Lots and Collections Online Auction #115

Wednesday, 12 June 2024 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

  • First session. Spain and Colonies. 15:00h CEST, from lot 1 to 425.
  • Second session. Worldwide Collections. 18:30h CEST, from lot 501 to 732.
  • Third session. Worldwide Quantities 20:00h CEST, from lot 801 to 1429.

201 | Spanish Collection

★/(1900ca). Interesting set of complete series and loose stamps of the 1st Centennial between 1850 and 1945, the classic part little represented and in used and from 1901 the majority new, some without fixing stamps with numerous series of medium-high value as well as varieties of various types, some essay or test, some blocks of four and block sheets. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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202 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1901ca). Spectacular and very complete collection between 1901 and 1949, in new condition without hallmarks since 1916 and with some missing, includes series such as Red Cross (except for the Colonies), League of Nations (excellent centers), Railways (with certificate), Characters 1931, ExpoMadrid 1936, AEREO+5 PTS (Defense of Madrid and Constitución), Submarine (series and block sheet), Militias, Granada (with certificate), Toledo without serrations (with certificate), Lepanto without serrations, Franco (Sánchez Toda and coarse serrations ), Pilar (land and air with Nº000,000), etc (very good quality and beautiful centering and including the albums from 1850 to 1900 with some new stamp) (mounted in the beautiful Bibliofil albums). HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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203 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1901ca). Interesting and very complete collection between 1901 and 1949, in new condition, most with stamp fixings and including block sheets (except Defense of Madrid), highlighting Don Quixote (1 pts **), Cadet, UPU, Red Cross (all), Ferrocarriles, Montserrat , US Constitution block sheet, Submarine (block sheet **), Militias (**), Toledo and Lepanto block sheets, Land and air pillar, Thick serrated Frank, etc., in addition to all the stamps from block sheets (with Toledo and Lepanto without teeth) and some Not Issued (mounted in luxury Edifil "goat skin" albums, practically brand new, an album with empty sheets from the classical period is included). HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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204 | Spanish Collection

★/(★)(1910ca). Interesting set of loose stamps and complete series between 1909 and 1975, in new condition and with numerous repetitions, including several sets of Costumes and Escudos, as well as some series and stamps from various countries, most of them European, in new and used. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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205 | Spanish Collection

★★(1910ca). Interesting set of loose stamps and complete series of the 1st and 2nd Centenaries, most in new condition and with numerous repetitions and some variety. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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206 | Spanish Collection

★(1916ca). Interesting collection between 1916 and 1977, in new condition (some series used) with numerous complete series among which the Red Cross (1926 and 1927), League of Nations, Aerials of 1920, 1929, 1930, Columbus, Vaquer de Perfil with republican overloads stand out , Montserrat from 1938 overloaded, Franco (coarse serrated), Centenary of the Stamp, "Legazpi and Sorolla", etc., most with stamp holders and also some classic stamps. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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207 | Spanish Collection

★★(1920ca). Interesting set of the complete series of Correo Aéreo between 1920 and 1940, in new form and without the block sheets, includes the issues of Canarias and Patrioticos de Burgos, highlighting the Red Cross of 1927, the Madrid Exhibition, AEREO+5 PTS (defense and Constitution ) and Pilar. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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208 | Spanish Collection

★(1920ca). Interesting set of complete 1st Centennial series between 1920 and 1940, most with stamp holders and including a Centennial series. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: +3,200 Euros
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209 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1922ca). Interesting set of complete series and loose stamps from the 1st and 2nd Centenary, most of them between 1922 and 1962, in new condition (mostly) and used with numerous repetitions. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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210 | Spanish Collection

★★(1930ca). Set of loose stamps and complete series between 1930 and 1978, in new condition and including series of franchises from 1916 and Goya aerial from 1930 in blocks of four. TO EXAMINE.
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211 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1930ca). Set of complete series and loose stamps from 1930 to 1938, in new condition and many series without stamp fixers and in various quantities, including numerous varieties without teeth, printing, teeth, color changes, as well as some stamps used on fragments. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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212 | Spanish Collection

(1930ca). Interesting set of dozens of stamps, blocks and letters from the Vaquer de Perfil issues (1930 and 1931 overloaded), most of the letters with certificate and complementary postage, many addressed abroad. TO EXAMINE.
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213 | Spanish Collection

(1931ca). Spectacular collection of the Second Spanish Republic between 1931 and 1939, in new and used and with complete series in used, numerous letters, varieties and Whole Postal Cards, highlighting used Montserrat, Expo Madrid (land in block of four and aerial on Whole Postal) , AIR+5 Pts (stamp on envelope), AIR+5 PTS Constitution block sheet (on envelope), Submarine (series and block sheet on letter), Montserrat overloaded on letter (with arrival) and Militias (used), in addition to blocks and various varieties. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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214 | Spanish Collection

★/(1932ca). Interesting set of complete series of the 1st Centennial, most of them between 1932 and 1939 (Republic and Spanish State), in new condition (some used stamps) with thirteen cards and including high-value series such as Milicias, Cifras, Cid e Isabel, Lepanto undented , Sánchez Toda, etc. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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215 | Spanish Collection

★★/(1936ca). Spectacular and very complete collection from the Spanish State between 1936 and 1949, in new and used with numerous circulated cards, varieties, undented, toothed and undented block sheets, printing varieties, etc., highlighting complete series of Junta de Defensa (undentated ), Holy Year (undented), Toledo and Lepanto (used and undented), a Franco 2 pt Punch Test, Franco Color Tests, Ground and Air Pillar used and on cards, Juan de la Cierva undented (**), etc., includes circulated Whole Postal Cards and some First Day Covers. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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216 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1936ca). Interesting collection between 1936 and 1999, in new condition and most of them without stamp fixers, practically complete from 1939 in the absence of the Caudillos to the Canary Islands (1950 and 1951), includes Cifras, Cid and Isabel (**/*), Mano and Isabel la Católica (**), Franco Sánchez Toda y dentado Grueso (**), Pilar Terrestre y Aerial (*), Falla and Zuloaga (**), Centenario and "Legazpi y Sorolla" (**), among others and also of some variety or envelopes. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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217 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1936ca). Collection of the Spanish State between 1936 and 1949, in new condition (some stamps used) without stamp holders (two series with stamp holders from La Cierva and "Falla y Zuloaga"), highlighting Junta de Defensa, Cid e Isabel, Mano e Isabel, Franco Sánchez Toda , Terrestrial and aerial pillar and thick serrated Frank, in general good quality and very well centered, including some variety, used duplicates, stamps from previous years and some block sheets from the Barcelona City Council (mounted on Lindner sheets). HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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218 | Spanish Collection

(1936ca). Set of more than a thousand loose stamps and complete series from Spain and abroad between 1936 and 1980, used and organized in classifiers and envelopes, includes sheets and blocks of complete series between 1988 and 1994, in new condition. TO EXAMINE.
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219 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1936ca). Interesting set of national Charitable Local Issues (Falange, Locales, Requetés, Auxilio Social and Crusade against the Cold), in new (most) and some used stamps, includes block sheets and some varieties of serrations or overload and some letters or cards. TO EXAMINE.
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220 | Spanish Collection

★★(1936ca). Stock set of loose stamps from the 1st Centennial, in new condition and most in large blocks or complete sheets. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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221 | Spanish Collection

★★1938. Set of six stamps of 30 cts COLOR CHANGES and UNTOOTHED with different shades of green, black and red. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2021: +912 Euros
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222 | Spanish Collection

★★(1938ca). Set of stamps and complete series between 1938 and 1949 in a block of four, in new condition (generally good quality). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: +800 Euros
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223 | Spanish Collection

★/(1940ca). Set of thousands of used stamps (some new) from Spain and abroad, most of them between 1940 and 1970 and organized in envelopes and boxes. TO EXAMINE.
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224 | Revenue Stamps

★(1940ca). Set of hundreds of modern letters and envelopes with franchise postage, roller postage, etc., includes a classifier with varieties from the 2nd Centennial, a French traveler's notebook from 1949, dozens of old family and military photographs, several hundred various related documents with Aragón, in addition to cards, licenses, identity cards, union cards, etc., of various branches, professions and military cards. TO EXAMINE.
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225 | Spanish Collection

★★/(1940ca). Set from Spain and Abroad, most of it between 1940 and 1990 and including complete series and thousands of individual stamps, new and used (most of them) and also some modern First Day Covers. TO EXAMINE.
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226 | Spanish Collection

(1948ca). Interesting set of more than one thousand three hundred First Day Covers between 1948 and 2017, includes large format covers, some maximum cards and dozens of School Letter correspondence covers with commemorative postmarks, as well as some covers circulated between 1948 and 1955. TO EXAMINE.
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227 | Spanish Collection

★★/(1950ca). Interesting practically complete collection between 1950 and 2018, in new condition without stamps and including the Caudillo a Canarias without number and with number (very well centered and with certificates), Centenario, "Legazpi y Sorolla", as well as numerous First Day Covers (includes commemorative card from the Centennial series) and most minisheets (includes the King's 1000 pts, 300 pts and 500 pts) and used stamps, circulated letters, some variety, etc. HIGHEST CATALOG AND FACIAL VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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228 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1950ca). Interesting complete collection of the 2nd Centennial between 1950 and 2018 (it is possible that some stamp of little value after 2000 is missing), in new condition and including the Caudillo a Canarias without number (** and toned), 1st Printing (**), Centenario (*), Caudillo a Canarias with number (*) and "Legazpi y Sorolla" (*) (mounted in Lindner albums). HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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229 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Interesting collection of the 2nd Centenary between 1950 and 1992, in new condition and including Caudillos a Canarias (without number and with number), Centenario del Sello and "Legazpi y Sorolla", all without stamp fixers, only the Edifil 1083A/B series is missing and there are some value with stamp holder, there are also some Cards and Whole Postal Envelopes present. TO EXAMINE.
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230 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Interesting and complete collection between 1950 and 1999, in new condition without stamps and including Caudillo a Canarias without number (without gum and Soro certificate, to be examined), Centenario, Caudillo a Canarias with number on the edge of the sheet and "Legazpi y Sorolla", as well as the 1083A/B series (mounted in luxury Edifil "goat skin" albums, practically brand new). HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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231 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Spectacular and complete collection of the 2nd Centenary between 1950 and 2009, in new condition without stamps, including all the Caudillos to the Canary Islands (land without 1083A/B and air, the one without number with two time spots as certified), Centenario and "Legazpi and Sorolla ", all with certificates (mounted in exceptional bound Bibliofil albums). HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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232 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1950ca). Complete collection between 1950 and 1975, in new condition and including Caudillo a Canarias without number (issue centering and retouched upper teeth), two Centenario series (one with time stains), two Caudillos a Canarias with number (one with time stains ), several series from Caudillo to Canarias Terrestre, one from the 1st Printing and "Legazpi and Sorolla" (with stamp holder). TO EXAMINE.
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233 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Interesting and practically complete collection between 1950 and 2013, in new condition without stamp fixers (with some exceptions) including the Centenario series (missing 15 pts), Caudillo a Canarias with number and terrestrial (with stamp fixers) and only the "Legazpi" (mounted in Lindner albums). TO EXAMINE.
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234 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1950ca). Collection of the 2nd Centenary from 1950 to 2005, in new condition (in the first part it has a stamp fixer on many of the stamps and even some spots of rust) (Centenario 15 pts and 20 thinned pts, Caudillo without number and "Legazpi y Sorolla" with a stamp fixer , Leader with number without seals and exceptional centering). TO EXAMINE.
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235 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Interesting collection between 1950 and 1989, in new condition and without stamp fixer, in the absence of the Caudillo a Canarias without number and terrestrials, includes Centenario, "Legazpi y Sorolla" and Caudillo a Canarias without number (washed numbering and non-original rubber). HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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236 | Spanish Collection

(1950ca). Very complete collection of the 2nd Centennial between 1950 and 2010, in used condition and including Caudillo a Canarias with number, Centenario del Sello and "Legazpi y Sorolla", with block sheets and cards (good quality in general). HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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237 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Interesting collection of the 2nd Centennial between 1950 and 2010, new and in blocks of four, in the absence of the Centennial, "Legazpi and Sorolla", Caudillos a Canarias (with and without number) and 1st Terrestrial Printing (rest good quality). (Estimated facial without obligation: +2400 Euros). HIGH CATALOG VALUE TO EXAMINE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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238 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Set of stamps and complete series between 1950 and 1959 in a block of four, in new condition and highlighting Fernando and Isabel (terrestrial) and Holy Year of 1954 (good quality in general). TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2024: 1,197 Euros
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239 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Collection of the 2nd Centenary between 1950 and 1979, in new condition without stamps and in the absence of the Canarias without number, 1st Printing and "Legazpi y Sorolla", includes Centenario and Caudillo a Canarias with number (good quality in general) (mounted in Safe album). TO EXAMINE.
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240 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Very complete collection between 1950 and 2007, in new condition and with many series from the beginning such as Isabel, Fernando, San Francisco Javier, Año Santo, etc. and including some Entero Postal Cards, Aerograms and many Luxury Proofs highlighting Carnet del Rey and the Folder of the 150th Anniversary, plus some souvenir sheets and album sheets from 1850 to 1949 with some used stamps. TO EXAMINE.
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241 | Spanish Collection

★★/★(1950ca). Collection of the 2nd Centenary between 1950 and 1982, new and missing the Caudillos a Canarias, Centenario (only the aerial series is there) and "Legazpi and Sorolla", most without stamp holders and including a small classifier with used stamps from various countries. TO EXAMINE.
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242 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Collection between 1950 and 2001, new and missing the Centennial series, "Legazpi and Sorolla" (used) and Caudillos a Canarias (all, including the unnumbered one), some stamps from the beginning, slight stains from time. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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243 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Set of thousands of complete series and loose stamps of the 2nd Centennial between 1950 and 1990, in new condition and most without stamp holders, includes some stamps of the 1st Centennial (mounted in classifiers). HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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244 | Spanish Collection

★★/(1950ca). Incomplete collection of the 2nd Centenary between 1950 and 2019, in new and used and including some minisheets and cards of the King and the 150th Anniversary (mounted in albums). HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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245 | Spanish Collection

★★/(1950ca). Set of complete series and loose stamps from the 2nd Centennial between 1950 and 1970, in new and used, includes a classifier with loose used stamps, some stamps from the 1st Centennial and numerous new loose foreign stamps in large blocks and some circulated letters. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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246 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Very complete collection between 1950 and 1992 in blocks of four, in new condition and including series such as Fernando, Isabel, San Francisco Javier, CIF, Fortuny and Torres Quevedo, etc., as well as block sheets, cards and some Luxury Proof. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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247 | Spanish Collection

(1950ca). Set of more than two thousand complete series between 1950 and 1973, in used condition and organized in classifiers. TO EXAMINE. Edifil 2016: +4,000 Euros
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248 | Spanish Collection

★★(1950ca). Set of approximately twenty thousand loose stamps from the 2nd Centennial between 1950 and 1965, new and in large sheets and blocks, includes complete series of Escudos. TO EXAMINE.
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249 | Spanish Collection

★/(1950ca). Set of stamps between 1965 and 1980, used and most mounted in albums, includes a classifier with new series between 1950 and 1965 and a stock of complete used series of Escudos. TO EXAMINE.
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250 | Spanish Collection

★★/(1950ca). Set of thousands of stamps from Spain and abroad, most of them between 1955 and 1990, new and used (some mounted on album sheets). TO EXAMINE.
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