Lots and Collections Online Auction #112

Tuesday, 28 November 2023 | Madrid, 16:00 CET

751 | Lots and Collections

★★(1951ca). Spectacular new United Nations collection from the New York offices between 1951 and 1971, Vienna between 1979 and 1988 and Geneva between 1969 and 1988, all with a leaf border with the UN logo (only one per sheet), includes collections from New York between 1951 and 1977 (with block sheet No. 1) 1990 to 1996, Geneva from 1969 to 1977 and 1990 to 1996 and Vienna from 1990 to 1996. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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752 | Lots and Collections

★★(1951ca). Stock set of hundreds of complete series and block sheets from the United Nations (New York, Geneva and Vienna) between 1951 and 1998, in new condition and most with repetitions between four and fifteen series of each and including numerous mini-sheets. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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753 | Lots and Collections

★/(1842ca). Interesting set of more than two thousand loose stamps and complete series from various countries, most of them European such as France, Great Britain, Switzerland, etc., between 1842 and 1985, in new and used (most). TO EXAMINE.
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754 | Lots and Collections

(★)/(1843ca). Spectacular world collection between 1843 and 1914, in new and used mounted in a special New Ideal album edited by Stanley Gibbons, all the countries of the world, except Great Britain and British Colonies, very well represented, including French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian Colonies with numerous high-value pieces, many exceeding 2000 Euros in the catalog and with certificates of authenticity, there are countries that are practically complete and some include varieties, different types of overload, etc. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT DESERVES A CAREFUL EXAMINATION FOR ITS SPECIAL AND INTERESTING CONTENT, IN ADDITION TO A SET SO COMPLETE THAT IT IS NOT EASY TO ASSEMBLE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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755 | Lots and Collections

(1849ca). Interesting set from various countries between 1849 and 1985 of loose stamps and complete series in new and used, highlighting a strip of three of the 40 cts of French Colonies with a variety of retouching in the figure "4" as well as some variety or color test. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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756 | Lots and Collections

★/(1850ca). Interesting set of classic stamps, complete series and loose stamps from various new and used countries, all classified with indication of the Yvert number (some false stamp) and numerous pieces of medium and high value, including some variety or special postmark. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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757 | Lots and Collections

(★)/(1850ca). Very interesting set of more than five hundred classic stamps and later issues from various countries, most of them European between 1850 and 1920 in new and used (most of them) mounted on cut album sheets with indication of the Yvert catalog (some fake stamps). HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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758 | Lots and Collections

(★)/(1850ca). Very interesting set of more than a thousand classic and early 20th century stamps from various countries, most of them European between 1850 and 1930 in new and used (most of them) mounted on album sheets with the Yvert number indicated. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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759 | Lots and Collections

(★)/(1850ca). Very interesting set of more than five hundred stamps (it is possible that it exceeds a thousand) classic and other later issues between 1850 and 1930, in new and used from various countries, most of them European, some labeled with a Yvert number. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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760 | Lots and Collections

(1854ca). Interesting set of more than one hundred and twenty letters (some front) from various countries, circulated between 1854 and 1965, most addressed to Spain and France, highlighting numerous letters from Chile and Colombia from Air Mail (some from Scadta), several letters (with interior text) addressed from France to Algeria without postage, four Argentine letters circulated by Aeropostal, as well as some Spanish letters. TO EXAMINE.
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761 | Lots and Collections

★/(1858ca). Interesting set of remains from collections in Austria, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and San Marino between 1858 and 1980, in new and used (mounted in Philos albums). TO EXAMINE.
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762 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1860ca). Interesting set of complete series and classic stamps from various countries in new condition, the complete series, most without stamp fixers (we cannot guarantee their authenticity for some classic stamps), includes two series from China of Gymnastics in a block of four. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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763 | Lots and Collections

(★)/(1860ca). Very interesting set of several hundred classic stamps and later issues from various countries, most of them from Overseas (French and English Colonies), between 1860 and 1930 in new and used, mounted on album sheets with indication of the Yvert number (some fake stamp) , including two small classifiers with classic stamps. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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764 | Lots and Collections

(★)/(1860ca). Very interesting set of hundreds of classic stamps and issues from the early 20th century from various countries, many European between 1860 and 1940, new and used, most mounted on album sheets. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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765 | Lots and Collections

(★)/(1870ca). Interesting set of hundreds of new and used classic stamps from various countries between 1870 and 1930, most mounted on cut album sheets with indication of the catalog number. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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766 | Lots and Collections

(1885ca). Interesting collection of more than forty-five letters, postcards and Postcards from various countries in Central and South America, circulated between 1885 and 1950, many by certified mail and some with unusual destinations. TO EXAMINE.
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767 | Lots and Collections

★/(1900ca). Interesting set of thousands of loose stamps and complete series from various countries and periods in new and used, mounted in albums and classifiers, most from between 1900 and 1975. TO EXAMINE.
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768 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1920ca). Interesting set of hundreds of complete series and loose stamps in new (some used) from various countries between 1920 and 1990 (mounted on tokens, classifiers and on loose plastics). TO EXAMINE.
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769 | Lots and Collections

(1920ca). Interesting set of thousands of stamps from various countries used between 1920 and 1990, includes circulated letters, First Day Covers, numerous new stamps and some special presentation folders. TO EXAMINE.
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770 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1930ca). Interesting set of hundreds of complete series, block sheets and some loose stamps between 1930 and 2000 from various countries, in new condition and most mounted on cards and various themes. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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771 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1933ca). Interesting set of collection remains from various European countries such as Great Britain between 1961 and 1992 in new (there are some previous ones), Belgium between 1976 and 1996 in new, Iceland between 1902 and 1975 in new, Switzerland between 1974 and 1990 in new and used , Denmark between 1933 and 1966 in new, and other countries (mounted in Faro albums). TO EXAMINE.
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772 | Lots and Collections

(1935ca). Interesting set of thousands of used stamps and complete series from various countries, most of them European, between 1935 and 1990 and mounted in albums and classifiers, some very complete countries. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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773 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1940ca). Interesting set of collections from various countries such as the United States, the Philippines, Ghana, Hungary, Japan and Suriname, in new condition and mounted in classifiers and labeled with Yvert numbers, most without stamps, thematic series between 1930 and 2000. HIGH CATALOG VALUE . TO EXAMINE.
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774 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1940ca). Interesting set of more than fifteen hundred complete series from various countries between 1940 and 1995, newly mounted in glass envelopes with the Yvert number indicated and in many cases with repetitions of up to forty units, including some unserrated series or varieties. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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775 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1940ca). Interesting set of thousands of loose stamps and complete series from various countries, again, the majority thematic series between 1940 and 1990 in envelopes (each country one envelope), there are numerous series of medium value as well as some small sheets. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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776 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1940ca). Interesting set-stock of more than a thousand complete series from various countries between 1940 and 2000, in new condition and with some repetitions, up to twenty-five series of each, most thematic and including undented series and some other variety, all in glass envelopes with indication of the Yvert catalog number. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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777 | Lots and Collections

(1940ca). Interesting set of hundreds of complete series, some loose stamps and block sheets from various countries, most of them new thematic series between 1940 and 1990, with numerous series of medium value. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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778 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1940ca). Very interesting set of thousands of stamps and complete series from various countries, in new condition and between 1940 and 1996 and assembled in albums and classifiers, some very complete countries and many thematic series. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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779 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1940ca). Interesting set of thousands of loose stamps and complete series, new from various countries between 1940 and 1990, most of them European (mounted in classifiers). HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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780 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1940ca). Interesting set of thousands of loose stamps and complete new series from various countries between 1940 and 1985, most from Overseas and America, mounted in classifiers and with some repetitions. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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781 | Lots and Collections

(1942ca). Interesting set of more than five hundred First Day Covers, Postcards, Maximum Cards and circulated letters from various countries, most of them European, between 1942 and 1995. TO EXAMINE.
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782 | Lots and Collections

★★(1945ca). Set of hundreds of circulated letters, First Day Covers, philatelic documents and Maximum Cards from various European countries between 1945 and 1995, most of them from France, Germany and Italy. TO EXAMINE.
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783 | Lots and Collections

(1950ca). Interesting set of thousands of used stamps from various countries between 1940 and 1980 mounted in classifiers, most of them European, including numerous complete series. TO EXAMINE.
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784 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1950ca). Interesting set of hundreds (very possibly more than a thousand) block sheets and mini-sheets from various countries in new condition between 1950 and 1995 with some repetition, all thematic series, most without stamp fixers, including some complete series or new single stamps. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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785 | Lots and Collections

★★(1950ca). Interesting set of more than fifteen hundred complete series from various countries, most of them from Central Africa, Czechoslovakia, Guinea Republic, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland between 1950 and 1998, in new condition and with some repetitions, all mounted in glass envelopes. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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786 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1950ca). Spectacular and very interesting dealer stock set with thousands of complete series from all over the world in new condition (some used), assembled in more than sixty-five "mammoth" type classifiers, most of them thematic series between the fifties and nineties, without It is undoubtedly an ideal set for sale on the internet, due to the good organization of the stock that will help reduce sales times. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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787 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1950ca). Interesting set of thousands of complete series from various countries in new condition (some used) between 1950 and 1990, mounted in glass envelopes with indication of the Yvert catalog numbering in many cases with repetitions of up to fifty units and includes some undented series. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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788 | Lots and Collections

★★(1950ca). Set of thousands of complete series, most of them new from various countries between 1950 and 1990, most of them themed and including some loose stamps or block sheets, many of the series have different themes. TO EXAMINE
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789 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1950ca). Interesting set of thousands of stamps and complete series from various countries in new condition, most themed between 1950 and 1990 and mounted in classifiers. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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790 | Lots and Collections

★★(1960ca). Spectacular set of thousands of complete series (most of them mini-sheets) and block sheets from various countries in new condition, most of them thematic and from Overseas between 1960 and 2004. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.
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791 | Lots and Collections

★★(1965ca). Interesting set of more than six hundred cards from various countries between 1965 and 2000, most of them from European countries and including Canada, Australia, the USA and Japan, in addition to numerous prestigious cards. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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792 | Lots and Collections

★★(1970ca). Interesting set of complete series, block sheets and mini sheets from various countries, new between 1970 and 2021 and largely thematic with some repetition. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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793 | Lots and Collections

(1970ca). Set of more than one hundred and thirty First Day Covers from various countries, most of them European and between 1970 and 2002. TO EXAMINE.
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794 | Lots and Collections

(1971ca). Interesting set of eleven letters from various countries, circulated between 1971 and 1973 with marks from Bathyscaphes and submarine bases, highlighting two from the Archimede bathyscaphe, of the French Navy. TO EXAMINE.
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795 | Lots and Collections

(1974ca). Set of more than sixty First Day Covers from various countries and commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the UPU TO EXAMINE.
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796 | Lots and Collections

★★(1980ca). Interesting set of hundreds (more than five hundred) cards, again from various countries between 1980 and 1998, some repeated and including numerous prestigious cards. TO EXAMINE.
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797 | Lots and Collections

★★(1990ca). Set of more than a thousand new complete series (some used), block sheets or mini sheets (most) from various countries such as Saint Thomas and Principe, Guyana and other French-speaking African countries, most of them repeated up to thirty or forty units of each. HIGHEST CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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798 | Lots and Collections

★★/(1964ca). Remnant of collection of the Astrophilately theme between 1964 and 1969, in new and used (mounted in Philos album). TO EXAMINE.
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799 | Lots and Collections

★★/★(1950ca). Interesting rest of the "Fauna and Flora" collection between 1950 and 1990, in new condition and including numerous series of medium value, as well as some varieties and block sheets. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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800 | Lots and Collections

★★(1940ca). Interesting set-collection of hundreds of complete series, block sheets and some loose stamps on the Flora theme between 1940 and 2000, in new condition and with some repeated series, most with an indication of the catalog number. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAMINE.
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