Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #98

Wednesday, 26 October 2022 | Madrid, 16:00 CEST

1351 | Civil War. Nationalist Forces

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1352 | Civil War

(★)(1937ca). 5 cts blue on white and 5 cts blue on yellow, in full sheets of twenty-five stamps. AROCHE (HUELVA). MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 1/2, Fesofi 2, 3)
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1353 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★/★1938. Complete series, five values. BURGOS. MAGNIFICENT. (Fesofi 10/14, Allepuz 13, 15/18)
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1354 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★1938. Complete series. BURGOS. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 37/38, Fesofi 28/29)
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1355 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★/(★)(1938ca). Complete series, eight values, includes the unlisted sky blue 5 cts. CARTAMA (MALAGA). MAGNIFICENT. (Fesophi 1/7)
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1356 | Civil War. Local Stamps

(★)1938. Set of six stamps of 5 cts, 10 cts and 15 cts. IBIZA (BALEARIC ISLANDS). MAGNIFICENT. (Phesophi 4/9)
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1357 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★/(★)1938. Set of eleven stamps of 5 cts (single) and 10 cts (six) with different types. IBIZA and FORMENTERA. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 17/20, 22, 23/28, Fesofi 18/22, 23/27)
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1358 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★/★(1937ca). Spectacular set-collection of the Local Epila block sheets with numerous varieties, with displaced legends, double and inverted surcharges, without serrations, etc., includes a sheet with four unguillotined block sheets of 5 cts blue and 5 cts pink, as well as a circular letter with two undented sheets. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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1359 | Civil War. Local Stamps

(★)1938. 5 cts black and red, mini sheet of twelve stamps. GIBRALEÓN (HUELVA). MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 3, Fesofi 4)
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1360 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★1938. Complete series, five values. HUESCA. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 10/14, Fesofi 9/13)
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1361 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★/(★)1938. Complete series WITHOUT TEETH, five values. HUESCA. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 10/14s, Fesofi 9/13s)
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1362 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★1938. Complete series WITHOUT TOOTHING, leaf edge. HUESCA. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 15/19s, Fesofi 14/18s)
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1363 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★1938. Complete series, eleven values. MAJORCA. MAGNIFICENT. (Phesophi 13, 18, 22/31)
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1364 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★(1938ca). 5 cts blue and 15 cts chestnut both without imprint, blocks of four. CANARY ISLANDS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 40, 42, Fesofi 2/3)
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1365 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★/★ 82. (1938ca). 5 cts apple green and 15 cts chestnut, both RARE and imprinted. CANARY ISLANDS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 9, 10, Fesofi 2s, 3s)
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1366 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★/★1938. Set of nine stamps of 5 cts in different colors and 15 cts chestnut, all of them WITHOUT TOOTHING and with imprint. CANARY ISLANDS. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 16/25, Fesofi 4/14s)
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1367 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★/★(1938ca). Set of nine stamps of 5 cts WITHOUT IMPRESSION in different colors, plus a 5 cts without imprint. TENERIFE (CANARY ISLANDS). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 11/18, Fesofi 12, 14/20)
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1368 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★1938. Complete series, eight values. CANARY ISLANDS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 32/39, Fesofi 16/23)
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1369 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★(1938ca). Complete series WITHOUT TEETHING, in the absence of 50 cts on 5 green cts. CANARY ISLANDS. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 32/36s, 38/39s, Fesofi 16/20s, 22/23s)
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1370 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★/★1937. 25 cts green, two stamps (serrated and unserrated), both imprinted. TENERIFE (CANARY ISLANDS). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 22, 23, Fesofi 22)
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1371 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★(1938ca). Complete series, five values. TENERIFE (CANARY ISLANDS). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 24/28, Fesofi 24/28)
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1372 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★(1938ca). 10 cts on 5 blue violet NUTS and without imprint. CANARY ISLANDS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 15, FEsofi 24s)
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1373 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★(1938ca). 10 cts out of 5 cts blue violet NUTS and imprinted, even, leaf edge. CANARY ISLANDS. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 31, Fesofi 25s)
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1374 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★(1938ca). 5 cts blue violet, two stamps, one with INVERTED SURCHARGE, in green. CANARY ISLANDS. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 51, 51hi, Fesofi 26, 26i)
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1375 | Civil War. Local Stamps

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1376 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★1938. 50 cts violet. ORGIVA (GRENADE). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Allepuz 8, Fesofi 9)
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1377 | Civil War

823. 1937. 30 cts rose and Local 5 cts rose. LA LOUISIANA to SEVILLE. Postmark LA LUISIANA / (SEVILLA), in blue and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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1378 | Civil War. Local Stamps

734(2). 1937. 30 cts red, pair, a BISECTED stamp, 10 cts of Charity and Local de NOVELDA of 5 red cts HELP SRI NOVELDA to BARCELONA. MAGNIFICENT. (Allepuz 16, Fesofi 11)
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1379 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★/★1938. 5 cts blue, mini sheet of eight stamps (capicúas central stamps). OTIVAR (GRENADA). PRETTY. (Allepuz 1, 1sii, FEsofi 1, 1 pvc)
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1380 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★/★(1937ca). Interesting collection of the Local issues of Tafalla with numerous varieties of serrations and overloads, including mini-sheets and full sheets, some without serrations, as well as block sheets (some postmarked). TO EXAMINE.
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1381 | Civil War. Local Stamps

(★)1938. Complete series (serrated and unserrated) in minisheets of six stamps. NAVARRE. MAGNIFICENT.
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1382 | Civil War. Local Stamps

★★/★(1937ca). Interesting collection of the Zaragoza Local Pro-Airplane issue with numerous varieties of indentation, printing and surcharges, as well as complete indentation and WITHOUT INSERTION sheets and two letters franked with issue stamps, including local stamps of the following issues. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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1383 | Civil War. Italian Volunteers

844. 1938. 30 cts red. SALDAÑA (PALENCIA) to PUIG MORENO (TERUEL), addressed to a Corporal of the Italian Legionary Aviation, installed at the Puig Moreno aerodrome. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1384 | Civil War. Italian Volunteers

1939. 20 cts rose and 30 cts olive from Italy. Addressed to PIOMBINO (ITALY), sent by a lieutenant of the 1st Black Arrows Regiment. Postmark UFFICIO POSTALE SPECIALE 8 and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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1385 | Civil War. Italian Volunteers

823, 679, 817. 1838. 30 cts pink, 20 cts pink (urgent) and 10 cts green, two stamps. RINCON DE SOTO (SORIA) to VERONA, sent by a Sergeant Major of the CTV of the First Group of Guns 105/28. On the front it marks MILITARY CENSURE / ALFARO, in violet and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1386 | Civil War. Concentration Camp

EP81. 1938. 15 cts purple on Stationery Card from ATIEGA (ALAVA) to SANTANDER, with additional postage of 5 cts brown, addressed to an inmate of the La Magdalena Concentration Camp, located in the complex of the Stables of the Palacio de la Magdalena and which was in operation until November 1939. Postmark SALINAS DE AÑANA / (ALAVA). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1387 | Civil War. Concentration Camp

1938. CASTEJON (NAVARRA) to BURGOS. BON brand. DE TRABAJADORES Nº149 / COMMAND, in purple (the information consulted indicates that this disciplinary battalion was in operation between April 1939 and the end of 1940, but this letter shows that the date of use is earlier). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1388 | Civil War. Concentration Camp

925, 916. 1941. 40 cts gray green and 5 cts chestnut. Postal card from MIRANDA DE EBRO to DROHOBYCZ (POLAND), sent by a Pole interned in the Miranda de Ebro Concentration Camp. Various censor marks on the front. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1389 | Civil War. Refugee Camps

1939. 90 cts blue with "F" surcharge. LE BARCARES to PARIS. Postmark CAMP LE BARCARES / PYR.ORLES. MAGNIFICENT.
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1390 | Republican Local Issues

★1931. Set of six complete series with REPUBLICA overload, from Almería, Barcelona and Madrid (includes a complementary value). TO EXAMINE.
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1391 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★ 72, 72he, 72heb. 1938. 2 blue pts, pull three. Upper stamp SURCHARGE "VIVA ESPAÑA" and lower stamp SURCHARGE "VIV ESPAÑA". MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2017: 192 Euros
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1392 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★★ 83/87B. 1937. Complete series (one with overload in red and the other in black). MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 200 Euros
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1393 | Patriotic Local Issues. Pamplona

1/5. 1937. Complete series. PAMPLONA to LARACHE (MOROCCO). MAGNIFICENT.
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1394 | Patriotic Local Issues. Pamplona

28(2). 1937. 30 cts pink, pair FIESTA / NACIONAL / DEL / CAUDILLO / 1-X-II and 15 cts chestnut, block of four. Front of Certificate from PAMPLONA to PARIS (FRANCE). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE USE OF THESE STAMPS IN A CIRCULATED LETTER.
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1395 | Patriotic Local Issues. Sevilla

14, 15, 16. 1937. 2 sts blue, 4 sts carmine lilac and 10 sts chestnut. Philatelic Letter from SEVILLE to TURIN (ITALY). MAGNIFICENT.
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1396 | Patriotic Local Issues. Sevilla

48/50. 1937. Complete series, on a fragment by Remigio B. de la Maza addressed to M. Gálvez (unimportant ink stain). BEAUTIFUL AND VERY RARE, IN REGUANT'S WORK APPEARS ANOTHER SIMILAR ADDRESSED TO THE POSTAL ADMINISTRATOR OF SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE.
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1397 | City Council of Barcelona

★ NE1/8. 1931. Complete series, adhered to a commemorative folder (central fold that does not affect the stamps). NOT ISSUED. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1398 | City Council of Barcelona

★ NE9/16. 1932. Complete series NOT ISSUED, adhered to a special commemorative booklet. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1399 | City Council of Barcelona

★★/★1943. Set of sixteen block sheets of the 450th Anniversary of the arrival of Columbus in Barcelona from the Barcelona City Council, serrated and unserrated, some with color displacement and two pairs uncut capicúas. VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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1400 | Menorca

1. 1939. 40 cts black on green. CIUDADELA to INCA (MALLORCA), prepared to circulate by airmail, but finally circulated by ordinary means. On the front handwritten annotation "By Plane Vía Fornells" replaced by "Vía Mahón", on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE TRULY CIRCULATED.
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