1001 | Spain

Automatically generated translation

English ★/(1939ca). Spectacular rest of the collection of stamps in new (most) and used from the Franco issues of 1939 and 1949 (coarse and fine serrations) with various varieties of cliché, organized by values ​​and indicating each variety or printing defect, includes a study of the report block as well as varieties of printing and retouching, this is the compilation made by Francisco Aracil over the years of his life, two particular clichés made to photographically document the study are included. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.

Description Special format Green Edifil album and small box with lid

Peso Formato especial - Weight Special format 2,50kg

Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #116

Tuesday, 23 July 2024 | 15:00

Lot 1001

Starting price 500€
Price realised 500€