Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #116
1001 | Spain
★/(1939ca). Spectacular remainder of the collection of new (most) and used stamps from Franco's 1939 and 1949 issues (coarse and fine perforations) with various varieties of cliché, organized by value and indicating each variety or printing defect, includes a study of the report block as well as printing varieties and retouches, this is the compilation made by Francisco Aracil over the years of his life, includes two particular clichés made to photographically document the study. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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1002 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 924(2), 931, 932, 933. 1944. 30 cts, two stamps, 1 pts, 2 pts and 4 pts. Certificate from PALMA DE MALLOGoodA to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). Transit on the back. NICE.
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1003 | Spain
925(2). (1936ca). 50 cts grey, two stamps, various values. Declared values from MADRID to ALICANTE. MAGNIFICENT.
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1004 | Spain
927(5). 1947. 50 gray cts, five stamps. Certificate from SOTO-IRUZ (CANTABRIA) to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA), addressed to Juan Domingo Perón, president of Argentina. Postmark SOTO IRUZ / (SANTANDER) and on the front the ARGENTINA-SPAIN flight mark, in red and various transits. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1005 | Spain
1941. 2´70 pts. ENRIQUE C.FRICKE advertising postage. CARTAGENA to BERLIN (GERMANY), addressed to Admiral Boehm, Admiral Commander of Norway during the German occupation (Feldpost 34157, assigned to the Admiralty). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1006 | Spain
★★/★ 936/39efs. 1940. Complete set. WITHOUT CROSS OF LORRAINE and IMPERFORATED. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2021: 570 Euros
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1007 | Spain
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1008 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 940, 945, 1011. 1947. 20 cts orange, 2 pts green and 50 cts green. Certificate from MADRID to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). On the front special mark ARGENTINA-SPAIN, in red and return, on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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1009 | Spain
943, 946. 1947. 50 cts castaño y 4 pts azul. Certificado de LA MOLINA (ASTURIAS) a BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). En el frente marca del vuelo ARGENTINA-ESPAÑA, en rojo y al dorso tránsito. MAGNIFICA.
1010 | Spain
944, 945, 922. 1951. 1 pts azul, 2 pts verde y 20 cts violeta. Certificado de PALMA DE MALLORCA a CATAMARCA (ARGENTINA). A la llegada se aplica sello argentino de correo ordinario a modo de tasa. MAGNIFICA Y RARO FRANQUEO MIXTO.
1011 | Spain
944, 816, 818, 927(3). 1947. 1 pts azul y diversos valores. Certificado de MEIRA (LUGO) a BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). En el frente marca especial del vuelo ARGENTINA-ESPAÑA, en rojo, al dorso tránsitos. MAGNIFICA.
1012 | Spain
944, 945, 881, 886. 1939. 1 pts azul, 2 pts verde, 25 cts rojo y 4 pts azul. Certificado de VIGO a BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). Al dorso tránsito. MAGNIFICA.
1013 | Spain
★ 953M. 1942. 40 cts castaño rojo. MUESTRA. MAGNIFICO. Edifil 2021: 45 Euros
1014 | Spain
★ 958/60s. 1942. Serie completa (el 40 cts +10 cts verde grisáceo en pareja). SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: +408 Euros
1015 | Spain
★★ 961/69. 1943. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 110 Euros
1016 | Spain
976. 1944. 75 cts azul, diversos valores. Correo Aéreo Certificado LAS PALMAS a PASING-OBERMENZING (ALEMANIA). En el frente llegadas. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR.
1017 | Spain
★★ 970/73. 1943. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA.
1018 | Spain
975. 1944. 40 cts castaño diversos valores. Correo Aéreo Certificado LAS PALMAS a PASING-OBERMENZING (ALEMANIA). En el frente llegadas. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR.
1019 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 975. 1944. 40 cts chestnut, various values. Airmail LAS PALMAS to PASING-OBERMENZING (GERMANY). Arrivals at the front. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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1020 | Spain
★★ 983 ccas. 1944. 5 pts orange. COLOR CHANGE and IMPERFORATED. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2020: 600 Euros
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1021 | Spain
★★ 983ccs. 1944. 5 pts yellow. COLOR CHANGE and IMPERFORATED. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Cert. COMEX. Edifil 2020: 565 Euros
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1022 | Spain
★★ 988b, 988ic. 1944. 25 cts orange, two stamps. Cross of Lorraine SHIFTED TO THE RIGHT and TRACED ON THE BACK. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2021: 42 Euros
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1023 | Spain
★★ 989s. 1945. 40 cts chestnut, leaf edge. IMPERFORATED. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 155 Euros
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1024 | Spain
★★ 992ccb. 1945. 10 pts carmine (slight diagonal fold). COLOR CHANGE. NICE AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2021: 725 Euros
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1025 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 991. 1945. 4 pts red. Certificate from LEON to SANTA FE (ARGENTINA). Transit on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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1026 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 991/92. 1946. Complete set, 1 pts blue, 2 pts green and 15 cts green. Certificate from BAGoodELONA to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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1027 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 991, 933, 926(2). 1946. 4 pts red, 4 pts pink and 45 cts blue, two stamps. Certificate from BAGoodELONA to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL POSTAGE COMBINATION.
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1028 | Spain
★★ 997id. 1945. 25 cts orange. Cross of Lorraine VERY DISPLACED. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2021: 39 Euros
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1029 | Spain
★★1946. 50 cts azul oscuro (no emitido en este valor). CAMBIO DE COLOR y SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO.
1030 | Spain
★★1946. 50 cts verde (no emitido en este valor). CAMBIO DE COLOR y SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO.
1031 | Spain
★★ 999(4). 1948. 75 cts azul, bloque de cuatro, esquina de pliego. Espectacular variedad por INCLUSION DE PAPEL. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO.
1032 | Spain
★★ 1001cc(4). 1946. 1´35 pts magenta, bloque de cuatro, esquina de pliego. CAMBIO DE COLOR. MAGNIFICO.
1033 | Spain
★★/★ 1019ed, 1019id. 1947. 25 cts lila, dos sellos. Cruz de Lorena DESPLAZADA y DOBLE IMPRESION. MAGNIFICOS. Edifil 2021: 87,5 Euros
1034 | Spain
1003, 927(2), 930. 1947. 75 cts azul y diversos valores. SANTA MARIA DE GUIA (GRAN CANARIA) a BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA), dirigida a Juan Domingo Perón, presidente de Argentina. Matasello GUIA / (CANARIAS) y al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.
1035 | Spain
1011(2), 923, 944. 1947. 50 cts verde, dos sellos, 25 cts lila y 1 pts azul. LA CORUÑA a BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). En el frente marca del vuelo ARGENTINA-ESPAÑA, en rojo y al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.
1036 | Spain
1011, 940/41, 943/44, 917(2). 1947. 50 cts verde y diversos valores. Certificado de MADRID a BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). En el frente marca especial ARGENTINA-ESPAÑA / CORREO AEREO y al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.
1037 | Spain
★★ 1015/16. 1947. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 300 Euros
1038 | Spain
★★ 1020(4), 1020x(2). 1948. 5 cts castaño, bloque de seis. Dos sellos variedad por EMPALME DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICO.
1039 | Spain
★★ 1020(7). 1948. 5 cts brown, strip of seven. One stamp PARTIAL IMPRESSION and five stamps WITHOUT FULL IMPRESSION. MAGNIFICENT.
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1040 | Spain
★★ 1021, 1021x. 1948. 15 cts green, vertical pair. A variety stamp by EMPALME DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICENT.
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1041 | Spain
★★ 1022(15). 1948. 50 cts light brown, block of fifteen (normal condition). Six stamps of the PARTIAL IMPRESSION variety, caused by the inclusion of paper (which is still adhered). MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR VARIETY.
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1042 | Spain
(★) 1022x. 1948. 50 cts ochre. PARTIAL PRINT variety, originated by PAPER SPLICING. MAGNIFICENT.
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1043 | Spain
★★ 1022cca. 1948. 50 cts carmine pink. COLOR CHANGE. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2021: 850 Euros
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1044 | Spain
★★ 1024s. 1948. 25 cts red, corner of sheet. IMPERFORATED. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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1045 | Spain
(★) 1024s(2). 1948. 25 cts red, pair. IMPERFORATED (cardboard paper). MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 280 Euros
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1046 | Spain
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1047 | Spain
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1048 | Spain
|ENVELOPE| 1035(2), 1036(4). 1948. 35 cts black, two stamps and 70 cts violet, four stamps. Declared values from LA CORUÑA to JAEN. Arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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1049 | Spain
★★/★ 1047x(4). 1949. 20 cts violeta, bloque de cuatro. Variedad por EMPALME DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICO.
1050 | Spain
★★ 1049(4), 1049dh(4). 1949. 30 cts azul, bloque de cuatro, esquina de pliego. DENTADO HORIZONTAL DESPLAZADO. MAGNIFICO Y RARO.