
Spain. Alfonso XIII

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English ★★/★ 310/23(20). 1922. Complete series (fifteen denominations, the 4 pts and 10 pts NºA000000) of the Vaquer issue, all of them in blocks of twenty and with the upper part of the sheet including the marginal inscription (the 2 cts bronze green is also included)(the set is also completed with the following denominations with NºA000000: 10 cts green and 10 cts red, 15 cts greyish blue, 20 cts and 25 cts, these denominations also have the usual numbering, of the 25 cts red there is a second block with usual numbering). MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR SET, WITHOUT A DOUBT THE ONLY KNOWN ONE. Edifil 2025: +++11,600 Euros

Description Special format Envelope (229x324mm). NULL

Peso Formato especial - Weight Special format 436g

Price 3.000€

Illustrative price in other currencies
  • USD $ 3.277
  • GBP £ 2.523
  • CHF CHF 2.888
Updated 2025-03-18 00:00:02
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