
San Marino

★★Yvert 343/45. 1951. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 65 Euros
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Price: 25€

San Marino. Aéreo

★★Yvert 92/97. 1952. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 100 Euros
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Price: 45€

San Marino

★★Yvert 346/57. 1952. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 220 Euros
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Price: 80€

San Marino. Paquetes Postales

★★Yvert 35/36. 1953. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 350 Euros
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Price: 150€

San Marino. Aéreo

★★Yvert 100. 1953. 200 green lire. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 120 Euros
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Price: 50€

San Marino

★★Yvert 373. 1953. 100 blue green and green lire. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 40 Euros
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Price: 15€

San Marino

★Yvert 374/82. 1953. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 55 Euros
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Price: 15€

San Marino

★★Yvert 402/10. 1953. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 20 Euros
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Price: 10€

San Marino

★★Yvert 383/93. 1954. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 100 Euros
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Price: 40€

San Marino

★★Yvert 393(4). 1954. 250 l, mini sheet of four stamps. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Yvert 2013: 384 Euros
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Price: 170€

San Marino. Aéreo

★★Yvert 105. 1955. 200 orange lire. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 50 Euros
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Price: 20€

San Marino

★★Yvert 413/22. 1956. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 65 Euros
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Price: 25€

San Marino

★★Yvert 444. 1958. 500 lira green. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 150 Euros
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Price: 65€

San Marino

★★Yvert 444. 1958. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 150 Euros
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Price: 65€

San Marino. Hoja Bloque

★★Yvert 8/10. 1960. Block sheets. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 20 Euros
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Price: 10€

San Marino. Hoja Bloque

★★Yvert 8/10. 1960. Block sheets. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 20 Euros
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Price: 10€

San Marino. Aéreo

★★Yvert 127. 1961. 1000 pink lire. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 80 Euros
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Price: 35€

San Marino

★★Yvert 523. 1961. 500 lira green. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 38 Euros
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Price: 15€

San Marino

★★Yvert 523. 1961. 500 l green and chestnut. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 37.5 Euros
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Price: 15€

San Marino

★★Yvert 523(6). 1961. 500 l green and brown, mini sheet of six stamps. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 200€

San Marino

★★Yvert 523(6). 1961. 500 l green and brown, mini sheet of six stamps. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 200€

San Marino

★★Yvert 572(6). 1962. 200 l gray and carmine, mini sheet of six stamps. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 10€

San Marino

★★Yvert 572(6). 1962. 200 l gray and carmine, mini sheet of six stamps. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 10€

San Marino. Aéreo

★★Yvert 138(4). 1964. 500 l multicolor, sheet of four stamps. MAGNIFICENT. (Sasson 25)
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Price: 10€

San Marino. Aéreo

★★Yvert 137(4). 1965. 500 l multicolor, sheet of four stamps. MAGNIFICENT. (Sasson 26)
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Price: 15€

San Marino

★★Yvert 1133/34. 1986. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 35 Euros
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Price: 15€

San Marino

★★Yvert 1148/49. 1987. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 30 Euros
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Price: 10€

San Marino

★★Yvert 1153/62. 1987. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 37.5 Euros
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Price: 10€

San Marino

★★Yvert 1525/40. 1997. Complete series, minisheet. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 24 Euros
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Price: 10€

San Marino

★★Yvert 1549/60. 1998. Complete series, minisheet. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 10€

San Marino

★★Yvert 1579/94. 1998. Complete series, minisheet. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 10€

San Marino

★★Yvert 1702C. 2000. Complete series, in special card. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2016: 32 Euros
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Price: 15€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 18/20. 1947. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 45 Euros
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Price: 20€

San Pedro y Miquelón. Aéreo

★★Yvert 18/20. 1947. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 45 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€

San Pedro y Miquelón. Aéreo

★★Yvert 18/20. 1947. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 45 Euros
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Price: 15€

San Pedro y Miquelón. Aéreo

★★Yvert 38/39(4). 1967. Complete series, block of four, corner sheet. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. (Maury 2011, 560 Euros)
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Price: 200€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 38/39. 1967. Complete series, sheet border. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. (Maury 2011, 140 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 60€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 380/83. 1968. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 42 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 15€

San Pedro y Miquelón. Aéreo

★★Yvert 44/45. 1969. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 46.5 Euros
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Price: 15€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 407(25). 1970. 15 fr multicolored, complete sheet of twenty-five stamps. COLOR TRIALS and WITHOUT DENTATION, in different colors and including the multicolors of the last row. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 200€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 407(25). 1970. 15 fr multicolored, complete sheet of twenty-five stamps. COLOR TRIALS and WITHOUT DENTATION, in different colors and including the multicolors of the last row. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 200€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 408(25). 1970. 30 f multicolored, complete sheet of twenty-five stamps. COLOR TRIALS and WITHOUT DENTATION, in different colors and including the multicolors of the last row. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 350€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 408(25). 1970. 30 f multicolored, complete sheet of twenty-five stamps. COLOR TRIALS and WITHOUT DENTATION, in different colors and including the multicolors of the last row. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 350€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 409(25). 1970. 34 f multicolored, complete sheet of twenty-five stamps. COLOR TRIALS and WITHOUT DENTATION, in different colors and including the multicolors of the last row. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 400€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 409(25). 1970. 34 f multicolored, complete sheet of twenty-five stamps. COLOR TRIALS and WITHOUT DENTATION, in different colors and including the multicolors of the last row. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 400€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 431(25). 1973. 60 multicolored cts, full sheet of twenty-five stamps. COLOR TRIALS and WITHOUT DENTATION, in different colors and including the multicolors of the last row. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 300€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 431(25). 1973. 60 multicolored cts, full sheet of twenty-five stamps. COLOR TRIALS and WITHOUT DENTATION, in different colors and including the multicolors of the last row. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 300€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 431(25). 1973. 60 multicolored cts, full sheet of twenty-five stamps. COLOR TRIALS and WITHOUT DENTATION, in different colors and including the multicolors of the last row. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 300€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 432(25). 1973. 1 multicolored f, full sheet of twenty-five stamps. COLOR TRIALS and WITHOUT DENTATION, in different colors and including the multicolors of the last row. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 300€

San Pedro y Miquelón

★★Yvert 432(25). 1973. 1 multicolored f, full sheet of twenty-five stamps. COLOR TRIALS and WITHOUT DENTATION, in different colors and including the multicolors of the last row. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 300€