232 | Spanish Collection

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English ★★/★(1889ca). Spectacular and practically complete collection of the 1st Centenary between 1889 and 1949, new and highlighting complete sets of Cifras from 1897 and 1898, Cadet (excellent centering), Quixote, Medallion (very well centered), UPU, Vaquer, Red Cross sets, Railways, Montserrat, Madrid 1936, stamp and block sheet of Defense of Madrid and Constitution, AEREO+5 PTS, Submarine (perforated and imperforate series, block sheet and from the small sheet), Militias and all the series of the Spanish State, except Granada, includes several cards, two of Zeppelin with 4 pts and 10 pts of Vaquer and two of Red Cross circulated, among others (mounted in Lindner). MUST EXAMINE.

Description Special format Two black Lindner albums

Peso Formato especial - Weight Special format 5,77kg

Lots and Collections Online Auction #119

Tuesday, 26 November 2024 | 15:00

Lot 232

Starting price 7.000€
Price realised 7.000€