Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #116

Tuesday, 23 July 2024 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

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1151 | II World War. Blue Division

1942. (July 22). Feldpost Nº29908 (Transmission Group, Telephone Company) to GRANADA. FELDPOST / B date stamp and SP mark, in red (small). MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

1152 | II World War. Blue Division

1942. (July 22). Feldpost Nº11371B (262nd Infantry Regiment, 9th Company) to SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA. FELDPOST / B date stamp and SP mark, in red (small) and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

1153 | II World War. Blue Division

1942. Set of ten letters circulated between July 1942 and June 1943, sent by a soldier of the Blue Division with Feldpost Nº29908 from the front, some with German franchise stamps. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR SET.
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Price: 375€

1154 | II World War. Blue Division

1942. (August 6). Feldpost Postcard Nº39149 (Military Health, 2nd Company) to MADRID. FELDPOST / B date stamp and SP mark, in red (small). MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 65€

1155 | II World War. Blue Division

1942. (August 27). Feldpost Postcard Nº43700 (Liaison Headquarters and Staff) to BARCELONA. FELDPOST date stamp and SP mark, in red (small). MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 45€

1156 | II World War. Blue Division

1942. (September 30). Feldpost Postcard Nº09452B (262nd Infantry Regiment, 5th Company) to VALENCIA. FELDPOST / B date stamp and SP mark, in red (small). MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

1157 | II World War. Blue Division

1942. (December 22). Feldpost Nº14929E (Infantry Regiment 263, 4th Company) to VALENCIA. Silent date and SP mark, in red (large) and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

1158 | II World War. Blue Division

(1942ca). German stamps of 10 p chestnut and 25 p overseas (without postmark). KONIGSBERG (GERMANY) to VALENCIA, referred from the Konigsberg military hospital. On the front marks SP, in red (large), Ab, in blue and MIT LUFTPOST / PAR AVION, in purple and on the back arrival. PRETTY.
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Price: 75€

1159 | II World War. Blue Division

1943. (February 2). German franchise stamp LUFTFELDPOST. TOLEDO to FELDPOST Nº00198 (Division Headquarters), addressed to General Emilio (indicates Julio) Esteban Infantes, commander in chief of the Volunteer Division, who succeeded General Muñoz Grandes in command in December 1942. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Starting price: 150€
Price realised: 150€

1160 | II World War. Blue Division

1943. (March 11). Postcard from Feldpost Nº07800A (262 Infantry Regiment PM1º BON) to SANTANDER, sent from the Krasnybor area during the attack by the Soviet army. Censorship mark, in red. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 40€

1161 | II World War. Blue Division

1943. (March 17). Feldpost Nº31194D (Reserve Battalion, 3rd Company) to CANILES (GRANADA). Silent dater and AB mark, in violet. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 45€

1162 | II World War. Blue Division

1943. (June 15). Two German franchise stamps. Feldpost Nº29908 (Transmission Group, Telephone Company) to GRANADA. Postmark FELDPOST / A and on the front it marks AB, in purple and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 75€

1163 | II World War. Blue Division

1943. (July 8). Two German franchise stamps. Feldpost Nº29908 (Transmission Group, Telephone Company) to GRANADA. Postmark FELDPOST / A and on the front it marks AB, in purple and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 90€
Price realised: 90€

1164 | II World War. Blue Division

1943. (July 29). Feldpost Nº14117 (Infantry Regiment 263, Anti-Tank Company) to VALENCIA. Date stamp FELDPOST / E and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

1165 | II World War. Blue Division

1943. (July 31). ZARAGOZA to FELDPOST Nº41429, addressed to a Sergeant of the Civil Guard integrated into the Feldgendarmerie with his own German Feldpost number (not reported in the work of Vázquez Enciso), a total of fifty-four Civil Guards were integrated into this body to carry out tasks access control and identification. MAGNIFICENT AND EXTRAORDINARY RARE.
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Price: 375€

1166 | II World War. Blue Division

1943. (August 30). 10 cts chestnut from Germany. HOF HOSPITAL to GRANADA, sent by a divisional (with Feldpost Nº29908 in previous dates) from the Hof-Saale hospital. On the front silent date and markings RES.LAZ.HOF / SAALE / (SONDERLAZARETT), in violet and AB, in blue and on the back transit. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Starting price: 150€
Price realised: 150€

1167 | II World War. Blue Division

1943. (September 22). Feldpost Postcard Nº07800A (262nd Infantry Regiment, PM1º BON) to SANTANDER, sent by Lieutenant Ismael García Romeu one month before the constitution of the Blue Legion. FELDPOST / E date stamp and AB mark, in violet. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 60€

1168 | II World War. Blue Division

1943. (October 1). Postcard from Feldpost Nº07800A (Infantry Regiment 262, PM1º BON) to SANTANDER, sent by Lieutenant Ismael García Tomeu (known as Tirolaipi) during the withdrawal from the front of the Blue Division and in which he confirms that he has been proposed for the Cross of 1st class iron. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 50€

1169 | II World War. Blue Division

1944. (February 29) BLUE LEGION. Letter with text from Feldpost Nº26611E (4th Company, 1st Flag) from ESTONIA to SANTANDER, written by Lieutenant Ismael García Romeu (known as Tirolaipi) where he describes "They have proposed me again for the Iron Cross 1st class, for a little trouble that we had the company, protecting the retreat of a German battalion that was overwhelmed". Date stamp FELDPOST / D and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Ex-Ronald Shelley.
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Price: 375€

1170 | Civil War. Refugee Camps

1941. 70 cts overseas and 5 cts. BARCELONA to PARIS (FRANCE), addressed to a Spaniard with Feldpost NºL10177 corresponding to the German Air Base in Paris, most likely it is a Spanish prisoner in the hands of the German army. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

1171 | Civil War. Refugee Camps

1943. 40 cts green gray, two stamps. TORTOSA to FRANCE, addressed to a Spaniard with Feldpost NºL10177 corresponding to a German air base, most likely it is a Spanish prisoner in the hands of the German army. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

1172 | Civil War. Concentration Camp

1938. 15 cts slate. Postcard from CELANOVA (ORENSE) to GIJON. On the front it marks CENSURA-CENTRAL PRISON / CELANOVA, in purple. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 32€

1173 | Civil War. Concentration Camp

EP82. 1939. 15 cts violet on Postal Card from LEON to BRUSSELS (BELGIUM), with complementary postage of 5 cts brown, two stamps and 10 cts green, two stamps. On the front it marks MILITARY CENSORSHIP / CAMPO DE CONCENTRACIÓN / LEON, in blue. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 35€

1174 | Civil War. Concentration Camp

1943. HAGE (GERMANY) to SEVILLE, sent by a Spaniard, most likely integrated into a group of workers from a German transport unit. HAGE OSTFRIESL / A date stamp, Feldpost mark in violet not legible. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Price: 50€

1175 | Civil War. Concentration Camp

1942. 30 cts blue, 40 cts green gray and 5 cts chestnut. BARCELONA to PARIS (FRANCE), addressed to a Spaniard with Feldpost NºL10177 corresponding to the German Air Base in Paris, most likely it is a Spanish prisoner in the hands of the German army. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 50€

1176 | Republican Local Issues. Barcelona

★★ 1/4. 1931. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. COMEX. Edifil 2017: 300 Euros
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Starting price: 80€
Price realised: 80€

1177 | Republican Local Issues. Barcelona

1931. 20 cts violet, 40 cts blue and Madrid stamps of 15 cts green blue, 25 cts carmine and 20 cts pink. Certificate from BARCELONA to MILAN (ITALY). The stamps were annulled with a circle as they were not valid (the General Post Office sent a telegraphic order to all the administrations of Spain at the end of April 1931 decreeing the prohibition of circulation of these stamps with overloads from different provinces because they were not official. ), so it is valued at 0.80 lire, applying two 40 ct Italian rate stamps on the reverse. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Cert. EMF.
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Starting price: 300€
Price realised: 320€

1178 | Republican Local Issues. Barcelona

★ 29/32. 1931. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 110 Euros
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 30€

1179 | Republican Local Issues. Madrid

△ 1/8. 1931. Complete series, on fragment. CERTIFIED postmark / MADRID. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 0€

1180 | Republican Local Issues. Valencia

★ 1/9. 1931. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. EMF. Edifil 2017: 250 Euros
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Price: 100€

1181 | Patriotic Local Issues. Antequera

★★/★ 1/18hcc. 1936. Complete series, in the absence of Edifil No.: 2hccb, 5hcca, 9hcc and 13hcca. COLOR CHANGE IN OVERLOAD. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, WITH MANY POSSIBILITIES OF BEING COMPLETED. Edifil 2017: 312 Euros
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 44€

1182 | Republican Local Issues. Avila

★ 1/5. 1937. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 62 Euros
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Starting price: 25€
Price realised: 25€

1183 | Patriotic Local Issues. Badajoz

★ 8/22. 1936. Complete series (lacking the 15 cts gray Edifil Nº11A). MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: -205 Euros
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Starting price: 85€
Price realised: 85€

1184 | Republican Local Issues. Baena

★★ 1/10, 11/15. 1937. Two complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: +42 Euros
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Starting price: 15€
Price realised: 25€

1185 | Patriotic Local Issues. Baena

1/10. 1937. Complete series. SEVILLE to PARIS (FRANCE). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 50 Euros
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Starting price: 35€
Price realised: 170€

1186 | Republican Local Issues. Baena

★★ 16/20(3). 1937. Complete series, triptych. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL. Edifil 2017: 43 Euros
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Starting price: 25€
Price realised: 35€

1187 | Patriotic Local Issues. Bilbao

★★ 11/20. 1937. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 33 Euros
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Starting price: 15€
Price realised: 16€

1188 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★★/★ 1/10. 1937. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 19 Euros
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Starting price: 5€
Price realised: 5€

1189 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★★ 19/22. 1936. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2017: 118 Euros
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Price: 30€

1190 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★★/★ 56/61. 1936. Complete series, missing key value. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2017: 546.5 Euros
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Price: 120€

1191 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★ 64/67. 1937. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 88 Euros
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Starting price: 35€
Price realised: 35€

1192 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★ 68/73. 1937. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL. Edifil 2017: 165 Euros
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Price: 65€

1193 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★ 74/80. 1937. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 36 Euros
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Starting price: 15€
Price realised: 15€

1194 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★★ 91. 1938. Block sheet. VARIETY OF COLOR IN THE OVERLOAD, in teal. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 35€
Price realised: 35€

1195 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★ 94. 1938. Block sheet. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 145 Euros
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Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 45€

1196 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

95. 1938. Block sheet (Type I). Philatelic Letter from BILBAO to ZARAGOZA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 20€

1197 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★★ 95hi. 1938. Block sheet (Type I) (usual conservation). INVERTED OVERLOAD, in blue. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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Price: 75€

1198 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★★ 95Ahh. 1938. Block sheet (Type II). DOUBLE OVERLOAD, in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2017: 185 Euros
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Price: 100€

1199 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★ 97A. 1938. Block sheet (blue and red overloads) (time stains). PRETTY.
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Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 45€

1200 | Patriotic Local Issues. Burgos

★ 100. 1938. Block sheet. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2017: 150 Euros
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Price: 60€