Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #116
1051 | Spain
★★/★ 1053(2). 1949. 50 cts gris, pareja vertical. DENTADO DESPLAZADO (dejando sin dentar el lado izquierdo). MAGNIFICA.
1052 | Spain
★★/★ 1053x(4). 1949. 50 cts gris, bloque de cuatro (conservación habitual). Variedad por EMPALME DEL PAPEL. BONITO.
1053 | Spain
1054dh(4). 1949. 60 cts naranja, bloque de cuatro. DENTADO HORIZONTAL DESPLAZADO. MAGNIFICO Y RARO, NO RESEÑADO.
1054 | Spain
★★ 1060s(2). 1949. 90 cts verde, pareja, borde de hoja. SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICA Y RARA.
1055 | Spain
1049, 1053(3), 1058. 1954. 30 cts azul oscuro, 50 cts gris, tres sellos y 4 pts rosa. Certificado de MORON DE LA FRONTERA (SEVILLA) a CONCEPCION DEL URUGUAY (ARGENTINA). MAGNIFICA Y RARA CON EL 4 PTS.
1056 | Spain
★★ 1075/82. 1950. Serie completa, borde de hoja. MAGNIFICA. Cert. CEM. Edifil 2024: ++475 Euros
1057 | Spain
★★ 1075/82. 1950. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 475 Euros
1058 | Spain
★★ 1075/82(4). 1950. Serie completa, bloque de cuatro (sólo un sello del bloque de los valores 2´50 pts, 10 pts y 20 pts presentan mÃnima falta de goma). MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: +1.900 Euros
1059 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 1075/82. 1950. Complete set, in two First Day covers. Domestic Mail from MADRID. Arrivals on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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1060 | Spain
★★ 1083. 1950. CAUDILLO TO CANARIAS WITHOUT NUMBER. Very well centered. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. GRAUS. Edifil 2024: 4,000 Euros
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1061 | Spain
★★ 1083. 1950. CAUDILLO TO CANARIAS WITHOUT NUMBER, edge of sheet. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY SPECTACULAR. Cert. CEM. Edifil 2024: +++4,000 Euros
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1062 | Spain
★★ 1083A/B. 1950. Complete series (excellent centering). 1st DRAW. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. EMF.
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1063 | Spain
★★ 1090. 1951. CAUDILLO TO CANARIAS WITH NUMBER, edge of sheet. Excellent centering. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: +650 Euros
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1064 | Spain
★★ 1090. 1951. CAUDILLO TO CANARIAS WITH NUMBER. Exceptional centering. LUXURY PIECE. Cert. GRAUS. Edifil 2024: 650 Euros
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1065 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 1093, 1095, 1091. 1951. 75 cts blue, 1´50 pts orange and 1 pts blue. Certified from MADRID to MONTEVIDEO (URUGUAY), returned to sender. Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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1066 | Spain
★★ 1097smd. 1951. 60 cts green, leaf edge. Variety WITHOUT PERFORATION ON THE LEFT MARGIN. MAGNIFICENT.
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1067 | Spain
1098, 1099. 1951. Three letters addressed to OVIEDO and ITALY (2) franked with Isabel stamps from 1951. MAGNIFICENT.
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1068 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 1106, 1107, 1109. 1955. Three letters with stamps of the land issue of Fernando addressed to GERMANY (2) and BELGIUM. MAGNIFICENT.
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1069 | Spain
★★ 1118. 1952. 2 pts azul. Excelente centraje. MAGNIFICO. Edifil 2024: +60 Euros
1070 | Spain
1118, 1073(2), 1117(2). 1953. 2 pts azul y diversos valores. MADRID a SANTA FE (ARGENTINA). Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.
1071 | Spain
1126/28, 1111. 1955. Serie completa y 60 cts verde. MADRID a SANTA FE (ARGENTINA). Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.
1072 | Spain
1128, 1130(4). 1954. 2 pts castaño, 50 cts castaño, bloque de cuatro y 80 cts verde. MADRID a SANTA FE (ARGENTINA). Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.
1073 | Spain
1131(2). 1954. 3 pts azul, dos sellos y diversos valores. Valores Declarados de TARACONTE (SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE) a JAEN. Al dorso de llegada. MAGNIFICA.
1074 | Spain
★★ 1135ec. 1954. 30 cts violeta. ERROR DE COLOR. MAGNIFICO Y MUY RARO. Cert. CEM. Edifil 2021: 1.200 Euros
1075 | Spain
★★ 1143dv(2). 1955. 10 cts rojo burdeos, pareja, borde de hoja. DENTADO HORIZONTAL DESPLAZADO. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2021: +60 Euros
1076 | Spain
★★ 1150x(6). 1955. 60 cts gris castaño, bloque de seis. Variedad por EMPALME DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICO.
1077 | Spain
★★ 1152x(2). 1955. 80 cts verde, pareja. Variedad por EMPALME DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2021: +98 Euros
1078 | Spain
★★ 1153x(10). 1955. 1 pts rojo naranja, bloque de diez (un sello manchita sin importancia). Variedad por EMPALME DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICO Y RARO BLOQUE, ENORME ESPECTACULARIDAD.
1079 | Spain
★★ 1160cc. 1955. 5 pts olive green. COLOR CHANGE. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2021: 725 Euros
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1080 | Spain
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1081 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 1186(30). 1960. 4 pts black and lilac, thirty stamps. MADRID to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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1082 | Spain
★★ 1222/23. 1958. Block sheets. Same numbering. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 60 Euros
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1083 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 1232/37, 1237, 1224. 1958. Complete set, 3 pts blue and 15 cts brown and yellow. Certificate from BAGoodELONA to MENDOZA (ARGENTINA). MAGNIFICENT.
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1084 | Spain
|ENVELOPE|(1960ca). Set of four envelopes from the Interior Mail of MADRID, two with stapled MESSENGER label and two with attached CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERY label. NICE AND RARE.
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1085 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 1298/05. 1960. Complete set and 25 cts blue-violet. Certificate from BAGoodELONA to MENDOZA (ARGENTINA). MAGNIFICENT.
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1086 | Spain
1300, 1311, 1320. 1960. 80 cts, 1´25 pts and 25 cts. Certified from CARTAGENA to SANTA FE (ARGENTINA). Transit on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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1087 | Spain
★★ 1539ef. 1963. 50 pts black grey. VARIETY OF COLOR TONES. MAGNIFICENT.
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1088 | Spain
★★ 1540dh. 1963. 1 pts green and black. DISPLACED PERFORATION variety. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 225 Euros
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1089 | Spain
★★ 1584dh. 1964. 2 pts multicolor, borde de hoja. Variedad DENTADO HORIZONTAL DESPLAZADO. MAGNIFICO. Edifil 2020: 49 Euros
1090 | Spain
★★ 1657ef. 1965. 25 cts burdeos. Variedad COLOR DORADO OMITIDO. MAGNIFICO. Edifil 2021: 140 Euros
1091 | Spain
★★ 1836(25). 1967. 6 pts multicolor, pliego de veinticinco sellos. Variedad ERROR DE PERFORACION DE DENTADO EN LA ESQUINA SUPERIOR IZQUIERDA POR PLIEGUE DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICO.
1092 | Spain
(★)(1977ca). 0 pts multicolor, dos PRUEBAS DE IMPRESION, una sin el color negro. MAGNIFICAS.
1093 | Spain
★★ 3250(50). 1993. 45 pts azul y negro, pliego completo de cincuenta sellos. RAYA DE TINTA VERTICAL, en azul. MAGNIFICO Y RARO.
1094 | Spain
★★ 3542dw(2), 3542(2). 1998. 70 pts, bloque de cuatro. Pareja superior PARCIALMENTE DENTADO. MAGNIFICO. Edifil 2010: 1.000 Euros
1095 | Luxury Proofs
★★ 18P. 1989. Prueba de Lujo. CUERPO DE CORREOS. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 48 Euros
1096 | Luxury Proofs
★★ 21P. 1990. Prueba de Lujo. EXFILNA 90. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 27 Euros
1097 | Spain. Special Souvenir Sheet
★★ 60/61. 1978. Conjunto de dos hojas recuerdo y una de promoción EUROPA 1978, ambas en parejas, impresas en negro e inutilizadas. MAGNIFICAS Y RARAS.
1098 | Postal Stationery
(★) EPCC1. 1885. 5 cts verde (tarjeta sin utilizar) sobre TARJETA POSTAL PROVISORIA DE CARRERAS CANDI (sin la marquilla violeta). MAGNIFICA.
1099 | Postal Stationery
|ENVELOPE| EP11ipa. 1887. 10 cts violet-gray (Type II) on Postal Stationery Card with private overprint MADRID LIGHTING COMPANY Domestic Mail of MADRID. MAGNIFICENT.
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1100 | Postal Stationery
|ENVELOPE| EP27ipb. 1894. 10 cts chestnut on Postal Stationery Card with private overprint MADRID LIGHTING COMPANY Domestic Mail of MADRID. MAGNIFICENT.
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