547 | France. Lots and Collections

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English ★★/(1849ca). Spectacular collection from France between 1849 and 2003, in new and used, the classic part practically complete in used (some short margin stamps) with some classic French Colony stamps, from 1901 and until 1917 the majority used and from 1917 and until 1931 most of it with stamp fixer and practically complete with the high value series and without stamp fixer the rest, includes all air mail (except Ile de France and Eipa 30 carmine, if it has the blue one without stamp fixer), all block sheets except Mariana de Dulac (Strasbourg and Pexip without stamp fixer) and the majority of cards issued (mounted in Lindner albums). IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE. Yvert 2024: ++45,000 Euros

Lots and Collections Online Auction #115

Wednesday, 12 June 2024 | 15:00

Lot 547

Starting price 2.500€