Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #114

Thursday, 9 May 2024 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

Lots not sold available
Auction info Sale Condition

1151 | Spain

★★ 1041id(25). 1948. 10 cts verde, bloque de veinticinco (manchitas del tiempo). Variedad CRUZ DE LORENA DESPLAZADA HACIA ABAJO. MAGNIFICO Y MUY ESPECTACULAR.

Price: 45€

1152 | Spain

★ 1041eps(2). 1948. 10 cts verde, pareja. SIN DENTAR, SIN CRUZ DE LORENA y PAPEL TINTADO. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. Edifil 2020: 260 Euros

Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 45€

1153 | Spain

★★ 1044/61. 1949. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 65 Euros

Price: 35€

1154 | Spain

★★/★ 1048A. 1950. 25 cts lila oscuro, bloque de cuatro (dos sellos sin fijasellos). VALOR COMPLEMENTARIO. MAGNIFICO. Edifil 2024: 213 Euros

Starting price: 80€
Not available

1155 | Spain

★★/★ 1049(4). 1949. 30 cts azul, bloque de cuatro. DENTADO DESPLAZADO. MAGNIFICO Y RARO, NO RESEÑADO CON ESTE DESPLAZAMIENTO.

Starting price: 45€
Not available

1156 | Spain

★ 1051dv. 1949. 40 cts verde gris. DENTADO VERTICAL DESPLAZADO. MAGNIFICO.

Starting price: 15€
Not available

1157 | Spain

★★/★ 1053x(4). 1949. 50 cts gris, bloque de cuatro. Variedad por EMPALME DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICO.

Starting price: 40€
Not available

1158 | Spain

★★ 1053dh(2). 1949. 50 cts gray, pair. Variety HORIZONTAL DISPLACED TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: ++52 Euros
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Price: 25€

1159 | Spain

★★ 1060, 1060dm. 1949. 90 cts green, pair, corner of sheet. The seal on the left IS TOOTHED ONLY ONE MARGIN. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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Starting price: 250€
Not available

1160 | Spain

1044ed(2), 1022. (1949ca). 5 cts sepia DOUBLE PRINTED, pair and 50 cts yellow chestnut. Addressed to CANJAYAR (ALMERIA). MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL VARIETY ON THE MENU.
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Starting price: 50€
Not available

1161 | Spain

★★ 1067ip(2). 1949. 10 cts green, pair. DISPLACED CROSS OF LORENA variety. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 43 Euros
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Price: 10€

1162 | Spain

(★)(1950ca). 5 cts lilac carmine (Legazpi) and 15 cts lilac carmine (Núñez de Balboa). TESTS OF A UNADOPTED PROJECT, probably carried out for the Forjadores broadcast, a project that would be resumed years later. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, NOT CATALOGED.
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Price: 150€

1163 | Spain

★★ 1070ccs. 1950. 1 pts green. COLOR CHANGE and UNTOOTHED. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2021: 715 Euros
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Starting price: 275€
Price realised: 340€

1164 | Spain

(1950ca). Set of four certified letters circulated in 1950, with postmarks from the Commemorative Exhibition of the Spanish Stamp, one addressed to Denmark and two to Switzerland. TO EXAMINE.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 30€

1165 | Spain

1070. 1950. Set of three certified letters addressed to Canada and franked with 1 pt stamps from San Juan de Dios, all with arrivals. TO EXAMINE.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 15€

1166 | Spain

★★ 1074s. 1950. 20 cts violet. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2024: 1,600 Euros
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Starting price: 500€
Not available

1167 | Spain

★★ 1075/82. 1950. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. COMEX. Edifil 2024: 475 Euros
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Starting price: 175€
Price realised: 175€

1168 | Spain

★★ 1075/82. (1950ca). Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 475 Euros

Price: 150€

1169 | Spain

★★ 1075/82(4). 1950. Serie completa, bloque de cuatro. MAGNIFICA. Cert. GRAUS.

Price: 500€

1170 | Spain

1075/82. 1950. Serie completa. Dos Sobres de Primer Día circulados de MADRID a CORDOBA (ARGENTINA). Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICOS. Edifil 2024: 875 Euros

Starting price: 140€
Price realised: 140€

1171 | Spain

1075/82. 1950. Serie completa sobre dos cartas filatélicas Certificadas de MADRID a BARCELONA, ambas al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICAS.

Starting price: 150€
Price realised: 150€

1172 | Spain

★★ 1083. 1950. CAUDILLO A CANARIAS SIN NUMERO. Excelente centraje. MAGNIFICO. Cert. EXFIMA. Edifil 2024: 4.000 Euros

Starting price: 1.500€
Price realised: 1.500€

1173 | Spain

★★ 1083. 1950. CAUDILLO A CANARIAS SIN NUMERO (ligeros puntitos de óxido). MAGNIFICO. Cert. CEM. Edifil 2024: +4.000 Euros

Starting price: 600€
Price realised: 600€

1174 | Spain

★★ 1083A/B. 1950. Serie completa, borde de hoja. 1ª TIRADA. MAGNIFICA. Cert. COMEX. Edifil 2024: 400 Euros

Price: 175€

1175 | Spain

★★ 1088/89. 1951. Serie completa. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: 180 Euros

Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 40€

1176 | Spain

★★ 1088/89he. 1951. Serie completa. Variedad CAUDILLO MAS CORTO. MAGNIFICA.

Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 60€

1177 | Spain

★★ 1090. 1951. CAUDILLO A CANARIAS CON NUMERO. Excelente centraje. MAGNIFICO. Cert. CEM.

Starting price: 200€
Price realised: 200€

1178 | Spain

★★ 1097smd. 1951. 60 cts green. Variety WITHOUT TOOTHING THE RIGHT MARGIN. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 75€

1179 | Spain

★★ 1097(3), 1097t. 1951. 60 cts green, block of four, sheet corner (first stamp). A DOUBLE TRANSFERRED variety stamp. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2021: +++65 Euros
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Starting price: 10€
Price realised: 10€

1180 | Spain

(1951ca). Set of five certified letters circulated abroad between 1951 and 1952 and franked with stamps of Isabel la Católica of 1951 (land and air). TO EXAMINE.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 10€

1181 | Spain

★★ 1118. 1952. 2 pts blue. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 60 Euros
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Price: 20€

1182 | Spain

★★ 1124/25. 1953. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 500 Euros
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Starting price: 200€
Price realised: 200€

1183 | Spain

1125(8). 1953. 50 sts purple black, block of eight. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2023: +200 Euros
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Price: 175€

1184 | Spain

1124/25. 1953. Complete series in two First Day covers. MADRID Interior Mail. Arrivals on the back. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 120€

1185 | Spain

(1952ca). Interesting set of four certified letters between 1952 and 1955 with various postage and addressed to Lindi (Tanganyika, a very rare destination). TO EXAMINE.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 10€

1186 | Spain

★★ 1130/31. 1954. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 73 Euros
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Price: 25€

1187 | Spain

★★ 1134cc. 1954. 30 cts violet. COLOR ERROR. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2021: 1,200 Euros
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Starting price: 475€
Not available

1188 | Spain

(1953ca). Conjunto de trece cartas certificadas circuladas entre 1953 y 1961, la mayoría dirigidas al extranjero con diversos franqueos, alguno muy interesante. A EXAMINAR.

Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 30€

1189 | Spain

★★ 1143dv(3). 1955. 10 cts rojo burdeos, pareja. Variedad DENTADO HORIZONTAL DESPLAZADO. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2020: +60 Euros

Price: 20€

1190 | Spain

★★ 1145cc. 1955. 20 cts azul claro. CAMBIO DE COLOR. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO. Edifil 2021: 600 Euros

Starting price: 250€
Price realised: 250€

1191 | Spain

★★ 1146x(2). 1955. 25 cts violeta negro, bloque de cuatro. Variedad por EMPALME DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICO.

Price: 75€

1192 | Spain

★★ 1148dv. 1955. 40 cts lila oscuro, pareja, esquina de pliego. DENTADO HORIZONTAL DESPLAZADO. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2021: +60 Euros

Starting price: 30€
Not available

1193 | Spain

★★ 1152x(2). 1955. 80 cts verde, pareja vertical. Variedad EMPALME DE PAPEL. MAGNIFICO Y RARO. Edifil 2020: +98 Euros

Price: 40€

1194 | Spain

★★ 1153x. 1955. 1 pts rojo, borde de hoja. Variedad por EMPALME DE PAPEL, unido con cinta negra. MAGNIFICO. Edifil 2021: 49 Euros

Starting price: 25€
Not available

1195 | Spain

★★ 1153cc. 1955. 1 pts azul. CAMBIO DE COLOR. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO. Edifil 2021: 600 Euros

Starting price: 250€
Price realised: 250€

1196 | Spain

★★ 1159x(2). 1955. 3 pts azul, pareja. Variedad por EMPALME DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2021: +98 Euros

Starting price: 40€
Not available

1197 | Spain

★★ 1160cc. 1955. 5 pts verde oliva. CAMBIO DE COLOR. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO. Edifil 2021: 725 Euros

Starting price: 275€
Price realised: 275€

1198 | Spain

(1954ca). Set of thirty-two certified letters circulated between 1954 and 1981, addressed abroad with multiple postages. TO EXAMINE.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 40€

1199 | Spain

1176, 1178(2). 1956. 4'80 yellow pts, 7 lilac pts, two stamps and various values. Certificate from MADRID to MUNICH (GERMANY). On the back label of the State Philatelic Office. PRETTY.
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Starting price: 15€
Not available

1200 | Spain

★★ 1164/65(4). 1955. Complete series, block of four. Excellent centering. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 152 Euros
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 30€