
1º y 2º Centenario

12. 1852. 6 pink cuartos (small accidental cut made when lifting the seal to confirm its authenticity). GERONA to PARIS (FRANCE). According to the agreement with France of April 1849, prior postage was not necessary for ordinary correspondence. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, VERY FEW KNOWN LETTERS ADDRESSED TO FRANCE, ESPECIALLY DOUBLE CARRIED.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 750€


★Yvert 1/11. 1942. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (SG1/11 £65) Yvert 2015: €65
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Price: 35€

Africa Central Británica

★Yvert 39/41. 1895. Blue 1 pound, orange 10 pound, and green 25 pound. SPECIMEN overload. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Yvert 2010: ++910 Euros
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Price: 400€

Africa del Sudoeste Alemán

★★Yvert 1. 1897. 3 p light yellow chestnut (Hellockerbraun), leaf edge. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi1b 200 Euros)
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Price: 80€

Africa del Sudoeste Alemán

★★Yvert 1. 1897. 3 p light yellow chestnut (Hellockerbraun), pair with upper leaf edge. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi1b 400 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 160€

Africa del Sudoeste Alemán

★Yvert 1/6. 1897. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Mi1/4I, II 610 Euro)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 250€

Africa del Sudoeste Alemán

★Yvert 7(2). 1897. 3 p yellow chestnut, two stamps with different shades. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi5b, 5c 75 Euros)
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Price: 30€

Africa del Sudoeste Alemán

Yvert 7/12. 1898. Complete series, 25 p on fragment. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi5/10 550 Euros)
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Price: 220€

Africa del Sudoeste Alemán

Yvert 13/23, 25. 1900. Complete series, in the absence of the purple 3 m. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Mi11/23, 25,300 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 120€

Africa del Sudoeste Alemán

★Yvert 13/21, 23/25. 1900. Complete series, in the absence of the 1 m carmine. MAGNIFICENT. (Wed 11/19, 21/23 490 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 200€

Africa del Sudoeste Alemán

★★Yvert 15(4). 1900. 10 p carmine red, block of four. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi13 240 Euros)
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Price: 110€

Africa del Sudoeste Alemán

★★Yvert 18. 1900. 30 p red and black on salmon. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi16 300 Euros)
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Price: 135€

Africa del Sudoeste Alemán

★★Yvert 32. 1906. 2 m blue (Kriegsdruck 25:17). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Mi30B 320 Euros)
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Price: 145€

Africa del Sudoeste Alemán

★Yvert 34. 1906. 5 m green black and carmine (Kriegsdruck 25:17). MAGNIFICENT. (Mi32B 65 Euro)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 30€

Africa Ecuatorial Francesa

Yvert 165/66, A29. 1944. 5 cy Aerial + 200 fr over 10'75 fr violet. Certificate from BRAZZAVILLE to TUNISIA. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Yvert 2010: +++314 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 150€

Africa Ecuatorial Francesa

★★Yvert 208/26. 1947. Complete series, pair, edge of sheet. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 300 Euros
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Price: 130€

Africa Ecuatorial Francesa

★★Yvert 208/26(4). 1947. Complete series, block of four, sheet edge. NO TEETH. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2013: 600 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 250€

Africa Ecuatorial Francesa

Yvert 218, 220, 225, Aerial 55(2). 1953. Various values. FORT SIBUT (CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC) to PIJNACKER (NETHERLANDS). MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 40€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★Yvert 1/5. 1893. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi1/5 280 Euros)
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Price: 110€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★Yvert 1/5. 1893. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi1/5 280 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 110€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★Yvert 1/5. 1893. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi1/5 280 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 110€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★Yvert 5. 1893. 25 p on 50 p lilac chestnut (17.8 mm surcharge). MAGNIFICENT. (Mi5IIa 120 Euros)
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Price: 45€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★Yvert 6. 1896. 2p on 3p light yellow chestnut (Lebhaftbrawnlocker). MAGNIFICENT. (Mi6c 140 Euros)
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Price: 50€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★Yvert 6/10. 1896. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi6/10 60 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 25€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★Yvert 6/10. 1896. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi6/10 60 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 25€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★★Yvert 10. 1896. 25 p on 50 p chestnut. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi10 140 Euros)
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Price: 60€

Africa Oriental Alemana

Yvert 11, 12. 1903. 2p chestnut and 3p green. Illustrated Postcard from TANGA to JOHANESBURG (TRANSVAAL). Date postmark *TANGA*, on the transit front DAR-ES-SALAAM. MAGNIFICENT.
Automatically generated translation

Price: 90€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★★Yvert 22/29. 1905. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE WITHOUT FIXING STAMPS. (Mi22/29 600 Euros)
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Price: 270€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★Yvert 22/29. 1905. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi22/29 220 Euros)
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Price: 85€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★Yvert 25. 1905. 15 h clear ultramarine. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi25a 65 Euros)
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Price: 25€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★★Yvert 28. 1905. 45 h dark violet and black. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi28b 220 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 90€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★★Yvert 33. 1906. 15 h dark ultramarine. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi33a 80 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 35€

Africa Oriental Alemana

Yvert 35, 36, 37. 1906. 30 o'clock carmine and black, 45 o'clock lilac and black and 60 o'clock red and black on pink. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi35/37 320 Euro)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 125€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★Yvert 38. 1906. 1 r carmine (Kriegsdruck 25:17). MAGNIFICENT. (Mi38IIB 60 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 25€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★Yvert 40(2). 1906. 3 r carmine and green (Friedensdruck 26:17), 3 r carmine and black green (Kriegsdruck 26:17). MAGNIFICENT. (Mi39IAb, 39IIAd 210 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 85€

Africa Oriental Alemana

★★Yvert 40. 1906. 3 r red and green black (Kriegsdruck 25:17). MAGNIFICENT. (Mi39IIB 160 Euro)
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Price: 75€

Africa Oriental Alemana

(★)1916. 1r red. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (MiV 1,700 Euros)
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Price: 700€

Africa Oriental Alemana

(★)1916. 7 ½ h rose red, pair (Type I + Type II). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (MiIVW1 180 Euros)
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Price: 75€

Africa Oriental Alemana

(★)1916. 7 ½ h rose red, pair (Type I + Type II). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (MiIVW1 180 Euros)
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Price: 75€

Africa Oriental Alemana

(★)1916. 2 ½ h lilac chestnut, pair (Type I + Type II). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (MiIIIW1 220 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 90€

Alauitas. Aéreo

★★Yvert 14/16. 1929. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2017: 46.45 Euros
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Price: 20€

Albania. Aéreo

★Yvert 1/7. 1925. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2018: 50 Euros
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Price: 15€


★★Yvert 289/02. 1943. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi1/14 480 Euros)
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Price: 200€


★★Yvert 302/18. 1944. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi15/21 100 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€


★★Yvert 302/18. 1944. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. (Mi15/21 100 Euros)
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

Albania. Aéreo

★★Yvert 57/59A. 1962. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 135 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 60€

Albania. Aéreo

★★Yvert 57/59. 1962. Complete series (the 4 l black overload). MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2011: 215 Euros
Automatically generated translation

Price: 45€

Albania. Aéreo

★★Yvert 66/67. 1964. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2003: 47.5 Euros
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Price: 20€

Albania. Hoja Bloque

★★Yvert 73. 1992. Block sheet. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 90 Euros
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Price: 30€

Albania. Hoja Bloque

★★Yvert 73. 1992. Block sheet. MAGNIFICENT. Yvert 2014: 90 Euros
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Price: 30€