGANDA / MADRID postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Madrid. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark CHINCHON / MADRID. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark EL PARDO / MADRID, in bluing. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark FUENTIDUEÑA / MADRID. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. Postmark VILLAREJO / MADRID. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
58. 1862. 4 cuartos chestnut. Postmark MADRID / (1). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
58. 1862. 4 cuartos chestnut. Postmark MADRID / (1). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
58. 1862. 4 cuartos chestnut. Postmark CHINCHON / MADRID. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
64(2). 1864. 4 pink cuartos , pair. Postmark MADRID / (1). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
203(4). 1879. 20 chestnut cts, block of four. Postmark MADRID / (1). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Madrid. Philately
207(4). 1879. 1 pink sts, block of four. Postmark MADRID / (1). MAGNIFICENT.
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Murcia. Philately
48, 52, 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of four 4- cuartos stamps red, yellow, brown and pink, unused with AGUILAS / MURCIA postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Murcia. Philately
48, 52, 64(2). (1855ca). Set of three 4- cuartos stamps red, yellow and pink (pair), unused with the CARAVACA / MURCIA postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Murcia. Philately
48(2), 52, 64. (1855ca). Set of four 4- cuartos red, yellow and pink stamps, unused with CIEZA / MURCIA postmark (including Type I, in blue on the 4- cuartos red). MAGNIFICENT.
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Murcia. Philately
48, 52, 58, 64. (1855ca). Set of four 4- cuartos stamps red, yellow, brown and pink, unused with LORCA / MURCIA postmark. MAGNIFICENT.
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Murcia. Philately
48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. Postmark TOTANA / MURCIA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Murcia. Philately
△ 52. 1860. 4 orange cuartos , on fragment. Postmark AGUILAS / MURCIA.
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