Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #114

Thursday, 9 May 2024 | Madrid, 15:00 CEST

Lots not sold available
Auction info Sale Condition

1051 | Spain

★★ 944ed, 944eds. 1941. Conjunto de dos sellos del 1 pts azul DOBLE IMPRESION, uno de ellos sin dentar. MAGNIFICO. Edifil 2021: 45,5 Euros

Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 20€

1052 | Spain

★ 944sph. 1941. 1 pts azul, pareja. SIN DENTAR ENTRE LOS SELLOS. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2021: 41 Euros

Price: 20€

1053 | Spain

★★/★ 944eg, 945ta. 1941. Conjunto del 1 pts azul IMPRESO EN EL LADO DE LA GOMA y 2 pts verde CARTUCHO DEL VALOR SIN LINEAS DEL FONDO. MAGNFICO. Edifil 2021: 53,5 Euros

Price: 20€

1054 | Spain

★★ 945. 1941. 2 pts verde, pareja, esquina de pliego. SIN DENTAR ENTRE LOS SELLOS. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, NO CATALOGADA.

Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 75€

1055 | Spain

★★ 947s. 1941. 10 pts violeta. SIN DENTAR, procedente de alguna variedad sin dentar en algún lado (catalogadas). A EXAMINAR.

Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 14€

1056 | Spain

★★/★1941. Bonito conjunto de ocho sellos y una pareja de la emisión de Juan de la Cierva con diferentes variedades. A EXAMINAR.

Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 25€

1057 | Spain

940, 943/46, 881/82, 961/63. 1943. Diversos valores. Certificado de CARTAGENA a DUSSELDORF (ALEMANIA). En el frente marcas del Consulado Alemán de Cartagena. BONITA Y ESPECTACULAR FRANQUEO.

Starting price: 25€
Price realised: 35€

1058 | Spain

947. 1954. 10 pts lilac. Certificate from SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE to BRUSSELS (BELGIUM). MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 25€
Price realised: 35€

1059 | Spain

(1941ca). Set of ten certified letters circulated between 1941 and 1944 and addressed abroad (one from Melilla to Bohemia and Moravia), franked with stamps from the La Cierva issue, three with a value of 4 pts. TO EXAMINE.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 10€

1060 | Spain

1943. Various values, on two Certified letters from MADRID to PORTUGAL and LIECHTENSTEIN, both on the back with labels from the Philatelic Export Office and arrivals. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 30€

1061 | Spain

(1944ca). Set of ten certified letters circulated abroad between 1944 and 1954, one to Costa Rica and another to Montreal and franked with stamps from the La Cierva issue, three with a value of 4 pts. TO EXAMINE.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 5€

1062 | Spain

948/51, 916(2), 917. 1942. Complete series and various values. Certificate from JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA to HOLLYWOOD (USA). On the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 40€

1063 | Spain

★★ 954/56s(2). 1942. Complete series, as a pair. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR. Edifil 2023: +278 Euros
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Price: 120€

1064 | Spain

★★ 958/60s. 1942. Complete series, leaf edge. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. EMF. Edifil 2024: +447 Euros
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Starting price: 275€
Price realised: 275€

1065 | Spain

(1942ca). Set of seven Refund postcards circulated between 1942 and 1953 with various postages. TO EXAMINE.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 30€

1066 | Spain

★★ 961/69. 1943. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 110 Euros
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Starting price: 35€
Price realised: 35€

1067 | Spain

★ 962s. 1943. 40 cts chestnut, leaf edge. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. EMF. Edifil 2023: 425 Euros
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Price: 175€

1068 | Spain

★★ 959P. 1943. 40 cts negro. ENSAYO DE COLOR y SIN DENTAR, con el diseño adoptado para el 75 cts. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO. (Gálvez, 3690)

Price: 175€

1069 | Spain

963. 1944. 75 cts azul, diversos valores. Correo Aéreo LAS PALMAS a PASING-OBERMENZING (ALEMANIA). En el frente llegadas. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR.

Price: 65€

1070 | Spain

964. 1944. 20 cts azul, diversos valores. Correo Aéreo LAS PALMAS a PASING-OBERMENZING (ALEMANIA). En el frente llegadas. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR.

Price: 65€

1071 | Spain

975. 1944. 40 cts castaño, diversos valores. Correo Aéreo LAS PALMAS a PASING-OBERMENZING (ALEMANIA). En el frente llegadas. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR.

Price: 45€

1072 | Spain

969. 1944. 75 cts azul y diversos valores. Certificado de MADRID a ZURICH (SUIZA). MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR FRANQUEO.

Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 30€

1073 | Spain

969(4), 967(2). 1944. 75 cts azul, bloque de cuatro, 20 cts lila, dos sellos y sellos de Barcelona y Beneficencia. Certificado de BARCELONA a PALMA DE MALLORCA. Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARO FRANQUEO CON EL 75 CTS DE AÑO SANTO.

Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 100€

1074 | Spain

★★ 974/82. 1944. Serie completa, incluye valores con diferentes tonalidades. MAGNIFICA Y MUY ESPECTACULAR.

Starting price: 25€
Price realised: 25€

1075 | Spain

★★ 974/82(4). 1944. Serie completa, bloque de cuatro. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: +140 Euros

Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 60€

1076 | Spain

★★/★ 974/82N. 1944. Serie completa. NºA000000. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2021: 108 Euros

Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 45€

1077 | Spain

★★/★ 974/82ic. 1944. Serie completa, cuatro valores. CALCADO AL DORSO. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2021: 102,5 Euros

Price: 50€

1078 | Spain

★★ 975ddh. 1944. 40 cts chestnut, pair, corner of sheet. DOUBLE HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL TOOTHING. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR. Edifil 2021: +++68 Euros
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Price: 40€

1079 | Spain

975. 1944. 40 cts chestnut, various values. Airmail LAS PALMAS to PASING-OBERMENZING (GERMANY). At the front arrivals. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Price: 75€

1080 | Spain

976. 1944. 75 cts, block of four. Certified Air Mail LAS PALMAS to PASING-OBERMENZING (GERMANY). At the front arrivals. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Price: 75€

1081 | Spain

975. 1944. 40 cts chestnut, various values. Certified Air Mail LAS PALMAS to PASING-OBERMENZING (GERMANY). At the front arrivals. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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Price: 75€

1082 | Spain

1944. Set of three certified letters circulated in 1944 and franked with stamps of the Holy and Millennial Year of Castile, one addressed to Norway. TO EXAMINE.
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Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 15€

1083 | Spain

★★ 983, 990, 991/92. 1944. 5 pts ultramarine, 10 pts green and complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 150 Euros
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Price: 40€

1084 | Spain

★★/★ 984, 990, 991/92. 1944. 5 pts ultramarine, 10 pts green and complete series. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 25€

1085 | Spain

★★/★ 983N, 990N, 991/92N. 1944. 5 pts ultramarine, 10 pts green and complete series. NºA000000. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2021: 184 Euros
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Price: 65€

1086 | Spain

★★ 983cc. 1944. 5 pts yellow. COLOR CHANGE. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2021: 565 Euros
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Starting price: 225€
Price realised: 225€

1087 | Spain

★★ 983ccs. 1944. 5 pts yellow. COLOR CHANGE and UNTOOTHED. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2021: 565 Euros
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Starting price: 225€
Price realised: 225€

1088 | Spain

★★ 983ccas. 1944. 5 pts naranja. CAMBIO DE COLOR y SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICO Y RARO. Edifil 2021: 600 Euros

Starting price: 225€
Price realised: 240€

1089 | Spain

983, 990, 880/82, 845. 1945. 5 pts ultramar, 10 pts verde y diversos valores. Certificado de BARCELONA a RABAT (MARRUECOS FRANCES). Al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA.

Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 30€

1090 | Spain

★★/★ 984/88. 1945. Serie completa. Centraje excepcional. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2024: +25 Euros

Starting price: 5€
Price realised: 25€

1091 | Spain

★ 984/88N. 1945. Serie completa. NºA000000. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2021: 65 Euros

Price: 40€

1092 | Spain

★★/★1945. Conjunto de tres sellos y tres parejas de la emisión Pro Tuberculosos de 1944, la mayoría de ellos con diferentes variedades. A EXAMINAR.

Starting price: 0€
Price realised: 15€

1093 | Spain

★★/★ 988efs(2). 1944. 25 cts naranja, pareja (un sello sin fijasellos). Variedad SIN CRUZ DE LORENA y SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICA. Edifil 2020: +248 Euros

Price: 45€

1094 | Spain

★★ 988, 988ic. 1944. 25 cts naranja, dos sellos. Cruz de Lorena DESPLAZADA A LA IZQUIERDA y CALCADA AL DORSO. MAGNIFICOS.

Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 50€

1095 | Spain

★ 989N. 1945. 40 cts castaño. NºA000000. MAGNIFICO. Edifil 2021: 33 Euros

Price: 10€

1096 | Spain

★★ 989p, 989. 1945. 40 cts castaño, dos sellos. PAPEL COLOR CREMA (el sin dentar doblez vertical y sin catalogar). MAGNIFICOS. Edifil 2021: +++33 Euros

Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 30€

1097 | Spain

★ 990s. 1945. 10 pts verde. SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO. Cert. CEM. Edifil 2024: 1.105 Euros

Starting price: 750€
Price realised: 750€

1098 | Spain

★★ 991/92. 1945. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 60 Euros
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Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 20€

1099 | Spain

★★ 992ccas. 1945. 10 pts dark blue, top sheet edge with marginal inscription. COLOR CHANGE and UNTOOTHED. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, UNCATALOGED. Cert. EMF.
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Starting price: 375€
Price realised: 400€

1100 | Spain

★★ 992ccb. 1945. 10 carmine sts (slight diagonal fold). COLOR CHANGE. BEAUTIFUL AND VERY RARE. Edifil 2021: 725 Euros
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Starting price: 120€
Price realised: 120€