Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #113
Thursday, 7 March 2024 | Madrid, 15:00 CET
1151 | Spain
★★ 1001cc. 1946. 1'35 magenta pts, leaf edge. COLOR CHANGE. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2015: +210 Euros
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1152 | Spain
1005/07s, 1007as. 1946. Complete series, including the 75 cts overseas. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2021: 145.5 Euros
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1153 | Spain
★★ 1005/07s(4), 1007as(4). 1946. Complete series, including the 75 cts ultramarine (a slight crease stamp), block of four. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2021: 582 Euros
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1154 | Spain
1005/07, 1011(2). 1947. Complete series and 50 cts green, pair. Certificate from CORUÑA to WATERBURY (UNITED STATES). CERTIFIED postmark / CORUÑA, on the back of arrival and also a stamp of 5 protuberculous cts. MAGNIFICENT.
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1155 | Spain
★★ 1015/16. 1947. Complete series. Excellent centering. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 300 Euros
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1156 | Spain
★★ 1015/16(4). 1947. Complete series, in block of four (spots of time). PRETTY. Edifil 2024: 1,200 Euros
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1157 | Spain
1015/16. 1947. Complete series. First Day Covers (the Falla envelope has a photocopy with Manuel de Falla's face attached covering Zuloaga's drawing). MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 415 Euros
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1158 | Spain
★ 1022s. 1948. 50 cts light brown. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Cert. EMF. Edifil 2024: 280 Euros
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1159 | Spain
★★ 1022(4). 1948. 50 cts yellow chestnut, block of four. Two DILUTED IMPRESSION stamps. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1160 | Spain
★★ 1022(5). 1948. 50 cts light brown, strip of five stamps, sheet header. DISPLACED TOOTHED variety. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE, SPECTACULAR.
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1161 | Spain
★ 1024s. 1948. 25 cts red, leaf edge (usual condition). WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2019: 166 Euros
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1162 | Spain
(★)1948. Set of various values ​​from the General Franco and Castillo de la Mota series, on different types of paper, most of them cardboard (some can be classified as waste). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1163 | Spain
★ 1026P, 1026sP. 1948. 35 cts green on salmon, two stamps. COLOR TESTS (toothed and untoothed). MAGNIFICENT. (Gálvez 3740)
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1164 | Spain
★★ 1026iw(2). 1948. 35 cts green, pair. Variety VERTICAL PAPER BELLOWS. MAGNIFICENT.
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1165 | Spain
(★) 1026sP(3). 1948. 35 cts green, strip of three, sheet corner. COLOR ESSAY, on pink paper and TRIPLE PRINT, ONE INVERTED. MAGNIFICENT.
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1166 | Spain
★ 1030s(2). 1948. 70 cts violet, pair. UNTOOTHED and PRINTED ON THE RUBBER SIDE (usual paper bellows and partial printing on a stamp). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, ONLY TWO COMPLETE STAMPS ARE KNOWN FROM THE SAME SHEET. Cert. EMF.
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1167 | Spain
★ 1032(2). 1948. 1 pts pink, pair. A PARTIAL PRINTING variety stamp. MAGNIFICENT.
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1168 | Spain
1024(2), 1026(2), 1031, 1034. 1949. 25 cts red, pair, 35 cts green, pair, 75 cts blue and 30 cts red. Certificate from TORTOSA (TARRAGONA) to WAKEFIELD (UNITED KINGDOM). CERTIFIED postmark / TORTOSA, on the back transits. MAGNIFICENT.
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1169 | Spain
1037(6). 1948. 50 cts chestnut, strip of six. Certificate from LAS PALMAS (CANARY ISLANDS) to FLORIDA (UNITED STATES). Postmark AIR MAIL / CERTIFIED / LAS PALMAS, on the back transits and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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1170 | Spain
1039, 855/60. 1948. 2 pts carmine and complete series. BARCELONA to DEARBORN (UNITED STATES). Postmark AIR MAIL / CERTIFIED / BARCELONA, on the back of arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR.
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1171 | Spain
★★ 1043id(4). 1948. 25 cts overseas, block of four. CROSS OF LORENA variety DISPLACED UPWARDS. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2015: +90 Euros
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1172 | Spain
★★ 1044/61(4). 1948. Complete series, block of four. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: +260 Euros
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1173 | Spain
★★ 1047s(2). 1949. 20 cts violet, pair. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND NOT CATALOGED IN EDIFIL. Cert. COMEX.
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1174 | Spain
★★/★ 1047(25). 1949. 20 cts violet, block of twenty-five. Seven PARTIAL PRINTING variety stamps, caused by the inclusion of paper. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1175 | Spain
★ 1048s. 1949. 25 cts lilac chestnut. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND NOT CATALOGED IN EDIFIL. Cert. COMEX.
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1176 | Spain
★★/★ 1048(6). 1949. 25 cts carmine lilac, block of six, sheet corner. Five DIAGONAL TOOTH variety stamps, originated by PLIEGUE DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1177 | Spain
★★/★ 1049(4). 1949. 30 cts dark blue, block of four. A PARTIAL IMPRESSION variety stamp, caused by the inclusion of paper. MAGNIFICENT.
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1178 | Spain
(★) 1049x(3). 1949. 30 cts dark blue, strip of three. Variety by PAPER SPLICING. MAGNIFICENT.
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1179 | Spain
★★ 1050, 1050x. 1949. 35 cts turquoise blue, pair. A PARTIAL IMPRESSION stamp, originated by PAPER SPLICE. MAGNIFICENT.
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1180 | Spain
★ 1050x. 1949. 35 cts turquoise blue. PARTIAL PRINTING variety, originated by PAPER SPLICING. MAGNIFICENT.
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1181 | Spain
★ 1050x(2). 1949. 35 cts turquoise blue, pair, corner of sheet. Variety by PAPER SPLICING. MAGNIFICENT.
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1182 | Spain
★★/★ 1052x(4). 1948. 45 cts blue, strip of four. Variety by PAPER SPLICING. MAGNIFICENT.
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1183 | Spain
★★ 1053s(2). 1949. 50 cts gray blue, pair. WITHOUT TOOTH. MAGNIFICENT AND UNCATALOGED. Cert. COMEX.
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1184 | Spain
★★/★ 1053(2), 1053iw(4). 1949. 50 cts gray, block of six. Four PAPER BELLOWS variety stamps. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1185 | Spain
★★/★ 1053(4). 1949. 50 cts gray, block of four, sheet corner. A stamp variety PARTIAL PRINTING BY PAPER FOLD. MAGNIFICENT.
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1186 | Spain
★★/★ 1053(4). 1949. 50 cts gray, block of four. PARTIAL PRINTING variety, caused by the inclusion of paper. MAGNIFICENT.
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1187 | Spain
★★/★ 1053(6). 1949. 50 cts gray, block of six. Four PARTIAL PRINTING variety stamps, caused by the inclusion of paper. MAGNIFICENT.
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1188 | Spain
★★ 1153(4). 1949. 50 cts gray, block of four. A PARTIAL PRINTING stamp BY PAPER FOLD. MAGNIFICENT.
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1189 | Spain
★★/★ 1053(14). 1949. 50 cts gray, block of fourteen, sheet corner. Eight DIAGONAL TOOTH variety stamps, originated by PLIEGUE DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR BLOCK.
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1190 | Spain
★ 1053x(2). 1949. 50 cts gray, vertical pair. PARTIAL PRINTING variety, originated by PAPER SPLICING. MAGNIFICENT.
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1191 | Spain
(★) 1053x(3). 1949. 50 cts gray, strip of three. Variety by PAPER SPLICING. MAGNIFICENT.
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1192 | Spain
★★/★ 1053x(4). 1949. 50 cts gray, block of four. Two PARTIAL PRINTING stamps, originated by EMPALME DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1193 | Spain
(★) 1054. 1949. 60 cts orange. PARTIAL PRINTING BY PAPER FOLD. MAGNIFICENT.
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1194 | Spain
★★/★ 1054(4). 1949. 60 cts orange, block of four, sheet corner. A PARTIAL PRINTING stamp BY PAPER FOLD. MAGNIFICENT.
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1195 | Spain
★ 1056(2). 1949. 1 pts black, pair. A DIAGONAL TOOTH variety stamp, originated by PLIEGUE DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICENT.
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1196 | Spain
★★/★ 1056(4). 1949. 1 sts black, block of four. A DIAGONAL TOOTH variety stamp, originated by PLIEGUE DEL PAPEL. MAGNIFICENT.
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1197 | Spain
★★/★ 1056(2). 1949. 1 pts black, pair. A PARTIAL IMPRESSION stamp, caused by the inclusion of paper. MAGNIFICENT.
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1198 | Spain
★★/★ 1056(10). 1949. 1 sts black, block of ten (thinning that does not affect the stamps and some folds). Four PARTIAL PRINTING variety stamps, caused by the inclusion of paper. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE BLOCK.
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1199 | Spain
★★ 1075/82. 1950. Complete series, leaf edge. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. EMF. Edifil 2024: 475 Euros
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1200 | Spain
★★ 1075/82. 1950. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2024: 475 Euros
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