

Yvert 398/00. 1927. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Mi407/09 250 Euros)
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Price: 85€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 37. 1928. 4 m sepia. Graf Zeppelin headed to NEW YORK (USA). Postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN / LUFTPOST and on the front it marks MIT / LUFTSCHIFF LZ 127 / BEFORDERT, in blue and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 80€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 37. 1928. 4 m sepia. Graf Zeppelin headed to NEW YORK (USA). Postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN / LUFTPOST and on the front it marks MIT / LUFTSCHIFF LZ 127 / BEFORDERT, in blue and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 80€


Yvert 416/20. 1928. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi425/29Y 200 Euro)
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Price: 65€

Alemania. Aéreo

31. 1929. 50 cts orange. Postcard addressed to WURZBURG. Carried on flight LZ127 with origin and return in FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, passing through Barcelona. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 32. 1929. 1 m black and pink. Postcard by Graf Zeppelin addressed to MADRID. On the front it marks LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / MITTELMEERFAHRT, in carmine. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 90€


Yvert 421/25. 1929. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi430/34 190 Euros)
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Price: 50€

Alemania. Hoja Bloque

★Yvert 1. 1930. Block sheet. I POST. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 500 Euros
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Price: 150€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 28, 29, 31. 1930. 10p red, 15p lilac, 50p orange, and 2-cent, 5-cent, and 10-cent United States stamps. Airmail CATAPULTED FROM THE GERMAN SHIP EUROPE headed for BERLIN. Postmark DEUTSCH-AMERICANISCHE SEEPOST / BREMEN / NEW YORK / D.EUROPA and marks MIT KATAPULTFLUG and DEUTSCHER KATAPULTFLUG / D.EUROPA / SOUTHAMPTON on the front, both in red, and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 270€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 29, 30, 31, 32. 1930. 15 pf, 20 pf, 50 pf and 1 m. Cover from the General Aeropostal Company from HAMBURGO to ASUNCION (PARAGUAY). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

Alemania. Aéreo

32. 1930. 1 m black and pink. Postcard by Graf Zeppelin addressed to FRIEDRICHSHAFEN. Carried on the SEVILLA-FRIEDRICHSHAFEN flight. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 32(2). 1930. 1 m black and pink, two stamps. Graf Zeppelin headed to BERLIN. On the front trilingual airmail marking and launch date BASEL FLUGPLATZ / LUFTPOST. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Sieger 51C)
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Price: 75€

Alemania. Aéreo

★Yvert 38/39. 1930. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi438/39 660 Euros)
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Price: 200€

Alemania. Aéreo

38. 1930. 2 m blue. LIBAU to MADRID. Postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and on the front marks LUFSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / SÃœDAMERIKA FAHRT, in red and on the back transit SEVILLE. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 180€

Alemania. Aéreo

★★Yvert 38/39. 1930. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE IN THIS QUALITY. Yvert 2011: 3,500 Euros
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Price: 1.575€


Yvert 402, 404A, 405, 407. 1930. 5 p, 10 p, 15 p, 25 p and Air 10 p and 15 p. Addressed to NEW YORK (USA). Postmark DEUTSCH-AMERIKANISCHE-SEEPOST / D.EUROPA. On the front marks DEUTSCHER KATAPULTFLUG / D.EUROPA / NEW YORK and MIT KATAPULTFLUG, in red. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 135€


★★Yvert 427/30. 1930. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi450/53 140 Euros)
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Price: 65€

Alemania. Vuelo Catapultado

Yvert 29. 1931. 10 p lilac, 5 p green, four stamps and 45 p orange. Catapulted flight directed to POTSDAM, from the ship EUROPA. Postmark DEUTSCH-AMERIKANISCHE-SEEPOST / D. EUROPA and on the front the flight mark DAMPFER EUROPA / SOUTHAMPTON, on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 75€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 36. 1931. 2 m overseas. Postcard by Graf Zeppelin from FRIEDRICHSHAFEN to BIRMINGHAM (GREAT BRITAIN). On the front it marks 1. SÃœDAMERIKAFAHRT 1931/ MIT KLUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / UND SONDERFLUG BIS RIO DE JANEIRO, in green. MAGNIFICENT. (Sieger 124Ca)
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Price: 70€


Yvert 36. 1931. 2 m overseas. Graf Zeppelin headed to REYKJAVIK (ICELAND). On the front triangular mark LUFTSCHIFF GRAF SEPPELIN / ISLANDFAHRT 1931, in green. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 75€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 40/42. 1931. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Mi456/58 1,300 Euros)
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Price: 400€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 40(2). 1931. 5 p green yellow on Postal Whole Card from BERLIN to ROTTERDAM (NETHERLANDS), with complementary 1 m red postage, two stamps, one on the back. On the front flight markings, in red and violet, transit S. VICENTE / CAPE VERDE and arrival. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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Price: 120€


401A(3), 403, 414. 1931. 4 p light blue, three stamps, 8 p dark green and 80 p yellow. Postcard by Graf Zeppelin from FRIEDRICHSHAFEN to BUDAPEST (HUNGARY). On the front marks LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / UNGARNFAHRT 1931, in pink and ZEPPELINNNEL ERKEZETT, in red. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 90€


Yvert 435/38. 1931. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi459/62 140 Euros)
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Price: 50€


★1932. Spectacular passport book with complete series of ordinary and airline mail between 1925 and 1932, issued for the German Delegation of the ITU Conference, held in Madrid in 1932. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Yvert 2018: 2,950 Euros
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Price: 750€

Alemania. Aéreo

1932. Red 140p mechanical postage. Postcard by Graf Zeppelin from BERLIN to RECIFE (BRAZIL). On the front marks LUFTSCHIFF GRAF / ZEPPELIN / 4. SÃœDAMERIKA / FAHRT 1932, in red and DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / BERLIN FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, in carmine and arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 65€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 35. 1932. 1 m red, 5 p green, 10 p lilac and 15 p carmine red. Postcard by Graf Zeppelin addressed to ZURICH (SWITZERLAND). Onboard postmark and on the front mark LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / 1. SÃœDAMERIKAFAHRT / 1932, in violet. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 75€


Yvert 405. 1932. 15 p carmine red. Postcard from BERLIN to BARCELONA. On the front brand LUFTPOST / BEFORDERT / BRIEFE ZEMUNGEN PAKETE. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 20€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 28, 29, 31. 1933. 10 p red, 15 p lilac and 50 p chestnut. Graf Zeppelin from BERLIN to STASSFURT (time stains). On the front marks of the Graf Zeppelin DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / BERLIN FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, in red and LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / 3. SUDAMERIKAFAHRT, in blue and transit through Barccelona on the back. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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Price: 40€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 28, 29, 31. 1933. 10 p red, 15 p lilac and 50 p orange. Postcard (toned) by Graf Zeppelin to STASSFURT. On the front markings DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / ANSCHLUSSFLUG ZUR / 2. SUDAMERIKAFAHRT / BERLIN-FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, in red, and LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / 2. SUDAMERIKAFAHRT, in green. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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Price: 50€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 28, 29, 31. 1933. 10 p red, 15 p lilac and 50 p orange. Postcard by Graf Zeppelin addressed to VIENNA (AUSTRIA). FRIEDRICHSHAFEN-BARCELONA flight, with blue marking on the front and BARCELONA transit on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 90€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 42A/C. 1933. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi496/98 100 Euro)
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Price: 300€


Yvert 411(4). 1933. 50 p brown, four stamps and various values. Graf Zeppelin from WIESBADEN to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). On the front brand LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / 3. SUDAMERIKAFAHRT, in blue. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 90€


Yvert 469, Aéreo 31. 1933. 25 p ultramarine and 50 p orange. Postcard by Graf Zeppelin addressed to SARRE. On the front it marks LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / FAHRT IN DAS SAARGEBIET / 1933, in black blue and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 100€


Yvert 470/78. 1933. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi499/07A 380 Euros)
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Price: 140€


Yvert 479/82. 1933. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Mi508/11 2,000 Euros)
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Price: 600€


Yvert 481. 1933. 20p+60p blue. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE WITH POSTAL POSTMARK. Certificate H. DECHSNER. (Mi510 500 Euros)
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Price: 200€


Yvert 49(3). 1934. 50 p green, three stamps and 25 p overseas. Graf Zeppelin from NEUBURG to SANTIAGO DE CHILE. On the front it marks DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / EUROPA-SÃœDAMERICA / WEIHNACHTEN 1934, in green and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 90€


Yvert 52/53. 1934. 2 m green and black and 3 m blue and black. Key values. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 87 Euros
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Price: 25€


Yvert 470, 471, 473, 474, 475. 1934. 3 p brown, 4 p and 6 p united, 8 p and 12 p united, 1 p black (origin defect) and 5 p green, two stamps. Certificate from POTSDAM to VIENNA (AUSTRIA). BEAUTIFUL AND SPECTACULAR FRANK.
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Price: 75€


★★Yvert 522/23. 1934. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi554/55 100 Euro)
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Price: 45€

Alemania. Hoja Bloque

Yvert 3. 1935. Block sheet. Postmark KONIGSBERG / OSTROPA. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (MiB3 1,100 Euros)
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Price: 475€


★★Yvert 539/42. 1935. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi580/83 130 Euros)
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Price: 60€

Alemania. Hoja Bloque

★★Yvert 4/5. 1936. Block sheets. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 275 Euros
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Price: 125€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 55. 1936. 50p blue. Zeppelin card addressed to SEVILLE (SPAIN). Postmark LUFTSCHIFF / LZ 129. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 55, 43, 46, 48. 1936. 50 p blue (toned), 5 p green, 20 p blue and 40 p lilac. FRANKFURT to SAN LUIS (USA). Indication "Mit LZ.129 Hindenburg" and returned to the sender and on the back of arrival. PRETTY.
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Price: 45€

Alemania. Aéreo

Yvert 55/56(2). 1936. Complete series, in pairs and various values (toned). Certificate from HAMBURGO to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). On the back arrival. PRETTY.
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Price: 50€


★★Yvert 565/72. 1936. Complete series, from block sheets. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi624/31 260 Euro)
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Price: 110€


★★Yvert 582/90. 1936. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi634/42y 80 Euros)
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Price: 35€

Alemania. Hoja Bloque

★★Yvert 8. 1937. Block sheet. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2018: 75 Euros
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Price: 40€